VOLCANO: Kagoshima IAVCEI Session 3-7 Pyroclastic density currents from source to sediment

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Kagoshima IAVCEI Session 3-7 Pyroclastic density currents from source to sediment
From: "BROWN R." <richard.brown3@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to draw your attention to the "Pyroclastic density currents from source to sediment” session of the 2013 IAVCEI General Assembly, to be held in Kagoshima, Japan, July 20-24. This session is sponsored by the IAVCEI Commission for Volcanogenic Sedimentation (http://vhub.org/groups/iavceicommissionvolcanogenicsedimentation).


Session 3-7 Pyroclastic density currents from source to sediment

Pyroclastic density currents are the most visceral and unpredictable threat to life during explosive volcanic eruptions. The phenomenon encompasses currents that span several orders of magnitude in size and duration, generated during a wide variety of eruption types and transporting a diverse pyroclastic bed load. Understanding of the physics of how they are generated and how they transport and deposit pyroclasts has advanced rapidly in the last decade through dedicated field, laboratory and numerical investigations, but much still remains poorly understood. With the advent of vastly improved computing power and focussed small- and large-scale laboratory investigations, the science has reached a point where, for example, experiments can reproduce some key features of natural deposits in the field and supply realistic data to parameterise numerical models. An improved synergy is developing whereby all three fields can better feed into each other in ways not seen before. This session seeks to capitalise on this and bring together scientists using different methods to attack the same problem: how do we understand and predict pyroclastic density currents? We seek new contributions from field geologists, experimentalists, and numerical modellers on: 1) how pyroclastic density currents are generated; 2) how they transport and deposit material; 3) how we might mitigate the hazards they pose; 4) how we can deduce the duration of sedimentation events during the lifetime of a pyroclastic density current and estimate the length of pauses in activity, and; 5) how to innovate methodological approaches to fuse together field, laboratory and numerical studies of this important topic. The aims are to continue the exciting dialogue that has been on-going in this field over the past few years, and to help funnel expertise into new, scientifically profitable avenues that will address key questions. 



Richard J Brown, University of Durham, UK (richard.brown3@xxxxxxxxxxxx)

Gert Lube, Massey University, New Zealand (G.lube@xxxxxxxxxxxx)

Domenico Doronzo, University at Buffalo, USA, (domenico-doronzo@xxxxxxxxx)


Abstracts are due January 31 2013, and can be submitted via http://www.iavcei2013.com/abstract_submission/abstract_submission.html

We look forward to seeing you there,


Richard J. Brown PhD

Lecturer in Earth Sciences and VMRC Co-ordinator

Department of Earth Sciences

Durham University

Science Labs

Durham DH1 3LE, UK

+44(0)191 3342303


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