VOLCANO: IAVCEI 2013 session 3-5. Volcanic Plume Dynamics

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IAVCEI 2013 session 3-5. Volcanic Plume Dynamics
From: Costanza Bonadonna <Costanza.Bonadonna@xxxxxxxx>

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to draw your attention to the "Volcanic Plume Dynamics" session
of the 2013 IAVCEI General Assembly, to be held in Kagoshima, Japan, July 20-24. The session is sponsored by the IAVCEI Commissions on Tephra Hazard Modelling and on Explosive Volcanism with the main goal to improve our understanding of ash plume dynamics through integration of geophysical studies, field observations, experiments and modelling.

3-5. Volcanic plume dynamics
Over the past decade, a proliferation of new technologies has pushed forward our ability to measure the dynamics of ash plumes as they exit, and ascend above, the vent. Current ground-based geophysical techniques are capable of measuring parameters such as exit-velocity, mass flux, energy and plume dimensions at tens and even hundreds of hertz. These technologies include infrasound, thermal and UV video, and Doppler radar. Satellite-based measurements continue to supplement these ground-based approaches, allowing plume tracking with temporal resolutions of up to 15 minutes; also include new multispectral technologies such as the SEVIRI scanner flown on the Meteosat Second Generation geostationary platform. This progress has been matched by advances in modeling, so that a range of plume ascent, dispersion and fall out models have now been developed, tested and applied. In addition, attempts to generate and track synthetic explosions generated under controlled conditions have become increasingly applied. The necessity to integrate these efforts has been spotlighted during several recent crises involving volcanic ash, the 2010 eruption of Eyjafjallajökull being the most obvious example. This session encourages submissions reporting studies in the fields of geophysics, physical volcanology, modeling and experimental approaches to parameterize and simulate plume dynamics through emission, dispersion and fall out. The overriding theme is to integrate efforts across the four disciplines, allowing improved approaches to understanding, simulating and projecting plume dynamics. The session intent is to (i) specify the type and quality of data that need to be collected in order to better execute available models (e.g. better definition of the source term), (ii) address the techniques available to acquire appropriate parameters at suitable temporal frequencies and distances from the vent to allow models to be executed, (iii) discuss various strategies of data assimilation, and (iv) to examine the integrated data set currently available for analysis and tracking of plume dynamics.

Abstracts are due January 31, and can be submitted via http://www.iavcei2013.com/abstract_submission/abstract_submission.html

Hope to see you there!

Andrew Harris (Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans, Université Blaise Pascal, France)
Costanza Bonadonna (Earth and Environmental Sciences Section, University of Geneva, Switzerland)
Maurizio Ripepe (Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, University of Firenze, Italy)
Mie Ichihara (Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Japan)
Raffaello Cioni (Department of Chemical and Geological Sciences, University of Cagliari, Italy)
Arnau Folch (Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain)



Prof. Costanza Bonadonna
Section des sciences de la Terre et de l'environnement
Université de Genève
13, rue des Maraîchers
CH-1205 Genève

email       Costanza.Bonadonna@xxxxxxxx
Phone       +41 22 379 3055; FAX   +41 22 379 3601 or +41 22 379 3210
CERG coord. +41 22 379 6602 (Dr. C. Frischknecht)




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