What's wrong with your volcano? IAVCEI 2013 SESSION 4.5
From: Micol Todesco <micol.todesco@xxxxxxxxxx>
Dear colleagues,
we would like to draw your attention on a IAVCEI 2013 session
that focuses on unclear aspects of volcanology, providing an open space
to discuss controversial data or unexpected modelling results. Get it
out of the drawer and let's see: what is wrong with your volcano?
IAVCEI 2013 will be held in Kagoshima, Japan, on 20-24 July 2013
Deadline for abstract submission and grant application is January 31
4-5. Open issues and missing links in volcanology and volcano physics
Micol Todesco* (micol.todesco@xxxxxxxxxx), Eleonora Rivalta, Lucia Zaccarelli, Laura Sandri, Francesca Bianco, Chiara P. Montagna
Volcanology and volcano physics are becoming highly specialized and data-rich fields. High-precision measurements of deformation, seismicity, degassing and other volcano-related geophysical observables offer now unprecedented pictures of phenomena internal to volcanoes; sophisticated models are capable of describing in great detail volcano dynamics. Sometimes however observations turn out to puzzle us even more, in particular when we try to integrate different types of datasets, and physical models often fail to account for the complex interactions among different processes. In this session, we seek to collect contributions on old and new unexplained issues, such as unexpected outcomes from field or laboratory studies, datasets not matching into a coherent model, controversial hypotheses, puzzling statistical correlations. We welcome a broad range of volcano-related investigations on geophysical signals which are hard to interpret in terms of dynamics of energy and mass transfer within and outside the volcanic edifice.
Micol Todesco* (micol.todesco@xxxxxxxxxx), Eleonora Rivalta, Lucia Zaccarelli, Laura Sandri, Francesca Bianco, Chiara P. Montagna
Volcanology and volcano physics are becoming highly specialized and data-rich fields. High-precision measurements of deformation, seismicity, degassing and other volcano-related geophysical observables offer now unprecedented pictures of phenomena internal to volcanoes; sophisticated models are capable of describing in great detail volcano dynamics. Sometimes however observations turn out to puzzle us even more, in particular when we try to integrate different types of datasets, and physical models often fail to account for the complex interactions among different processes. In this session, we seek to collect contributions on old and new unexplained issues, such as unexpected outcomes from field or laboratory studies, datasets not matching into a coherent model, controversial hypotheses, puzzling statistical correlations. We welcome a broad range of volcano-related investigations on geophysical signals which are hard to interpret in terms of dynamics of energy and mass transfer within and outside the volcanic edifice.
Happy New year and see you in Japan,
Micol Todesco
Elenora Rivalta
Lucia Zaccarelli
Laura Sandri
Francesca Bianco
Chiara P. Montagna
Micol Todesco
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia
Sezione di Bologna
via Donato Creti, 12
40128 - BOLOGNA (Italy)
tel. + 39 051 4151 468
fax +39 051 4151 499
e-mail: micol.todesco@xxxxxxxxxx
Volcano Listserv is a collaborative venture among Arizona State University (ASU), Portland State University (PSU), the Global Volcanism Program (GVP) of the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History, and the International Association for Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI).
ASU - http://www.asu.edu/ PSU - http://pdx.edu/ GVP - http://www.volcano.si.edu/ IAVCEI - http://www.iavcei.org/
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