EGU 2013 Session GMPV29 (How do magma chambers work? Recent advances in the petrology of plutons and volcanoes (co-sponsored by GMPV and AGU-VGP)
Dear all,
Happy New year and all the best for 2013!
Let me also remind you about deadline for abstract submission to our session at EGU:
How do magma chambers work? Recent advances in the petrology of plutons and volcanoes (co-sponsored by GMPV and AGU-VGP)
Convener: Rais Latypov
Co-Conveners: Christian Tegner , Marian Holness , Tom Andersen
This session will bring together
igneous petrologists with a wide range of interests to
evaluate the state-of-the-art in understanding how magma
chambers work. Key questions concern the processes
involved in crystallization and the drivers for magmatic
differentiation, and how these are affected by shape and
size of the chamber (dykes, sills or large plutons) and
magma composition (granitic, alkaline and
mafic-ultramafic). Contributions on all aspects of magma
chamber processes are invited, including: the relative
effects of in situ crystallization versus crystal
settling; the origin of layering; the role of thermal and
compositional convection; the effects of compaction and
post-cumulus melt migration within the cumulate pile; the
role of fluids; the formation of chilled margins and
compositional reversals along the intrusive contacts of
plutonic bodies; the thermal evolution of magma chambers;
interaction between resident and inflowing magma during
chamber replenishment events; the origin of different
compositional profiles in dykes and sills; and the effects
of silicate-silicate liquid immiscibility. We welcome
contributions from those working on field, textural,
mineralogical, geochemical, isotopic, experimental and
numerical studies of plutons and volcanoes to provide new
ideas on how magma chambers operate and develop.
Invited speakers: Prof. Alexey Ariskin, Russia; Prof. Allan Wilson, South Africa; Dr. Rosalind Helz, USA; Dr. Olivier Namur, UK;
Invited speakers: Prof. Alexey Ariskin, Russia; Prof. Allan Wilson, South Africa; Dr. Rosalind Helz, USA; Dr. Olivier Namur, UK;
Detailed can be found here:
Best regards,
Rais Latypov
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