New directive council of the Latin America Association of Volcanology (ALVO)
From: Jersy Marino Salazar <jmarino@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Dear colleagues,
We have pleasure in informing you the formation of the new directive council of
the Latin America Association of Volcanology (ALVO):
President: Jose Viramonte (UNSA-CONICET, Argentina).
Vice-President: Jose Luis Palma (SUNY at Buffalo, US-U. de Concepción, Chile).
General Secretary: Jersy Mariño (INGEMMET, Peru).
Diffusion Secretary: Gustavo Cordoba (University of Narino, Colombia).
Treasurer: Sofia Navarro (INGEOMINAS, Colombia).
North America Regional Director: Ramon Espinasa Pereña (CENAPRED, Mexico).
Central America and Caribbean Regional Director: Lizzette Rodriguez (University of Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico).
South America Regional Director North: Silvana Hidalgo (Geophysical Institute, Ecuador).
South America Regional Director South: Alberto Caselli (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina).
ALVO was created in November 2010 (Manizales, Colombia), with the
participation of volcanologists from México, Guatemala, El Salvador,
Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panamá, Colombia,
Ecuador, Perú, Argentina and Chile.
The main purposes of the ALVO are:
- Promote the study and monitoring of volcanoes in Latin America.
- Promote cooperation between scientific organizations and institutions working on volcanoes in our region.
- Promote activities related to teaching, dissemination and disclosure of volcanology and its applications.
Finally, we encourage you to join the ALVO making contact with Sofia Navarro (INGEOMINAS-Colombia), by email: sofianavarro@xxxxxxxxx
Jersy Mariño
General Secretary
Asiciación Latinoamericana de Volcanología (ALVO)
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