PhD opportunity in physical volcanology (lava erosion modeling) at Arizona State University
From: "David A. Williams" <David.Williams@xxxxxxx>
Apologies in advance for multiple postings
PhD opportunity in physical volcanology (lava erosion modeling) at Arizona State University
I have funding for one Ph.D. student starting in the Fall 2013 semester. This funding is for a research assistantship for at least 2 years, and possibly up to 4 years (either teaching assistantship or research assistanship), to develop new mathematical computer models to investigate erosion by flowing lava on the Moon, Mars, and Earth. I am seeking a student interested in developing model(s) to focus on modeling mechanical erosion by lava in various planetary environments, and/or the case of erosion by dense submarine ultramafic komatiitic basalt lava flows that burrow into and thermo-mechanically erode water-saturated submarine sea-floor sediments.
The Ph.D. student for this project must have a very specific skill set: The student must have or develop expertise in physical volcanology, applied mathematics (including calculus and numerical modeling), and computer programming (preferably in C or C++). Applicants should have a B.S. or M.S. degree in geology or a closely related field such as astrophysics, physics, or engineering. Previous experience would be helpful but is not essential.
The School of Earth and Space Exploration at Arizona State University is a bold initiative to combine science and engineering research and education to achieve a better understanding of the Earth, the Solar System, and beyond. At present, the School unites earth and planetary scientists with astronomers, and has strong collaborative ties with several other academic units at ASU, especially the Fulton Schools of Engineering. While maintaining core strengths and developing new transdisciplinary links among the sciences, we will broaden our scope to include engineering faculty with research interests in the development and deployment of scientific instrumentation on Earth and in space.
If you are interested in this project, I encourage you to apply to our graduate program. ASU Graduate School applications for the Fall 2013 semester are due on December 15, 2012. For more information, please go to:
Interested potential applicants are encouraged to meet with me at the Fall AGU meeting in San Francisco next week.
For further information, please contact Professor David Williams at: <David.Williams@xxxxxxx>
David A. Williams, Ph.D.
Associate Research Professor
Director, The Ronald Greeley Center for Planetary Studies
(The NASA Regional Planetary Image Facility at ASU)
Director, NASA Planetary Aeolian Laboratory
School of Earth and Space Exploration
Arizona State University
P.O. Box 871404
Bateman Physical Sciences F506B
Tempe, Arizona 85287-1404 USA
Phone: 480-965-7029 FAX: 480-965-8960
Email: David.Williams@xxxxxxx
From: "David A. Williams" <David.Williams@xxxxxxx>
Apologies in advance for multiple postings
PhD opportunity in physical volcanology (lava erosion modeling) at Arizona State University
I have funding for one Ph.D. student starting in the Fall 2013 semester. This funding is for a research assistantship for at least 2 years, and possibly up to 4 years (either teaching assistantship or research assistanship), to develop new mathematical computer models to investigate erosion by flowing lava on the Moon, Mars, and Earth. I am seeking a student interested in developing model(s) to focus on modeling mechanical erosion by lava in various planetary environments, and/or the case of erosion by dense submarine ultramafic komatiitic basalt lava flows that burrow into and thermo-mechanically erode water-saturated submarine sea-floor sediments.
The Ph.D. student for this project must have a very specific skill set: The student must have or develop expertise in physical volcanology, applied mathematics (including calculus and numerical modeling), and computer programming (preferably in C or C++). Applicants should have a B.S. or M.S. degree in geology or a closely related field such as astrophysics, physics, or engineering. Previous experience would be helpful but is not essential.
The School of Earth and Space Exploration at Arizona State University is a bold initiative to combine science and engineering research and education to achieve a better understanding of the Earth, the Solar System, and beyond. At present, the School unites earth and planetary scientists with astronomers, and has strong collaborative ties with several other academic units at ASU, especially the Fulton Schools of Engineering. While maintaining core strengths and developing new transdisciplinary links among the sciences, we will broaden our scope to include engineering faculty with research interests in the development and deployment of scientific instrumentation on Earth and in space.
If you are interested in this project, I encourage you to apply to our graduate program. ASU Graduate School applications for the Fall 2013 semester are due on December 15, 2012. For more information, please go to:
Interested potential applicants are encouraged to meet with me at the Fall AGU meeting in San Francisco next week.
For further information, please contact Professor David Williams at: <David.Williams@xxxxxxx>
David A. Williams, Ph.D.
Associate Research Professor
Director, The Ronald Greeley Center for Planetary Studies
(The NASA Regional Planetary Image Facility at ASU)
Director, NASA Planetary Aeolian Laboratory
School of Earth and Space Exploration
Arizona State University
P.O. Box 871404
Bateman Physical Sciences F506B
Tempe, Arizona 85287-1404 USA
Phone: 480-965-7029 FAX: 480-965-8960
Email: David.Williams@xxxxxxx
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