IAVCEI 2013 session 3.3a - "Calderas: Context, formation, evolution, structure, unrest, products, hazard, resources"
From: Adelina Geyer Traver <ageyertraver@xxxxxxxxx>
Dear Colleague,
We would like to encourage you to contribute with a presentation to the session on "Calderas: Context, formation, evolution, structure, unrest, products, hazard, resources" (3.3a) at the IAVCEI 2013 Scientific Assembly , 20-24 July 2013 (http://www.iavcei2013.com/) .
We would like to encourage you to contribute with a presentation to the session on "Calderas: Context, formation, evolution, structure, unrest, products, hazard, resources" (3.3a) at the IAVCEI 2013 Scientific Assembly , 20-24 July 2013 (http://www.iavcei2013.com/) .
Deadline for receipt of abstracts is 31 January 2013.
The conveners are Adelina Geyer (CSIC, Spain), Valerio Acocella (Roma Tre University, Italy) and Nobuo Geshi (Geological Survey of Japan, Japan)
A description of the session is provided below.
Please pass this information on to colleagues and students working in this field.
We apologize for any multiple posting and look forward to meet you in Kagoshima.
Thank you.
Kind regards,
Adelina Geyer
Valerio Acocella
Nobuo Geshi
Context, formation, evolution, structure, unrest, products, hazard, resources
Calderas are the most distinctive and dramatic collapse
feature of volcanoes. This session aims at providing the state of the
art on the main processes accompanying the development of calderas,
including their regional tectonic and magmatic context, the conditions
for their formation and evolution, their structure and effect on
eruptive activity, the role of magma and/or hydrothermal systems on the
frequently observed unrest episodes, the impact of unrest and eruptions
on hazard and the role of calderas as source for geothermal and ore
Ultimate questions, which we will address, include the
following. Which are the conditions leading to caldera unrest? How does
unrest evolve into an eruption? How caldera formation and structure may
affect volcanic activity? Is there any common behaviour or feature in
the development and structure of calderas?
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