Post-doctoral/Research position at the Earth Observatory
From: Florence Ng <florence@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Post-doctoral positions are available (1 year, renewable to two years depending on performance) to study dynamics of magmatic processes in SE Asian volcanoes using a multidisciplinary approach.
The project is part of a larger effort within the Earth Observatory of Singapore ( and pursues to better integrate basic knowledge of magmatic processes with volcanic observatories-based monitoring data. We are looking for candidates specialized in (at least) one of the following fields:
In situ geochemical analyses of volcanic glasses and minerals (using electron microprobe, FTRI, Raman, SIMS)
Analyzing long time series (seismicity, deformation, degasing…)
Join inversion of geophysical data
Highly motivated candidates with a PhD in volcanology (or relevant field) and keen on experiencing SE Asia are especially welcomed. For further details, please contact Dr. Fidel Costa and Dr. Benoit Taisne through the EOS Human Resources’ mailbox ( Possibility of interview during AGU!
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