VOLCANO: Re: VOLCANO: Scientists condemned for l'Aquilla deaths

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Re: VOLCANO: Scientists condemned for l'Aquilla deaths
From: Janet Tanaka <jmtanaka@xxxxxxxxx>

Dear All, Does the name Mt. St. Helens ring a bell?  These situtations are going to be more common as our ability to predict, or even  generally forecast, dangerous geological activiies. We're "damned if we do and sued if we don't."

We need some more multidisciplinary conferences and advanced degrees. The situation vis a vis prediction/forecasting/awarness/ accuracy, etc. etc. Sounds like a job for geological and social   scientists, planners and engineers, etc. That was the central function of my work as a consultant involved in geohazard management planning.  Time to start talking to each other or we'll see more of the above confusion that results when geo-and behavioral scientists are closedminded about speaking each other's language. The problems of disaster prep. planning need us all--and lawyers, and psychologists and economists, and others concerned. But a big problem is that we don't speak to each other enough. It's not so different from the questions of climate change and global warming.

Unless we work together with educational institutions, legal institutions, and--even more important---The Media--there will continue to be these kinds of problems and more nice folks will die.  

                                 Janet M. Cullen Tanaka
                                 Geohazards Planner, ret.


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