VOLCANO: Invitation to contribute to a GSL Special Publication on "Volatiles and their role in petrogenetic and eruptive processes at subduction zones"

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Invitation to contribute to a GSL Special Publication on "Volatiles and their role in petrogenetic and eruptive processes at subduction zones"
From: Georg Zellmer <gzellmer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Dear colleagues -

Apologies for duplicate postings.

We have been approached by a number of publishers to edit a book on the theme of "Volatiles and their role in petrogenetic and eruptive processes at subduction zones", based in part on the last Goldschmidt session on this topic.

At this junction, we send out this email in order to gauge your interest in making a contribution to such a book, to be published by the Geological Society of London in their Special Publication series.

We have chosen the GSL as a publisher because in their Special Publications series, accepted papers can be published online before the book is complete, so that to become available, early submissions do not have to wait for the slowest contributing authors. Further, these volumes are now included in the ISI Web of Science, which soon will reference GSL SPs from 2008 onward. Scopus already does reference GSL SPs. Three (3) free colour figures are allowed in the print version for each paper, and any number of figures can be in colour for free in the online version. Submission is done online, and GSL allows for electronic appendices.

For an idea about the format of GSL SPs, you may check the following volume as an example: http://sp.lyellcollection.org/content/vol304/issue1/

If you are interested, we would ask you to provide us with preliminary paper titles and a 3 sentence summary of the topic to be addressed at your earliest convenience, but not later than October 15th, 2012. Based on this response, we will write a book proposal to the GSL, upon which the final selection of the contributed paper titles will take place.

A target date for potential paper submission would be in mid 2013, for publication of your contributions in late 2013 or early 2014.

Best wishes,

Georg Zellmer,    Academia Sinica, Taipei, gzellmer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Marie Edmonds, University of Cambridge, UK
Susanne Straub,    Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, USA

Dr. Georg F. Zellmer
Associate Research Fellow
Institute of Earth Sciences
Academia Sinica
128 Academia Road, Sec. 2
Taipei 11529
Taiwan, ROC

Phone: +886-2-2783-9910 ext. 602
Fax:   +886-2-2783-9871
Web:   www.earth.sinica.edu.tw/~gzellmer


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