Student seeking Work Placement Opportunity
From: Martin Harrild martinharrild@xxxxxxxxxxx
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to you to enquire about the possibility of securing a 40 week work placement within your establishment.
I am currently in my 2nd year of studying BSc ‘Geography and Natural Hazards’ at Coventry University in England, which is a 4 year Sandwich course. Upon entering my 3rd year of study, I am able to gain valuable experience in the field that I wish to pursue, upon completion of my degree, by partaking in a work placement. Also, I have various qualifications in several Natural Hazard related fields which include; A-Level B Grade in Geology, Geography and Mathematics and AS-Level B Grade in Physics
I am willing to volunteer for the position available, whereas many other applicants are not, as the experience is what I am trying to gain, rather than the money
Therefore, I would be pleased to know if this would be a possibility, as the type of work carried out by your institution, is of great interest me. If not, are you able to provide me with further information about who to contact regarding this type of request.
If you require any more details about myself or the placement, please feel free to contact me via the information below.
Email: martinharrild@xxxxxxxxxxx
Postal Address: Room C, Flat 240, Block C, Raglan House, Raglan Street, Coventry, England. CV1 5QF
Phone Number: 0044 (0)7854 311712
Thank you for taking the time to read my email and look forward to your response.
Martin Harrild
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