Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network Volume 32, Number 4, April 2007

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Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network
Volume 32, Number 4, April 2007

Sakura-jima (Japan) Eruption from E-slope Showa crater on 4 June 2007
Bulusan (Philippines) Continued explosive eruptions and ashfall during October
2006 through May 2007
Manam (Papua New Guinea) Mild eruptive activity between August 2006 and May
Sulu Range (Papua New Guinea) Non-eruptive, but geysers and indications of a
shallow dike intrusion
Bagana (Papua New Guinea) Almost daily thermal anomalies over past year; plumes
and glow
Raoul Island (Kermadec Islands) Update on March 2006 eruption; new submarine
volcanoes discovered
Home Reef (Tonga) Island almost gone in mid-February; pumice reaches Australia
Tungurahua (Ecuador) Post-eruptive quiet spurs return of residents, but 
increases again in 2007
Santa Ana (El Salvador) Lahars follow October 2005 eruptions; steam emissions
Popocatepetl (Mexico) Minor explosions and lava dome growth
Soufriere Hills (Montserrat) Seismic activity continues at a reduced level
through 1 June
Stromboli (Italy) Flank eruption begins on 27 February 2007

Editors: Rick Wunderman, Edward Venzke, and Sally Kuhn Sennert
Volunteer Staff: Robert Andrews, Hugh Replogle, Paul Berger, Kelly Kryc,
Veronica Bemis, Michael Young, Jerome Hudis, Jacquelyn Gluck, Jerome Bucceri,
Margo Morell, Stephen Bentley, Antonia Bookbinder, and Jeremy Bookbinder

Kyushu, Japan
31.585°N, 130.657°E; summit elev. 1,117 m
All times are local (= UTC + 9 hours)

According to the Sakurajima Volcano Research Center (SVRC) at Kyoto University,
an eruption started on 4 June 2006 at the Showa crater, a spot that differs 
vents active in recent decades at the summit of Minami-dake ("south
mountain"; BGVN 31:06 and many previous reports). The Showa crater resides
on the E slope of Minami-dake at an elevation of ~ 800 m (figures 1, 2, and 3).
Showa crater was formed in a 1946 eruption; the 1946 vent was the source of 
flows that spread E and then branched to travel S and ENE (figure 3).

Figure 1. Map images showing Sakura-jima stratovolcano and environs on Japan's
Kyushu island (~ 1,000 km S of Tokyo). (left) Image from Google Earth showing
the S end of Kyushu Island. Population centers are labeled. Sakura-jima forms
the dominant topographic feature in Kagoshima Bay. The Osumi Peninsula is to 
E; the Satsuma Peninsula to the W. (right) Image from Google Earth showing
terrain features looking NW towards the upper portions of Kagoshima Bay.
Courtesy of Google Earth.

Figure 2. A sketch map focused on the geologic context of Sakura-jima, the Aira
caldera, and adjacent calderas. The Kagoshima graben forms the Bay of the same
name. The graben also lies coincident with several caldera margins. Sakura-jima
resides at the S portion of Aira caldera. Modified slightly from Okuno and
others (1998).

Figure 3. A geological map of Sakura-jima shown with several key features and
eruptive dates labeled. Topographic highs from N to S include Kita-dake (K),
Nika-dake (N), and Minami-dake (M). Craters at the summit of Minami-dake have
been the active in past decades, but the eruption that started on 4 June
eruption vented at Showa crater (S). An E flank lava flow (the Taisho Lava of
1914-1915) joined what had been an island's SE side to the shore (arrow at 
right labeled "j" aims at the zone of contact). Fringing the roughly
circular former island are several areas of submarine volcanic and intrusive
deposits (labeled here with the abbreviation "subm."). For example,
the large area budding NE from the island consists of submarine and intrusive
rocks of 1779-1780. Many of the Holocene eruptive deposits are dacites and
andesites. They commonly bear pyroxene (and also sometimes, olivine). Besides
lava flows, deposits include welded air-fall and pyroclastic-flow deposits (in
some cases showing rheomorphosed textures indicative of movement downslope 
forming a welded mass). From the Geologic Survey of Japan, AIST website (after
Fukuyama and Ono, 1981 and Kobayashi, 1988).

Unfortunately, at press time many details still remained unavailable to 
editors regarding the duration and character of the return of venting at Showa
crater. It is also unclear to what extent the Minami-dake summit craters
continued to participate in the emissions. 

The 4 June 2006 eruption continued intermittently, including an evening 
on 7 June which sent an ash column ~ 1 km above the crater. Figure 4 shows one
such eruption on 6 June.

Figure 4. A photograph of Sakura-jima erupting at 1231 on 6 June 2006 from 
crater. Courtesy of SVRC, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto

A series of plots describe the short- and long-term seismicity and volume of
magma supplied at Sakura-jima (figures 5 and 6). The number of shallow
earthquakes had increased since the middle of March 2006 (figures 4 and 5), and
small volcanic tremors with a duration shorter than 2 minutes had increased
since the middle of May 2006. GPS data showed continued inflation in the N part
of the Aira caldera, an observation attributed to incoming magma. Kazuhiro
Ishihara, director of SVRC, commented that the present eruption was considered
to be related to magma accumulating in the Aira caldera and searching for an

Figure 5. A multi-year (1995 to mid-2006) view of Sakura-jima's activity: (top)
monthly A-type earthquakes, (middle) monthly number of explosions (determined
geophysically, exact method undisclosed), and (bottom) the cumulative volume of
magma supplied. Courtesy of SVRC, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto

Figure 6. Plot of the daily number of volcanic earthquakes at Sakura-jima for
the period 1 January-7 June 2006. Courtesy of SVRC, Disaster Prevention 
Institute, Kyoto University.

Table 1 presents a chronology of ash-plume observations made since the previous
Bulletin report (BGVN 31:06). The table is based primarily on reports from 
Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) and covers the interval 7 June 2006 to 20
March 2007. Most of the plumes described did not exceed 3 km altitude. The
tallest plume recorded on the table, an ash plume on 20 March 2007, rose to 3.7
km altitude.

Table 1. Heights and drift of plumes and their character at Sakurajima from 
2006-March 2007. Some of the data during mid-June 2006 were previously 
but new information has emerged. Courtesy of SVRC and Tokyo Volcanic Ash
Advisory Center.

    Date(s)                   Plume altitude        Other observations

    07-12 Jun 2006            3.4 km                --
    10 Jun 2006               --                    SVRC reported increase in
                                                      earthquakes since
mid-March and in small
                                                      tremors with a less than
2-minute duration
                                                      since mid-May 2006;
thermal anomaly at the
                                                      volcano grew in size 
February 2006.
    14, 16, 19 Jun 2006       2.1 km                --
    02 Aug 2006               2.4 km/SW             explosion 
    09 Aug 2006               2.4 km/straight up    eruption 
    22, 23, and 26 Aug 2006   2.4 km/SW             eruptions
    03-04 Sep 2006            2.7 km/NW and N       eruptions
    06 Sep 2006               --                    explosion generated 
    19 Sep 2006               3 km/straight up      eruption
    20, 21 Sep 2006           2.4 km                eruptions
    07, 08, and 10 Oct 2006   1.8-2.4 km/W,         eruptions
                                S, and SW
    21 Oct 2006               3.4 km/straight up    explosions
    25 and 27 Oct 2006        2.1-2.4 km/SW         ash plumes
                                and NE
    04-05 Nov 2006            2.1-2.4 km/NE,        eruptions
                                SE, E
    22 Nov 2006               2.1 km/W              explosions
    26 Nov 2006               --                    eruption
    12 Dec 2006               2.1 km/NE             eruption
    13 Dec 2006               --                    explosion
    02 Jan 2007               3.4 km/SW             eruption
    10 Feb 2007               --                    explosion
    13 Feb 2007               2.1 km                explosion
    15 Feb 2007               1.5 km                ash plume
    20 Mar 2007               3.7 km                ash plume

Volcanic hazards research. Lee and others (2005) reported the successful remote
measurement of significant amounts of ClO (as well as BrO and SO2) in a 
plume from Sakura-jima during May 2004. Near the volcano they also observed
halogen-catalyzed, local surface ozone depletion. The investigators employed
ground-based, multi-axis, differential optical absorption spectroscopy. Their
results help document the presence of a wide range of chemical species that 
potential health implications for populations living nearby.

The center of Kagoshima City (population ~ 550,000) sits ~ 10 km from
Minami-dake's summit and ~ 4 km from Sakura-jima's E shore (just off figure 2,
but along the trend of the arrow labeled KC). According to Durand and others
(2001), "Since 1955 the city has been subjected to ashfall from
Sakura-jima. Until 1990 ashfalls occurred up to twice per week, although this
has decreased in frequency in recent years."

Durand and others (2001) comment that "[Kagoshima City] presents a good
opportunity to study the impacts of volcanic ash on key services, or
'lifelines.' In addition, the city provides a chance to see how lifelines have
been adapted to counter any problems presented by ashfalls." They also
noted that, "The advice from Kagoshima would seem to be that during an
ashfall event, people should bring in the washing and shut the doors and
windows. People who have to go out and work in ashfall should wear goggles and 
face mask. In Kagoshima, umbrellas are the only form of protection for many
people going to work during ashfall events."

References: Durand, M.; Gordon, K .; Johnston, D. ; Lorden, R. ; Poirot ,T. ;
Scott, J. ; and Shephard, B.; 2001; Impacts of, and responses to ashfall in
Kagoshima from Sakurajima Volcano-lessons for New Zealand. Science report
2001/30, Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences; Lower Hutt, New
Zealand, November 2001 53p. (ISSN 1171-9184, ISBN 0-478-09748-4).

Fukuyama, H. and Ono, K., 1981, Geological Map of Sakura-jima, scale 1:25,000

Kobayashi, Tetsuo, 1988, Geological Map of Sakurajima Volcano, A Guidebook for
Sakura-jima Volcano, in Kagoshima International Conference on Volcanoes, 1988

Lee, C., Kim, Y. J., Tanimoto, H., Bobrowski, N., Platt, U., Mori, T., 
K., and Hong, C. S., 2005, High ClO and ozone depletion observed in the plume 
Sakurajima volcano, Japan, Geophysical Research Letters, v. 32, L21809,

Okuno, Mitsuru; Nakamura, Toshio, and Kobayashi, Tetsuo, 1998, AMS ^14C dating
of historic eruptions of the Kirishima, Sakura-jima and Kaimon-dake volcanoes,
Southern Kyushu, Japan. Proceedings of the 16th International ^14C Conference,
edited by W. G. Mook and van der Plicht, RADIOCARBON, Vol. 40, No. 2, 1998, P.

Geologic Summary. Sakura-jima, one of Japan's most active volcanoes, is a
post-caldera cone of the Aira caldera at the northern half of Kagoshima Bay.
Eruption of the voluminous Ito pyroclastic flow accompanied formation of the 17
x 23 km wide Aira caldera about 22,000 years ago. The smaller Wakamiko caldera
was formed during the early Holocene in the NE corner of the Aira caldera, 
with several post-caldera cones. The construction of Sakura-jima began about
13,000 years ago on the southern rim of Aira caldera and built an island that
was finally joined to the Osumi Peninsula during the major explosive and
effusive eruption of 1914. Activity at the Kita-dake summit cone ended about
4,850 years ago, after which eruptions took place at Minami-dake. Frequent
historical eruptions, recorded since the 8th century, have deposited ash on
Kagoshima, one of Kyushu's largest cities, located across Kagoshima Bay only 8
km from the summit. The largest historical eruption took place during 1471-76.

Information Contacts: Sakura-jima Volcano Research Center, Disaster Prevention
Research Institute (DPRI), Kyoto University, Gokasho, Uji, Kyoto 611-0011, 
(URL: http://www.dpri.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~kazan/default_e.html); Tokyo
Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC), Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) (URL: 

Luzon, Philippines
12.770°N, 124.05°E; summit elev. 1,565 m

Activity declined at Bulusan in late June 2006 after a series of 10 explosions
that began on 19 March 2006 (BGVN 31:09). Between 30 August and 1 September
steam plumes reached up to 350 m above the summit; the plumes drifted NW and 
This report summarizes Bulusan's activity from 10 October 2006 through 12 May
2007 (table 2). Hazard maps created by the Philippine Institute of Volcanology
and Seismology (PHIVOLCS) illustrate the risks to the large numbers of
cummunities in the vicinity of the volcano (figure 7). Review of the available
MODIS data indicates no thermal alerts during the year prior to 31 May 2007.

Table 2. An overview of Bulusan's activity, as noted by PHIVOLCS during 10
October 2006 through 12 May 2007. Courtesy of PHIVOLCS.

    Date              Column     Drift           Areas affected by ashfall or
                      altitude   direction(s)


    10 Oct 2006       3 km       SSW and SE      Irosin: San Benon, Sto.
Domingo, and Patag,
                                                   Bulusan: Bulusan Proper, San
Roque, San
                                                   Rafael, San Francisco, and
        Accompanied by rumbling sound.

    19 Oct 2006       --         --              Irosin: Monbon, Gulang-Gulang,
Cogon (traces
                                                   of ash); Tinampo (0.5 mm
thick ash).
        Not observed, but recorded as explosion-type earthquake lasting for 2

    23 Oct 2006       1 km       SE and SW       Irosin: Monbon and Tinampo 
mm thick ash);
                                                   Gulang-Gulang, and Tinampo
        Accompanied by rumbling sounds.

    25-26 Oct 2006    --         --              Irosin: Cogon (sediments 15 cm
thick); Lahar
                                                   (channel-confined muddy
stream flow).

    30 Oct 2006       ~1 km      N and NW        Light ashfalls (trace to 1.0
mm): Casiguran:
                                                   Inlagadian, San Juan, Casay,
and Escuala;
                                                   Gubat-Bentuco, Tugawe,
Benguet, Rizal,
                                                   Buenavista, Ariman, Tabi,
Bulacao, Naagtan,
                                                   Panganiban, Carriedo, and
Gubat proper.
        Series of three explosion explosion-type earthquakes lasting 35 
accompanied by
        rumbling sounds.

    31 Oct 2006       0.7 km     N and NE        Casiguran: Inlagadian.
        Small tremor that lasted for ~ 8 minutes.

    31 Oct 2006       --         --              Irosin: Patag and Mapaso.
        Not observed due to thick cloud cover; recorded as explosion type

    21-28 Nov 2006    --         --              --
        Seismic swarm - total of 170 events in three days; majority of
epicenters more than 2 km
        away from the summit; 16-87 earthquakes daily.

    20 Dec 2006       --         --              Irosin: ashfall at Monbon (1.5
mm), Buenavista
                                                  (1.5 mm), Salvacion (2.5 mm),
Casini (4.0 mm),
                                                  Patag (trace), Santo (Sto.)
Dmingo (trace),
                                                  Tulay (3.0 mm), Poblacion 
mm), and
                                                  Bulan-Trece and Gate (trace).
        Explosion-type earthquake for 20 minutes, accompanied by rumbling sound
and lightning

    24 Jan 2007       --         --              Traces of ash in Irosin: 
Monbon, San
                                                   Benon, Gulang-Gulang
(including Sito Omagom)
                                                   and Tinampo.
        Explosion-type earthquake for 10 minutes.

    26 Jan 2007       1.0 km     SW              Irosin: Barangay Monbon.
        Explosion-type earthquake lasting for 10 minutes.

    Feb-Mar 2007      --         --              Areas SW of the volcano.
        Dirty white moderate to voluminous steam emission, no seismic record of
ash explosion.

    07 Apr 2007       --         --              --
        Increase in number of volcanic earthquakes; total of 68 events for two

    08 Apr 2007       4.0        SW              Irosin: Mombon, Tinampo, 
                                                   (including Sitio Omagom),
Bolos, and
                                                   Sangkayon; Juban: Bura-buran
and Bacolod;
                                                   Magallanes: Siuton; Bulan:
Cadandanan, Busay,
                                                   Palale, San Francisco, and
        Explosion-type earthquake for 27 minutes.

    09 Apr 2007       --         --              --
        Not seen, but recorded as explosion-type earthquake lasting for 20
minutes, accompanied
        by rumbling sounds.

    09 Apr 2007       --         --              --
        Not observed, but recorded as explosion-type earthquake for 20 minutes.

    17 Apr 2007       --         --              --
        Increase in number of volcanic earthquakes; total of 35 events for 24

    12 May 2007       4.0        WSW, WNW        Trace to 2 mm of ashfall.
Irosin: Cogon,
                                                   Gulang-Gulang, Tinampo, 
of Irosin.
                                                   Juban: Bura-buran, 
Bacolod, Puting
                                                   Sapa, Aniog, and Sitio
Cawayan (Bgy. Guruyan).
        Event accompanied by rumbling sounds; recorded as explosion-type
earthquake lasting for
        35 minutes; elevated numbers of volcanic earthquakes.

Figure 7. Hazards maps for Bulusan showing susceptibility to pyroclastic flows
and surges (left), and lava flows and lahars (right). Courtesy of PHIVOLCS.

PHIVOLCS reported an explosion from Bulusan on 10 October that produced an
ash-and-steam plume that rose to 4.5 km altitude and drifted mainly SE and SSW.
Light ashfall (1.5-5.0 mm thick) was reported in neighboring towns downwind.
Based on seismic data, the activity lasted for 9 minutes. On 11 and 12 October,
steam plumes drifted SW and SSW. Another explosion occurred on 19 October. The
following day, steam plumes drifted W and WSW. On 23 October, an explosion
produced a brownish ash plume that rose to about 2.6 km and drifted SE and SW.
Light ashfall (trace to 0.5 mm thick) from the 19 and 23 Cctober explosions was
reported from neighborhoods in the municipality of Irosin, about 7 km S of the

During 25-26 October, PHIVOLCS reported a lahar that deposited sediments 15 cm
thick along a tributary leading to the Gulang-gulang River. According to news
articles, the lahar mobilized boulders as large as trucks and caused at least 
people to evacuate. During 30-31 October, ash explosions generated a light gray
ash-and-steam plume that rose to 2.3 km and drifted NNE. Later field inspection
revealed ashfall (trace to 1 mm) N of the volcano, as well as in the
municipalities of Casiguran and Gubat, about 12 km SSE and 18 km NNE,
respectively, from the summit. Two explosion-type earthquakes recorded late on
31 October were followed by ashfall in Casiguran, Malapatan, and Irosin.

News articles and wire services reported that Bulusan emitted ash accompanied 
rumbling noises and lightning flashes on 20 December. Clouds hindered a view of
the summit. Ash deposits up to 4 mm thick were noted in several villages in the
foothills. A news report in News Balita noted a plume of gas and "white
ash" on 22 December.

In January 2007, PHIVOLCS reported that an explosion from the summit on 24
January lasted about 10 minutes, based on seismic interpretation. Observation
was inhibited due to cloud cover. Ashfall was reported SW of the volcano.

On 15 March, news media reported that ash fell on Bulusan's SW slopes and 
villages. A resident volcanologist stated that ashfall was caused by voluminous
steaming during 12-15 March, not explosions. Other news articles stated that
eruptions on 8 April produced ash plumes that rose to altitudes of 3.1-6.6 km.

PHIVOLCS reported another ash explosion on 12 May 2007 with an eruption column
reaching a maximum height of 4 km above the summit before drifting to the WSW
and WNW. The activity was accompanied by rumbling sounds and was recorded by 
seismic network as an explosion type earthquake that lasted for about 35
minutes. Prior to the explosion, during 9-12 May, an increase in the daily
number of volcanic earthquakes was noticed, with 42, 65 and 97 events recorded.

Geologic Summary. Luzon's southernmost volcano, Bulusan, was constructed along
the rim of the 11-km-diameter dacitic-to-rhyolitic Irosin caldera, which was
formed about 35,000-40,000 years ago. Bulusan lies at the SE end of the Bicol
volcanic arc occupying the peninsula of the same name that forms the elongated
SE tip of Luzon. A broad, flat moat is located below the topographically
prominent SW rim of Irosin caldera; the NE rim is buried by the andesitic
Bulusan complex. Bulusan is flanked by several other large intracaldera lava
domes and cones, including the prominent Mount Jormajan lava dome on the SW
flank and Sharp Peak to the NE. The summit of 1,565-m-high Bulusan volcano is
unvegetated and contains a 300-m-wide, 50-m-deep crater. Three small craters 
located on the SE flank. Many moderate explosive eruptions have been recorded 
Bulusan since the mid-19th century.

Information Contacts: Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology
(PHIVOLCS), University of the Philippines Campus, Diliman, Quezon City,
Philippines (URL: http://www.phivolcs.dost.gov.ph); Tokyo Volcanic Ash
Advisory Center, Tokyo, Japan (URL: http://www.jma.go.jp/jma/jma-eng/jma-
Inquirer.net, Philippines (URL: http://www.inquirer.net/); Associated Press 
(http://www.ap.org/); News Balita,
Philippines (http://news.balita.ph/).

NE of New Guinea, Papua New Guinea
4.080°S, 145.037°E; summit elev. 1,807 m

Eruptive activity at Manam has generally been low following a significant
explosion in late February 2006 (BGVN 31:02). Between March and July 2006 the
Rabaul Volcano Observatory (RVO) reported intermittent, milder, ash explosions
(BGVN 31:06). Similar variable activity has continued into early May 2007, with
plumes frequently identified on satellite imagery by the Darwin Volcanic Ash
Advisory Centre (VAAC).

RVO received a report that four people were swept away by a mudflow in the 
hours of 13 March following heavy rainfall on the northern part of the island. 
5th person was reportedly critically wounded and in a hospital.

Activity during August-December 2006. On 4 and 5 August, an ash plume was
visible on satellite imagery extending 30 km NW. Ash plumes were emitted again
during 14-15August. Over the next couple of days, the emissions became more
diffuse and weak incandescence was observed at night. Based on pilot reports 
satellite imagery, continuous emissions during 17-21 August eached altitudes of
3.7 km and drifted NW. Eruptive activity from Main Crater during 22-23 August
consisted mainly of dark brown-to-gray ash plumes that rose 1-2 km above the
summit and drifted W and NW. The Darwin VAAC reported that eruption plumes were
visible on satellite imagery on 23 and 26 August, extending NW. Southern Crater
continued to release only diffuse white vapor.

>From the end of August to 5 September 2006, the Darwin VAAC reported that
ash-and-steam plumes reached altitudes of 4.6 km and drifted W. Steam plumes
with possible ash were visible on imagery below 3 km and drifted NE. RVO
reported mild eruptive activity during 15-17 October that consisted of steam 
ash plumes. White vapor plumes were visible from Southern Crater and
intermittently from Main Crater. Main Crater produced gray ash plumes on 19
October. Weak incandescence was seen during 15-17 and 29 October.

During 1-13 November, white vapor plumes rose from Southern and Main craters.
Incandescence was noted from both craters during 8-10 November and from Main
Crater on 12 November. On 13 November a diffuse plume seen on satellite imagery
drifted W. Steady incandescence was again observed from Main Crater during 8-10
December and bluish white vapor emissions during 6-9 December changed to a
darker gray on 10 December. Weak glow continued from Main Crater during 14-18
December and a white vapor plume rose just above 2 km altitude. Based on
satellite imagery, diffuse plumes drifted mainly W during 13-15 December. The
daily number of volcanic earthquakes fluctuated between 700 and 1,000.

Activity during January-May 2007. RVO reported that mild eruptive activity and
emissions of white vapor plumes from Main Crater were observed during 1-14
January. Brown-to-gray ash plumes accompanied emissions on 6 and 9-11 January;
and nighttime incandescence was observed intermittently. White vapor clouds 
occasionally released from Southern Crater. Seismic activity was at low to
moderate levels; the daily number of low-frequency earthquakes fluctuated
between 500 and 1,000.

Satellite imagery showed diffuse plumes drifting WSW on 15 February. Southern
Crater emitted gray ash plumes during 15-19 February and white vapor plumes on
21 February. Continuous gray ash plumes from Main Crater rose to an altitude of
2.3 km and drifted SE during 19-21 February. The daily number of low-frequency
earthquakes fluctuated between 400 and 500 during 22-24 February before the
seismograph developed technical problems.

Mild eruptive activity continued during 22 February-10 March. Main Crater
forcefully released variable gray ash clouds on 22 February that rose less than
1 km above the summit before being blown SE. Incandescence was also visible 
day. Poor weather prevented observations for the remainder of the month. When
the clouds cleared on 3 March, Main Crater was seen sending ash clouds less 
500 m high. Glow was visible during 2-5 and 9-10 March. Southern Crater 
occasional diffuse gray ash clouds on 3-4 and 6 March, but only white vapor on 
and 7-11 March.

Main Crater continued to release occasional low-level ash clouds through 6
April. Incandescence was visible during clear weather on the nights of 11-12 
16-18 March. Southern Crater released diffuse white vapor on 11-12 and 15 
however, diffuse ash clouds were reported on 16-20 March. Weak roaring noises
were heard on 24 March, and on 7, 12, and 26 April. Low-level plumes were seen
during 25-26 April, and a small plume was blowing W on 28 April. Weak
incandescence was again visible from Main Crater on 2 and 4 May. Diffuse plumes
were seen in satellite imagery on 6 and 23 May. Seismic activity was at a low
level, with the daily number of volcanic earthquakes between 800 and 1,000

Thermal satellite data. Thermal anomalies were not detected by Moderate
Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometers (MODIS) for 9 months after events related
to the 27-28 February 2006 explosion. Anomalies reappeared in December, with 
pixels detected on 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, and 14 December 2006. Another anomaly was
recorded on 19 April 2007. Additional thermal anomalies were present on 16 and
23 May 2007. Most of the pixels were located near the summit, or slightly
towards the NE. The May anomalies were the furthest down the NE Valley.

Geologic Summary. The 10-km-wide island of Manam, lying 13 km off the northern
coast of mainland Papua New Guinea, is one of the country's most active
volcanoes. Four large radial valleys extend from the unvegetated summit of the
conical 1,807-m-high basaltic-andesitic stratovolcano to its lower flanks. 
"avalanche valleys," regularly spaced 90 degrees apart, channel lava
flows and pyroclastic avalanches that have sometimes reached the coast. Five
small satellitic centers are located near the island's shoreline on the
northern, southern and western sides. Two summit craters are present; both are
active, although most historical eruptions have originated from the southern
crater, concentrating eruptive products during the past century into the SE
avalanche valley. Frequent historical eruptions have been recorded at Manam
since 1616 and it has erupted at least 30 times since. A major eruption in 1919
produced pyroclastic flows that reached the coast, and in 1957-58 pyroclastic
flows descended all four radial valleys. Lava flows reached the sea in 1946-47
and 1958.

Information Contacts: Herman Patia and Steve Saunders, Rabaul Volcano
Observatory (RVO), P.O. Box 386, Rabaul, Papua New Guinea; Darwin Volcanic Ash
Advisory Centre (VAAC), Bureau of Meteorology, Northern Territory Regional
Office, PO Box 40050, Casuarina, Northern Territory 0811, Australia (URL: 
http://www.bom.gov.au/info/vaac/); Hawai'i Institute of
Geophysics and Planetology (HIGP) Hot Spots System, University of Hawai'i, 2525
Correa Road, Honolulu, HI 96822, USA (URL: http://hotspot.higp.hawaii.edu/); 
NASA Earth Observatory
(URL: http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/).

Sulu Range
New Britain, Papua New Guinea
5.50°S, 150.942°E; summit elev. 610 m

New and revised information has emerged regarding the behavior of the Sulu 
(Johnson, 1971), a volcanic field adjacent to and immediately E of Walo hot
springs along the coast in the N-central part of New Britain Island (BGVN 31:07
and 31:09; figure 8). Initial Rabaul Volcanological Observatory (RVO) reports
mentioned apparent steam and ash emission during mid-July 2006, but although
weak-to-moderate vapor emission occured, and a later section of this report
discusses heightened hot spring activity, the reported "forceful dark
emissions" have been instead linked to dust during mass wasting.

Figure 8. A sketch map of New Britain island showing a small portion of the 
island of Papua New Guinea (lower left) and New Ireland (upper right). 
on or adjacent New Britain are labeled. Volcanoes active and erupting 
in the last decade include (from the SW) Langila, Ulawun, and Rabaul. Volcanoes
that have erupted or undergone anomalous unrest in the past few years include
(from the SW) Ritter Island, the Garbuna group, Pago, Sulu Range, and Bamus.

In a 12 April Email message, Steve Saunders clarified the latest RVO views on
Sulu's behavior. He noted that ". . . Sulu did not erupt! It was purely a
series of seismic cris[es]. The 'emissions' which were reported before we got
there turned out to be dust from landslides."

Unusually vigorous hot springs, declining seismicity. Following the first two
weeks of unrest during mid-July at Sulu Range, an RVO report discussing 31 July
to 2 August activity stated that area hot springs such as those at Walo were
undergoing unusually strong activity. This included expelled mud, the emergence
of geysers, and abnormal quantities of steam.

RVO noted waning seismicity in late July. Seismicity had declined to relatively
low levels, although small volcano-tectonic events continued to be recorded. 
small earthquakes were centered around the settlements of Silanga, Sege, and
Sale (figure 9; respectively, from Mt.Ruckenberg's summit, located 12.7 km to
the SW; 7.2 km SW, and 5.5 km S). The 31 July to 2 August earthquakes were
described as more irregular and less frequent than those in preceeding weeks.

Figure 9. Geological map showing the cluster of overlapping cones of the Sulu
Range.  Walo village lies just off the map near the coast within a few
kilometers of the map 's W margin.  The thermal area by the same name lies ~ 5
km SW of Lava Point. The prominent cone on the N edge of the Range is called
Mount Ruckenberg or Mount Karai. The initial "vent location" was 2 km
SW of Mount Karai between Ubia and Ululu volcanoes. Part of that area is 
by two parallel, closely spaced faults. The narrow zone between those faults 
down-thrown. A SW-directed debris flow was also mapped near this area. Three
centers in the N, Ruckenberg (Karai), Kaiamu maar, and Voku, are specifically
mentioned in the text as areas with recently documented Holocene activity.
Modified from a map by Chris McKee, RVO.

The pattern of located earthquakes defined an irregular ellipse, with major 
9 km E-W. Two earthquakes represented a 1-2 km extension N from the ellipse
under Bangula Bay. There were also two earthquakes offshore about 4-5 km due N
of Cape Reilnitz, a broad promontory the most extreme point of which lies 18 km
to the W of Mt. Ruckenberg's summit. As of the end of July an area devoid of
earthquakes remained; it was 2-3 km in diameter and centered on Walo village.

The RVO estimated that the top of the underlying magma body was 10-15 km deep
when volcano-tectonic earthquakes began on 6 July 2006. They judged that
volatiles or heat escaping from the magma were responsible for onset of the mud
and water ejections at the once quiet hot springs.

Postulated intrusion. Randy White (US Geological Survey) analyzed the July
seismic crisis, which in his interpretation did not follow the pattern of a
tectonic earthquake with a main shock and associated aftershocks, but did 
behavior of many earthquakes accompanying the onset of volcanic unrest. He
attributed the seismicity to a dike intruded to shallow depth (and confined to
the subsurface). According to White, the epicenters well outboard of, but
surrounding the area of intrusion, occurred in a pattern similar to those
accompanying many shallow intrusions.

The elevated seismicity began after a volcano-tectonic earthquake, M ~ 6 on 19
July (BGVN 31:07). It was located on the N side of New Britain, slightly
offshore, and a few ten's of kilometers from the Sulu Range. The focal depth 
thought to be in the 10-20 km range. White noted that soon after the 19 July
earthquake, Australia provided portable seismometers. Once those arrived and
began recording data, computed moment tensors indicated that subsequent
earthquakes were very shallow. Epicenters occurred slightly W of the Sulu

Short level-lines installed by RVO in August 2006 showed, by November, ~ 2 cm 
deflation of the Kaiamu area in relation to a datum ~ 1 km E on the Kaiamu-Sulu
track. By April 2006 the measured levels had returned to approximately the
August datum line.

To the W of the area at Lasibu a similar pattern existed, with over 2.5 cm of
deflation locally measured by November and an approximate return to the
datum-line by April 2006. The center of the area delimited by seismicity is
swamp and difficult to access. Google satellite images show an interesting
series of raised shorelines W of Kaiamu.

Upon prompting from White, Chuck Wicks acquired satellite radar (L-band 
from Japanese collaborators for the Sulu Range. The radar data were taken weeks
before and weeks after the July seismicity. When processed to obtain radar
interferometry, the data indicated over 80 cm of vertical surface deformation.
The deformation was centered in a region W of the Sulu Range along an area 
the coast ~ 5 km W of Lava Point (Lara Point on some maps). It trends ENE. The
data were interpreted as a shallow dike intrusion on the order of ~ 8 m wide
trending out beneath Bangula Bay.

Wick's preliminary analysis suggests the intrusion's volume may be on the order
of one cubic kilometer. White's qualitative estimate of the volume, from the
intensity, style, and duration of the seismicity, were consistent with that
analysis. In addition, the strike-slip focal mechanisms seen in the seismic 
suggested the dike-intrusion episode caused movement along a nearby strike-slip

Geological investigations conducted in the past several months by Herman Patia
and Chris McKee indicated that Sulu Range has been quite active 'recently.' The
latest eruptive phase at Kaiamu maar was radiocarbon-dated at 1,300 BP. Since
that time at least seven eruptions have taken place at other vents, notably
Voko, involving phreatomagmatic eruptions. Ruckenberg (Karai) appears to be the
source of the most recent activity. Within the last 200 years it produced lava

Reference: Johnson, RW., 1971, Bamus volcano, Lake Hargay area, and Sulu Range,
New Britain: Volcanic geology and petrology: Australia Department of National
Development, Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Record

Geologic Summary. The Sulu Range consists of a cluster of partially overlapping
small stratovolcanoes and lava domes in N-central New Britain off Bangula Bay.
The 610-m Mount Malopu at the southern end forms the high point of the
basaltic-to-rhyolitic complex. Kaiamu maar forms a peninsula with a small lake
extending about 1 km into Bangula Bay at the NW side of the Sulu Range. The 
hydrothermal area, consisting of solfataras and mud pots, lies on the coastal
plain W of the SW base of the Sulu Range. No historical eruptions are known 
the Sulu Range, although some of the cones display a relatively undissected
morphology. At least eight eruptions have occurred during the past 1,300 years,
and the most recent eruption produced lava flows from Mount Ruckenberg (Karai)
within the past 200 years.

Information Contacts: Steve Saunders, Herman Patia, and Chris McKee, Rabaul
Volcanological Observatory (RVO), Department of Mining, Private Mail Bag, Port
Moresby Post Office, National Capitol District, Papua New Guinea (Email:
hguria@xxxxxxxxxxxxx); USGS Earthquakes Hazard Program (URL: 
http://earthquakes.usgs.gov/); Randy White and Chuck Wicks,
US Geological Survey, 345 Middlefield Rd., MS 977, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA;
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (URL: 

Bougainville Island, SW Pacific
6.140°S, 155.195°E; summit elev. 1,750 m
All times are local (= UTC + 11 hours)

Brief periods of effusive activity took place during January to mid-April 2006
(BGVN 31:05), with ash-and-steam emissions reported as late as 18 June 2006.
Activity has continued since that time through early June 2007, with evidence
coming from either MODIS thermal satellite data, observations of glow, or plume
observations from the ground or satellites (figure 10). It appears that there
were three episodes of increased plume generation, two periods of frequent glow
observations, and almost daily MODIS anomalies over that one-year time frame.

Figure 10. Summary of daily activity at Bagana, 18 June 2006-5 June 2007. 
are all varieties (steam or ash) reported by RVO or Darwin VAAC; glow as
reported by RVO; MODIS data indicates days with at least one thermal pixel
detected. Compiled from MODIS/HIGP data, Darwin VAAC reports, and RVO reports.

The Rabaul Volcano Observatory (RVO) noted that between 18 September and 4
December 2006 only white vapor was released; some of these emissions were
forceful. Jet engine-like roaring noises were heard on 11 and 20 November.
Variable glow was visible on 25-26 September, 15, 20, and 29 October, 15-21
November, and 4 December. The lava flow on the S flank was active only on 15

There were no aviation warnings after June until a diffuse plume became visible
on satellite imagery on 22 November. Based on satellite imagery, the Darwin
Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre (VAAC) reported subsequent plumes on 5 December
(ash), 21-22 December (ash-and steam), and 9 January 2007.

RVO reported that white vapor emissions from the summit crater continued during
10 January-21 May 2007. Emissions were occasionally forceful and were
accompanied by ash clouds on 3 and 17 March, as well as 1 and 3-5 April. Summit
incandescence was visible on 7, 8, 20, and 24 March, and 17 May. Based on
satellite imagery, the Darwin VAAC reported diffuse plumes to altitudes of 2.4
and 3 km on 10 March and 20 May, respectively. Forceful, white emissions on 21
May produced plumes that rose to an altitude of 2.3 km and drifted W. Diffuse
ash-and-steam plumes were seen in satellite images again on 22 and 28 May,
rising to altitudes of 3.7 and 3 km, respectively.

Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometers (MODIS) satellite thermal 
data reported by the Hawai'i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology (HIGP)
revealed frequent thermal anomalies during 20 June-24 July 2006, 16 August-3
October 2006, 9 November 2006-23 January 2007, and 13 February-2 June 2007.

Geologic Summary. Bagana volcano, occupying a remote portion of central
Bougainville Island, is one of Melanesia's youngest and most active volcanoes.
Bagana is a massive symmetrical, roughly 1750-m-high lava cone largely
constructed by an accumulation of viscous andesitic lava flows. The entire lava
cone could have been constructed in about 300 years at its present rate of lava
production. Eruptive activity at Bagana is frequent and is characterized by
non-explosive effusion of viscous lava that maintains a small lava dome in the
summit crater, although explosive activity occasionally producing pyroclastic
flows also occurs. Lava flows form dramatic, freshly preserved tongue-shaped
lobes up to 50-m-thick with prominent levees that descend the volcano's flanks
on all sides.

Information Contacts: Herman Patia, Rabaul Volcano Observatory (RVO), P.O. Box
386, Rabaul, Papua New Guinea; Darwin Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre (VAAC),
Bureau of Meteorology, Northern Territory Regional Office, PO Box 40050,
Casuarina, Northern Territory 0811, Australia (URL: 
http://www.bom.gov.au/info/vaac/); Hawai'i Institute of
Geophysics and Planetology (HIGP) Hot Spots System, University of Hawai'i, 2525
Correa Road, Honolulu, HI 96822, USA (URL: http://hotspot.higp.hawaii.edu/).

Raoul Island
Kermadec Islands, New Zealand
29.27°S, 177.92°W; summit elev. 516 m
All times are local (= UTC +12 hours)

This report discusses evidence for the end of the March 2006 eruption, and 
releases announcing newly acquired multibeam bathymetry that disclosed 
calderas on the flanks of Raoul Island and some adjacent volcanoes.

End of the March 2006 eruption. After the 17 March 2006 eruption (BGVN 31:03),
volcanic activity decreased significantly. On 18 September 2006 the Alert Level
was lowered to 0.

GeoNet Science (GNS) summarized the decreased activity in their Volcano Alert
Bulletin of 18 September 2006. The report noted an absence of significant
earthquakes within ~ 30 km of Raoul Island. The water level in Green Lake had
continued to drop and was close to the pre-eruption level by 18 September. On 
August the lake temperature was 20.3°C, well within the seasonal range. The
level of ongoing hydrothermal activity (upwelling in Green Lake, nearby hot
pools, and steaming ground) was commensurate with that expected six months 
an eruption like that seen in March. Chemical analyses of samples recently
collected from some of the thermal features were typical of volcano-
features in this environment.

GNS reported that the water level in Green Lake, which had risen significantly
during the week after the March 2006 eruption and had drowned several new steam
vents, still remained above pre-eruption levels as of July 2006, but thereafter
dropped slowly. Upwelling and bubbling of springs indicated the
volcanic-hydrothermal system was still weakly active 3 months after the
eruption. The water temperature, obtained from a thermal infrared satellite
image taken on 11 April 2006, was 39.2 ºC, was 7 ºC above the average water
temperature in April, but had returned to seasonal temperatures by August 2006.

Only 1 to 5 earthquakes were recorded per day in the months following the
eruption. The number of earthquakes 30-40 km offshore was slightly higher than

New submarine volcanoes discovered. Marine geologists who had investigated two
volcanoes in the Kermadec Arc during May 2007, discovered two new submarine
volcanoes near Raoul Island. The geologists were on a scientific expedition
mounted by New Zealand's National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research
(NIWA) and the University of Auckland aboard NIWA's deepwater research vessel
Tangaroa. They investigated volcanoes on the two largest Kermadec Islands 
and Macauley) and their submerged flanks.

A 22 May 2007 press release by NIWA reported that new seafloor observations
revealed for the first time the presence of two submerged calderas. Both
calderas were relatively small, ~ 4 km in diameter. One caldera was very deep,
measuring ~ 1 km from the rim to the crater floor. Both volcanoes appeared
geologically young, on the order of thousands of years old, but laboratory
analysis of sediments will be needed to better quantify their age.

The expedition took sediment samples and mapped the contours of the volcanoes
both above and below sea level (the latter using multibeam sonar). A series of
sediment cores taken from E and W of both islands revealed at least six
eruptions from the two islands, recorded as centimeter-thick layers up to 100 
from the islands.

Geologic Summary. Anvil-shaped Raoul Island is the largest and northernmost of
the Kermadec Islands. During the past several thousand years volcanism has been
dominated by dacitic explosive eruptions. Two Holocene calderas are found at
Raoul. The older caldera cuts the center of Raoul Island and is about 2.5 x 3.5
km wide. Denham caldera, formed during a major dacitic explosive eruption about
2,200 years ago, truncated the western side of the island and is 6.5 x 4 km
wide. Its long axis is parallel to the tectonic fabric of the Havre Trough that
lies west of the volcanic arc. Historical eruptions at Raoul during the 19th 
20th centuries have sometimes occurred simultaneously from both calderas, and
have consisted of small-to-moderate phreatic eruptions, some of which formed
ephemeral islands in Denham caldera. A 240-m-high unnamed submarine cone, one 
several located along a fissure on the lower NNE flank of Raoul volcano, has
also erupted during historical time, and satellitic vents at Raoul are
concentrated along two parallel NNE-trending lineaments.

Information Contacts: Steve Sherburn, GeoNet Science (GNS), Wairakei Research
Centre, Private Bag 2000, Taupo, New Zealand; Ian Wright, Ocean Geology group,
National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research (NIWA), PO Box 14901,
Wellington, New Zealand (URL: http://www.niwascience.co.nz); Roger Matthews, 
North Shore
City Council, 1 The Strand, Takapuna Private Bag 93500, Takapuna, North Shore
City, New Zealand (URL: http://www.northshorecity.govt.nz/).

Home Reef
Tonga Islands, SW Pacific
18.992°S, 174.775°W; summit elev. -2 m

The new island at Home Reef that was constructed by the 8-11 August 2006 felsic
shallow marine explosive eruption (BGVN 31:09) was visited on 18 February 2007
by Scott Bryan (Kingston University, United Kingdom), Alex Cook (Queensland
Museum, Australia), and Peter Colls (University of Queensland, Australia). The
initial aim of field research was to map and describe the volcanic geology of
the new island at Home Reef and to collect samples for comparison to floating
pumice generated by the eruption (Bryan, 2007).

Island observations. Satellite imagery on 4 October 2006 showed an 800-m-long
elongate island (0.23-0.26 km^2), which was being rapidly modified by wave
erosion (BGVN 31:10). An overflight by the RNZAF on 7 December 2006 revealed a
roughly circular island, 450 m in diameter and up to 75 m above the water line
(BGVN 31:12). Upon arrival on 18 February 2007, the scientists found that only 
small (50-75 m diameter) <5 m high low-relief wave-reworked "pumice
mound" remained at the southern windward end of the Home Reef shoal (figure
11). Due to strong winds and large swells, landing on the tidally-exposed mound
was not possible and it could only be viewed from a couple of hundred meters
offshore. The location of the mound (18.993°S 174.758°W) is close to that
reported for the circular island observed on 7 December 2006. Swells 2-m high 
greater were strongly impacting the mound, with the largest waves almost
completely engulfing and sweeping over the mound at half-tide.

Figure 11. View to the NW of the wave-reworked pumice mound at Home Reef, as
seen on 18 February 2007. The diameter of the mound is ~ 75 m. Note the
scattered large blocks on the upper surface of the mound. Late Island is in the
background at right. Courtesy of Scott Bryan.

The morphology of the island suggests that no primary subaerial island-building
deposits remain from the eruption and that complete reworking has occurred of
the previously observed cone. On the southern side of the pumice mound were
scattered large (>1 m diameter), outsized blocks (10-20 in number) on the
mound surface (figure 11) that were largely immobile in the waves. Slopes of 
mound reflected wave run-up and the pumiceous material comprising the mound
appeared to be relatively coarse and well-sorted. There was little entrained
particulate material in the water column downwind and downcurrent, but
considerable amounts of material within the surf zone surrounding the island,
coloring the water brown. A considerable area of discolored water (green,
translucent milky) extended N of the mound for more than 500 m. Several smaller
lobes or plumes extended off the W side of the main body of discoloration.

A strong sulfurous odor was detected downwind (NW) of the mound, indicating 
magma was continuing to cool and degas at shallow levels in the seamount seven
months after the eruption; no surface plume was visible. Surface water
temperature measurements did not detect any thermal anomalies, recording 
water temperatures (28-29°C).

Local pumice sightings. Downwind and downcurrent of the mound were small
scattered pumice stringers forming orange-brown slicks a few meters to tens of
meters long, characterized by low pumice clast abundance and size (usually 0.5-
cm diameter). The pumice fragments were generally moderate to high sphericity
grains, but some more platy pumice fragments were also sampled. Some clasts had
orange to brown surface stains, reflecting hydrothermal alteration since the
eruption. Most grains showed some signs of abrasion. Orange-brown algal clumps
or coagulates floating on the ocean surface were associated with the stringers.

Small pumice rafts were also encountered around some of the islands at the SW
end of the Vava'u Group during the week of 17-24 February (figure 12). The
pumice rafts had lateral extents of tens of meters, but other flotsam (leaf,
twig, sea grass and plastics) was also present. Pumice clast sizes ranged from 
2 mm up to 6 cm, and some of the gray pumice possessed orange-brown surface
hydrothermal staining. Some rafts had abundant attached fauna, dominated 
barnacles (Lepas sp.) ~ 2-7 mm long. Much of these pumice rafts reflected
remobilization of previously stranded material from neighboring beaches, and
many SE-facing beaches had been stripped of pumice by strong SE trade winds.

Figure 12. Pumice slick from Home Reef found on the W side of Nuatapu Island, 
February 2007. Note other flotsam (leaves, plastic) within the slick. Courtesy
of Scott Bryan.

Many beaches had several pumice strandline deposits, the lowermost of which
reflected tidal sorting. Dominantly lapilli-sized gray pumice formed the
deposits, whereas a black glassy, moderately vesicular pumice of higher density
was a notable feature of the highest strandlines. There were also abundant
pumice clasts with an orange-brown staining on clast surfaces. 

Floating pumice reaches Australia. Pumice rafts and beach strandings were
reported previously as the pumice drifted westward past the Lau and Fiji 
and on to Vanuatu in November 2006. A major influx of pumice reached the E 
of northeastern Australia during March and April 2007, seven to eight months
after the eruption. Pumice was first noticed passing the offshore islands of
Willis Island (16.30°S, 149.98°E) in early February, and Lizard Island (14.66°S
145.47°E) the last week of February. Pumice strandings along the eastern
Australian coast began in March in northern Queensland, with a substantial
stranding occurring in mid-April corresponding to a change to easterly and
northeasterly onshore wind conditions and king tides. This stranding event
extended for more than 1,300 km along the Queensland and northern New South
Wales coast.

Most stranded pumice clasts ranged in size from 1-4 cm diameter, with the
largest clasts up to 17 cm diameter. Pumice clasts were fouled by a variety of
organisms, primarily goose barnacles (Lepas sp.) up to 2.7 cm long, molluscs,
bryozoa, and dark green algae (figure 13), with serpulids, oysters and other
species of algae (e.g., Halimeda) less abundant. A substantial proportion of
stranded pumice material remains on beaches inshore from the Great Barrier 
However, little stranded material has remained on exposed beaches south of 25°
to the extent that some beaches still have more pumice preserved from the 2001
eruption of an unnamed Tongan seamount about 85 km NW of Home Reef.

Figure 13. Closeup of a pumice clast from Home Reef that reached Marion Reef
(19.095°S, 152.390°E), Australia, fouled by goose barnacles (Lepas sp.),
bryozoa, and mollusc. Coin is 2 cm in diameter. Courtesy of Scott Bryan.

Seismicity. Although no seismicity has been reported that was detected during
the eruption, Robert Dziak identified seismic signals from Home Reef in March
2006. The East Pacific hydrophone array maintained by NOAA recorded 52
earthquakes over a 12-hour period beginning at 1700 UTC on 12 March 2006. The
arrivals were all very clear and had medium to low T-wave amplitudes.

Reference: Bryan, S.E., 2007, Preliminary Report: Field investigation of Home
Reef volcano and Unnamed Seamount 0403-091: Unpublished Report for Ministry of
Lands, Survey, Natural Resources and Environment, Tonga, 9 p.

Geologic Summary. Home Reef, a submarine volcano midway between Metis Shoal and
Late Island in the central Tonga islands, was first reported active in the
mid-19th century, when an ephemeral island formed. An eruption in 1984 produced
a 12-km-high eruption plume, copious amounts of floating pumice, and an
ephemeral island 500 x 1500 m wide, with cliffs 30-50 m high that enclosed a
water-filled crater. Another island-forming eruption in 2006 produced 
dacitic pumice rafts.

Information Contacts: Scott Bryan, School of Earth Sciences & Geography,
Kingston University, Kingston Upon Thames, Surrey KT1 2EL, United Kingdom
(Email: s.bryan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx); Peter Colls, School of Physical Sciences,
University of Queensland, St Lucia, Queensland 4072, Australia (Email:
p.colls@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx); Robert Dziak, NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental
Laboratory (PMEL), Hatfield Marine Science Center, 2115 SE Oregon State
University Drive, Newport, OR 97365, USA (Email: Robert.p.dziak@xxxxxxxx).

1.467°S, 78.442°W; summit elev. 5,023 m
All times are local (= UTC - 5 hours)

This report covers the time interval early January to 2 March 2007, based on
Special Reports of the Ecuadorian Geophysical Institute (IG). This reporting
interval was mainly one of relative quiet. In contrast, our previous report
(BGVN 32:12), covered IG reports describing energetic eruptions of July and
August 2006. Those IG reports also mentioned eruption-related fatalities and 
discovery of a new growing bulge on the volcano's N flank. A map and geographic
background were tabulated in BGVN 29:01.

Relative quiet prevails and some residents return. As touched on in BGVN 32:12,
after August 2006, the volcanic vigor at Tungurahua was minimal and of low
energy. The decrease in activity was gradual through mid-December 2006. The
vigor remained low until mid-January 2007. Ash emissions did occur but were
consistently minor.

IG reports noted that the relative tranquility at Tungurahua could reflect a
pattern similar to that seen there in 1918. That was a case when various months
of volcanic quiet occurred, only to be followed by explosive eruptions of large
size. The latter generated pyroclastic flows.

During the quiet that followed the July and August 2006 eruptions, residents 
had evacuated from the margins of the volcano returned to their properties. The
IG noted that, unfortunately, these returning residents became more vulnerable
to volcanic hazards and made emergency response more difficult.

Vigor increases. Between 20 January and 5 February 2007 internal seismic
activity resumed, behavior consisting of a few earthquakes inferred as
associated with fractures (volcano-tectonic earthquakes, VTs). On 13 February
the volcano emitted an eruptive column with moderate ash content. After 19
February there was a reoccurrence of seismic VTs. These were of shorter 
but higher intensity than those that occurred during the previous period.

During 23-24 February 2007, volcanic tremors and seismic LP's were registered 
the Volcanic Observatory of Tungurahua (VOT). At 0310 on 24 February, VOT staff
and local observers reported continuous roars of moderate intensity, and
discharge of incandescent material that both rose to ~ 800 m above the summit
and descended ~ 1000 m down the volcano's flanks.

The emission column headed NW. Fine tephra fell, followed by a thick ashfall
that was black in color. It left a deposit 3 mm thick in the towns of Pillate
and San Juan. Reports received from Cotalo, Bilbao, Manzano, and Choglontus 
indicate a thick, dark ashfall in those spots left a deposit 2 mm thick. 
was also reported in the area of Quero.

Seismic activity decreased on 24 February as well as the intensity and 
of the roars. As of 2 March, sporadic explosions of ash and incandescent
material had been observed. Around this time some bad weather prevented clear
views of the upper volcano; however, some reporters noted minor ashfall along
the SW portion of the crater. Additionally, the SO2 flux increased to ~ 2,000
metric tons a day for the first time since the beginning of the year. The IG's
"Seismic Activity Index" indicated an increase of the volcano's
internal activity.

Two scenarios envisioned. Given the available data, the IG concluded that the
volcano had received a new influx of magma. They proposed two potential
scenarios: (1) the current levels of activity will continue and constant
emissions of ash, (potentially more intense) will be generated. Ash clouds will
be blown by winds that at this time of the year are predominantly westerly, 
occasional S and NW variations. These ash clouds could generate heavy ashfall 
the towns downwind from the volcano; or (2) the volume and speed of ascent of
the magmatic gases originating from the new magma will increase dramatically, 
which case, new explosive eruptions of pyroclastic flows similar to those on 14
July and 16 August could occur.

Geologic Summary. Tungurahua, a steep-sided andesitic-dacitic stratovolcano 
towers more than 3 km above its northern base, is one of Ecuador's most active
volcanoes. Three major volcanic edifices have been sequentially constructed
since the mid-Pleistocene over a basement of metamorphic rocks. Tungurahua II
was built within the past 14,000 years following the collapse of the initial
edifice. Tungurahua II itself collapsed about 3000 years ago and produced a
large debris-avalanche deposit and a horseshoe-shaped caldera open to the W,
inside which the modern glacier-capped stratovolcano (Tungurahua III) was
constructed. Historical eruptions have all originated from the summit crater.
They have been accompanied by strong explosions and sometimes by pyroclastic
flows and lava flows that reached populated areas at the volcano's base. Prior
to a long-term eruption beginning in 1999 that caused the temporary evacuation
of the city of Banos at the foot of the volcano, the last major eruption had
occurred from 1916 to 1918, although minor activity continued until 1925.

Information Contacts: Geophysical Institute (IG), Escuela Politecnica Nacional,
Apartado 17-01-2759, Quito, Ecuador (URL: http://www.igepn.edu.ec/).

Santa Ana
El Salvador
13.853°N, 89.630°W; summit elev. 2,381 m

Our last report (BGVN 31:01) discussed post-eruption lahars following the 
1 October 2005 eruption (BGVN 30:09). This report contains two sections. The
first section addresses regional processes such as vegetation loss, ash
accumulation, and lahars on and beyond the E flank of Santa Ana (also known as
Ilamatepec) to the shores of Lake Coatepeque. Those lahars began soon after the
1 October 2005 eruption. The information on these lahars chiefly came from a
report (SNET, 2006) authored by El Salvador's Servicio Nacional de Estudios
Territoriales (SNET).

The second section addresses monitoring and observations such as extensive
steaming and drop in the surface elevation of the lake in the summit crater.
Material for this section, primarily found on the SNET website, covers
January-April 2006, when activity was fumarolic with no large eruptions.
 The 1 October 2005 eruption was possibly followed by a second one two days
later on 3 October (SNET, 2006). A 3 October eruption was not mentioned in
previous Bulletin reports.Carlos Pullinger explained that the evidence for the
second eruption was tremor that day, but that could stemmed from other causes
such as geysers in the summit crater lake, so the evidence for a 3 October
eruption remains equivocal.

E-flank issues. October 2005 volcanism took place coincident with unusually 
rains during tropical storm Stan (1-10 October 2005). On the E flank, the
October 2005 eruptive episode killed extensive vegetation and left loose ash
deposits covering the upper slopes (figure 14).

Figure 14. A November 2005 photo looking southward showing Santa Ana in the
foreground, along with denuded, ash-laden vegetation. A wisp of steam escapes
the summit crater, a basin hosting an acidic crater lake. Santa Ana's plumes 
October 2005 ash deposits, coupled with other factors such as steep slopes,
stress to vegetation, the lack of surviving permeable soils, and regional
rainfall have led to a rash of new E-flank lahars. Peaks beyond Santa Ana
include its satellitic cone Cerro Verde and then Izalco (sharp peak beyond the
notch). Photo from SNET (2006).

Based on a rain gauge 5 km W of the crater (national meteorological station Los
Naranjos), rainfall in October averages 193 mm; the yearly average is 2,155 mm.
In the months prior to October 2006, rainfall at that station remained at 
values, always below 460 mm per month. In contrast, rainfall reached 865 mm
during October 2006. During the peak of the storm, 3-6 October 2005, the Los
Naranjos rain gauge collected more than 100 mm per day; the highest reading of
320 mm was on 5 October.

The lahars on Santa Ana's E slope consisted of both material from the October
2005 eruption as well as previous deposits. The first lahar seen by local
witnesses took place on the night of 2 October 2005. It carried material up to 
m in diameter. The lahars that produced most of the damage were those that
occurred immediately after the eruption and reached a maximum thickness of 1.5
m. Other lahars descended later in the storm, persisting well into 2006.
The 2006 rainy season did not generate damaging lahars, just heavy runoff with
minor sediment. In all, SNET seismically registered 22 lahar events, all of
which were confirmed by local residents. The communities used tractors used to
keep the main drainages open and to build levees, which confined the lahars
inside main drainage areas. The SNET website mentioned several lahar episodes
during 2006. Some of these episodes occurred in May, June, and July 2006.

A large scallop in the topographic margin of Coatepeque caldera results in
Planes de la Laguna (an area of ~ 10 km^2), which was where lahars eventually
deposited (figures 15 and 16). This area of less steeply sloped, and in places
comparatively level, ground contains numerous coffee plantations and small
settlements. The largest settlement is El Javillal (figure 15, adjacent Lake

Figure 15. Lahars displayed as trains of heavy dots on a topographic base map 
the E-central side of Santa Ana and the adjacent W side of Lake Coatepeque. (N
is towards the top; light grid-lines are 1 km apart, so the distance from the
summit on the W to the large lake on the E is ~ 6.5 km.) In general, the lahars
descended from W to E. Coatepeque is a 7 x 10 km caldera and the series of
dashed lines across the map indicate the caldera's steep-sided topographic
margin in. Several caldera domes are labeled, including Cerro Pacho and Cerro
Afate. Note the lahar entering the settlement adjacent Lake Coatepeque
("Caserio El Javillal"). From SNET (2006).

Figure 16. An E-W topographic profile with Santa Ana on the W across to the E
side of Lake Coatepeque on the E. Dashed lines indicate the location of
Coatepeque's caldera wall. From SNET (2006).

The upslope areas contained numerous channels carrying lahars (figure 15).
Several kilometers into the caldera the channels merge as they cross the less
steeply sloped Planes de Laguna. The channels eventually grow into two primary
channels, La Mina on the S and El Javillal on the N (figure 17). The La Mina
channel led directly towards the Cerro Pacho dome, where the lahars proceeded 
branch into multiple routes (A, B, C, and D) before entering El Javillal 

Figure 17. Annotated aerial photo at unknown date showing part of Coatepeque's
Planes de Laguna, W of Santa Ana, taken looking roughly S. The view illustrates
lahars in and around El Javillal.The lahars entered the area along two 
(Quebradas La Mina and El Javillal), both flowing from right to left (arrows).
Adjacent to the domes and settlements, the flow patterns become quite complex
(as indicated by flow directions A, B, C, and D). Lake Coatepeque appears at 
upper left. The steep caldera wall lies along the photo's margin from the upper
center to right corner. The large circular dome is Cerro Pacho; the smaller 
to the right is Cerro Guacamayero. Photo from SNET (2006).

Figure 18. Photos showing October 2005 lahar deposits from Santa Ana in El
Javillal. Deposits included lava blocks of differing sizes, and a mixture of
soil, tree parts, mud, and water. Photos from SNET (2006).

Given the lack of soils and the state of vegetation, lahars were viewed as a
potential ongoing hazard. To control lahars, SNET (2006) proposed excavating 
channels from the vicinity of the domes to Lake Coatepeque, to carry sediment
farther towards the lake. The proposed artificial channels are 2 m deep, with
sides that slope at 45° outwards, and with a flat floor 5 m across. One 
channel follows the S margin of the Cerro Pacho dome, the other follows a path
similar to arrow A on figure 17.

Pullinger noted that the jocote de corona crop harvest was not affected because
it came out just after the eruption. However, coffee was damaged wherever ash
fell. Lahars did not directly hurt coffee plantations, but access roads were
damaged and labor for harvesting was minimal, after much of the population had

Monitoring. Moderate seismic activity and steam emissions continued during 
During 2006, seismicity was slightly above normal levels. Small earthquakes 
interpreted as being associated with gas pulses.

Degassing continued in January 2006 with sporadic gas-and-steam emissions which
rose approximately 200 m before dispersing. The SO2 flux ranged between 163 and
1,578 metric tons/day.

On 2 February, there was an increase in seismicity, possibly related to an
earthquake on the coast of Guatemala. From 1-7 February the SO2 flux averaged
2,000 metric tons per day. A drop in the water level of the steaming,
green-colored acidic lake in the summit crater revealed a local topographic 
in the lake's center, which took the form of an irregular island (figure 19).

Figure 19. Photo showing the crater lake at Santa Ana volcano. The decrease in
the water level has revealed an island of rocks and sediments that was
previously covered by the crater lake. Photo taken on 17 February 2006 and
provided courtesy of SNET.

Intense bubbling and fumarole activity during 27 February-23 March disturbed 
lake's surface and made it difficult to assess the level of the water. During
April, instability in the crater led to periodic landslides. One significant
landslide deposited material in the SW section of the beach of the crater lake.

Reference: Servicio Nacional de Estudios Territoriales (SNET), 2006, Flujos de
escombros en la Ladera Oriente del Volcan Ilamatepec, Departamento de Santa 
Perfil de Obras de Mitigacion, Enero de 2006, 12 p.

Background. Santa Ana, El Salvador's highest volcano, is a massive, 2,381-m-
andesitic-to-basaltic stratovolcano that rises immediately W of Coatepeque
caldera. Collapse of the volcano during the late Pleistocene produced a
voluminous debris avalanche that swept into the Pacific Ocean, forming the
Acajutla Peninsula. Reconstruction of the volcano subsequently filled most of
the collapse scarp. The broad summit of the volcano is cut by several 
craters, and a series of parasitic vents and cones have formed along a
20-km-long fissure system that extends from near the town of Chalchuapa NNW of
the volcano to the San Marcelino and Cerro la Olla cinder cones on the SE 
Historical activity, largely consisting of small-to-moderate explosive 
from both summit and flank vents, has been documented since the 16th century.
The San Marcelino cinder cone on the SE flank produced a lava flow in 1722 that
traveled 13 km to the E.

Information Contacts: Carlos Pullinger, Servicio Nacional de Estudios
Territoriales (SNET), Alameda Roosevelt y 55 Avenida Norte, Edificio Torre El
Salvador, Quinta Planta, San Salvador, El Salvador (URL: 

19.023°N, 98.622°W; summit elev. 5,426 m

Centro Nacional de Prevencion de Desastres (CENAPRED) reported only sporadic,
modest activity at Popocatepetl during early 2006 through April 2007. Based on
information from the Mexico City Meteorological Watch Office (MWO), and the
Washington Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC), there were five occasions when
ash plumes rose substantially. On 25 and 27 July 2006 ash plumes rose to an
altitude of ~ 9.8 km. On 18 and 20 December 2006, ash plumes rose to an 
of ~ 6.7 km and 7.9 km, respectively. In April 2007, ash plumes rose to ~ 7.6 
on the 1st, and to ~ 7.3 km on the 3rd.

In August 2006, the lava dome that had been irregularly growing since July 2005
covered the floor of the internal crater and began a piston-like growth on the
top of the previous dome. The enlarged dome can be seen in an aerial 
taken in 24 November 2006 (figure 20). This formation of the dome was the
twenty-sixth such event since 1996.

Figure 20. Aerial photo taken 24 November 2006 showing the growing lava dome at
Popocatepetl.The dashed white line defines the dome edge. The lava dome that
started growing in July 2005 has covered the floor of the internal crater and
began growing on the top of the previous dome. The white areas outside the
inner-crater rim are snow cover. Courtesy of the government of the State of
Puebla, Mexico.

On 4-5 August and 1-3 November 2006 episodes of large-amplitude harmonic tremor
(figure 21) were believed to reflect an increased rate of dome growth. The
accumulated volume of the lava dome between November of 2005 and November of
2006 was estimated to be 1,299,000 m³. The average rate growth over that
interval is around 0.04 m³/s. Assuming that the dome grows only during the
tremor episodes, the rate would be ~ 6.75 m^3/s.

Figure 21. Evidence of a large-amplitude, multiband harmonic tremor, showing
clear frequency peaks in its spectrum detected in August 2006 at Popocatepetl.
The combination of the frequencies appear as moire shadows in the paper
recording.Courtesy of CENAPRED.

Incandescence at the summit was recorded by the CENAPRED camera on 3 August and
4-5 September 2006. Over 27-29 October 2006, eigth small explosions ejected
incandescent debris on the slopes surrounding the crater. During November and
December 2006, more episodes of low amplitude tremors were recorded. From 
to December 2006, 77 volcano-tectonic micro-earthquakes were detected, with
magnitudes ranging between 2.0 and 3.0. From these, 66 were located below the
crater at depths ranging between 3 and 7 km (figure 22).

Figure 22. Location and depth of micro-earthquakes on Popocatepetl recorded
during August to December 2006. Courtesy of CENAPRED.

Hot spots at the summit were detected on satellite imagery by the Washington
Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) on 7-8 January 2007. According to the
Washington VAAC, a puff with little ash content emitted from Popocatepetl was
reported from the MWO and visible from the camera operated by CENEPRED on 14
February 2007. A very diffuse plume was seen drifting to the E on satellite
imagery. Base on an aerial photograph taken on 24 January 2007, CENEPRED
reported that the lava-dome dimensions have slightly increased since 24 

Geologic Summary. Volcan Popocatepetl, whose name is the Aztec word for smoking
mountain, towers to 5426 m 70 km SE of Mexico City to form North America's
2nd-highest volcano. The glacier-clad stratovolcano contains a steep-walled, 
x 600 m wide crater. The generally symmetrical volcano is modified by the
sharp-peaked Ventorrillo on the NW, a remnant of an earlier volcano. At least
three previous major cones were destroyed by gravitational failure during the
Pleistocene, producing massive debris-avalanche deposits covering broad areas
south of the volcano. The modern volcano was constructed to the south of the
late-Pleistocene to Holocene El Fraile cone. Three major plinian eruptions, the
most recent of which took place about 800 AD, have occurred from Popocatepetl
since the mid Holocene, accompanied by pyroclastic flows and voluminous lahars
that swept basins below the volcano. Frequent historical eruptions, first
recorded in Aztec codices, have occurred since precolumbian time.

Information Contacts: Centro Nacional de Prevencion de Desastres (CENAPRED), 
Delfin Madrigal No.665. Coyoacan, Mexico D.F. 04360, Mexico (Email:
amb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx gvazquez@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; (URL: 
http://www.cenapred.unam.mx/), Alicia Martinez Bringas and
Angel Gomez Vazquez, CENAPRED (see above); Servando de la Cruz Reyna, Insituto
de Geofisica UNAM. Ciudad Universitaria, s/n. Circuito Institutos . Coyoacan
Mexico D.F. Mexico; Washington Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC), Satellite
Analysis Branch (SAB), NOAA/NESDIS E/SP23, NOAA Science Center Room 401, 5200
Auth Rd., Camp Springs, MD 20746, USA (URL: http://www.ssd.noaa.gov/).

Soufriere Hills
Montserrat, West Indies
16.72°N, 62.18°W; summit elev. 915 m
All times are local (= UTC - 4 hours)

Activity returned to normal levels following the strong explosive episode of 10
September 2006 (BGVN 31:09). Activity after September included an occasional
minor explosions, rockfalls, minor pyroclastic flows, venting of ash and gases
and steam with emissions reaching up to 3 km altitude, minor ashfalls, and
mudflows during heavy rains. In September and October, the minor pyroclastic
flows primarily moved down the N and NE flanks of the dome. In January,
pyroclastic flows traveled down the Gages Valley, Tyres Ghaut, Belham Valley,
Tuits Ghaut, Farrells Plain, and especially the lower Tar River Valley E of the

Lava-dome growth slowed in March, and by the end of April it appeared to have
ceased. On 1 June Montserrat Volcano Observatory (MVO) (figure 23) warned that,
while the lava extrusion had ceased and the dome may not be actively growing, 
remains as a large mass of partially molten lava capable of collapsing or
exploding. According to MVO, the amount of material above Tyres Ghaut to the NW
was sufficient to generate pyroclastic flows and surges capable of affecting 
lower Belham Valley and other areas.

Figure 23. Map of Montserrat showing the pre-eruption topography of Soufriere
Hills. The black circle shows the location of the MVO. The approximate outline
of the Tar River delta in July 2004 is shown. Courtesy of Wadge and others

Data provided by MVO (table 3) shows the elevated seismicity (hybrid 
and rockfall signals) related to the increased activity in late August and 
September (BGVN 31:09). The high number of long-period earthquakes in late June
reflects the dome collapse at that time (BGVN 31:05). The dramatic decrease in
long-period events and rockfalls in mid-March corresponds to the observed
reduction in dome growth.

Table 3. Seismicity at Soufrière Hills between 16 June 2006 and 25 May 2007. *
Data for the first 4 days only. VT: volcanic tectonic; LP: long-period. 
of MVO.

    Report Date      Hybrid         VT             LP             Rockfall  
Average SO2 Flux
    (2006-2007)      Earthquakes    Earthquakes    Earthquakes    Signals   
(metric tons/day)
    16 Jun-23 Jun     --             --              32            51         
    23 Jun-30 Jun     54              4            1236           100         
    30 Jun-07 Jul     17              6             448           194        
    07 Jul-14 Jul      2              1              49            61        
    14 Jul-21 Jul      9             --             341           293        
    21 Jul-28 Jul     12             --             190           144         
    28 Jul-04 Aug     --              2             162           166        
    04 Aug-11 Aug      5              1             100           165        
    11 Aug-18 Aug      8              1              69           253        
    18 Aug-25 Aug    142             --             124           280        
    25 Aug-01 Sep     30             12              61           588        
    01 Sep-08 Sep    154              1              39           366        
    08 Sep-15 Sep    210              5              38           413        
    15 Sep-22 Sep     17              1              11           279        
    22 Sep-29 Sep      1             --              21           383        
    29 Sep-06 Oct     --              3              83           616        
    06 Oct-13 Oct     --              1             107           585        
    13 Oct-20 Oct     --              2             107           807         
    20 Oct-27 Oct      2              2              88           732        
    27 Oct-03 Nov      1             --             110           487        
    03 Nov-10 Nov      1             --             162           346        
    10 Nov-17 Nov     --              1             209           565        
    17 Nov-24 Nov      1              1             124           452        
    24 Nov-01 Dec     --              2             101           298        
    01 Dec-08 Dec     --             --              81           121        
    08 Dec-15 Dec     --             --               9           100        
    15 Dec-22 Dec     --             --              29           257         
    22 Dec-29 Dec      3              6             163           396        
    29 Dec-05 Jan      3              3              22           231        
    05 Jan-12 Jan     --              2              24           348        
    12 Jan-19 Jan      1              1               2            52        
    19 Jan-26 Jan     --              7              22            53        
    26 Jan-02 Feb     --              2             101            57        
    02 Feb-09 Feb     --              3              69           108        
    09 Feb-16 Feb     --              3             127           370         
    16 Feb-23 Feb     --              2             219           353        
    23 Feb-02 Mar      1              1             189           608        
    02 Mar-09 Mar     --             --             141           594        
    09 Mar-16 Mar     --              3              61           383        
    16 Mar-23 Mar      1              3               1           124        
    23 Mar-30 Mar     --              8               5            16        
    30 Mar-05 Apr     --             17               1            45       
    06 Apr-13 Apr     --             --               1             8       
    13 Apr-20 Apr     --             --               3             8        
    20 Apr-27 Apr     --             --               1             3        
    27 Apr-04 May     --             --              --             9        
    04 May-11 May     --             --              --             4        
    11 May-18 May     --             --              --             2        
    18 May-25 May     --              1              --             1        

Strong activity during mid-September 2006. On 9 and 10 September, vigorous ash
venting from the Gages Wall was accompanied by small explosions. Pyroclastic
flows from fountain collapse occurred on all sides of the dome and reached 1 km
W down Gages valley. On 11 September, the collapse of an overhanging lava lobe
produced pyroclastic flows NE down the Tar River valley. One pyroclastic flow 
the same area on 13 September reached the sea. On 14 September, vigorous ash
venting resumed. Continuous ash and gas emissions during 13-19 September
produced plumes that reached altitudes of 2.4-3.7 km. The Gages Wall vent
continued to produce ash and gas emissions into mid-October. 

Activity during September-December 2006. During 15 September-6 October the lava
dome continued to grow at a moderate rate in the summit area and on the S and E
sides of the dome. On 22 September the volume of the dome was about 80 million
cubic meters. Lava-dome growth was concentrated on the NE part of the edifice
from 6 October until 15 December, when growth moved to the SW part of the dome.
A new E-facing shear lobe with a smooth, curved back enlarged during 13-20

During 24 November-1 December, the two cracks in the curved back of the shear
E-facing lobe on the summit propagated downward and divided the lobe into three
blocks. The dome overtopped the NE crater wall and fresh rock and boulder
deposits were observed in that region. During 22-29 December, lava-dome growth
was focused on the W, where gas-and-ash venting occurred. A high whaleback lobe
directed SW was observed on 26 December.

Aviation notices reported continuous ash and gas emissions almost every day 
15 September through 14 November, with plumes rising above 2 km to a maximum of
4.6 km altitude. Plumes extended 140 km W on 2-3 October. During 17-24 
ash venting originated from the westernmost of two cracks in the curved back of
the shear E-facing lobe on the summit. An explosion produced an ash plume that
rose to altitudes of 1.5-1.7 km.

Pyroclastic flows occurred regularly as collapses from the dome sent material 
all directions. Pyroclastic flows reached both the upper region of Tuitts Ghaut
(N) and the sea via the Tar River Valley (E) on 23 November. 

Activity during January-March 2007. Rapid lava-dome growth, pyroclastic flows,
and ash venting increased during 3-9 January. Dome growth was concentrated in
the NW, the highest part of the dome. Pyroclastic flows were observed in Tyres
Ghaut (NW), Gages Valley (W), and N, behind Gages Mountain and accompanied by
ash venting. On 4 January, simultaneous pyroclastic flows descended Tyres Ghaut
and Gages Valley, and a resultant ash cloud reached an altitude of 2.5 km. The
maximum distance for the Gages Valley flow was 4 km. During 6-9 January,
distances of pyroclastic flows increased in Tyres Ghaut and possibly exceeded
1.5 km.

During 10-16 January, lava-dome growth was focused on the NW quadrant. During
10-11 January, one pyroclastic flow was observed to the W in Gages Valley and
one to the NW in Tyres Ghaut. On 15 January, a relatively large pyroclastic 
traveled E down the Tar River Valley. After 15 January, measurable activity was
low. Gas and ash venting that originated from the W side of the dome continued.
A clear view on 22 January revealed that the collapse scar from the 8 January
event was filled in. A small spine was noted on the W side. On 23 January, a
large pyroclastic flow traveled down Gages Valley. The Washington VAAC reported
that ash plumes were visible during 26-27 January. On 28 January, a large
pyroclastic flow traveled down the Tar River Valley and reached the sea. A
diffuse plume rose to an altitude of 1.5 km on 31 January.

During 7-13 February, growth of the lava dome continued on the W side, then was
concentrated on the E and N sides for the rest of the month. The lava-dome
volume in mid-February was estimated at 200 million cubic meters based on LIDAR
data. Previous measurements over-estimated the lava-dome volume due to the
perceived location of the dome and the lack of data from inside the crater.
Small pyroclastic traveled in multiple directions throughout February. Moderate
pyroclastic flows traveled down the Tar River Valley during 24-25 and 27
February. Continuous ash emissions were reported during 14 February-6 March,
with plumes to altitudes of 2.1-6.1 km.

Lava-dome growth during 2-9 March was concentrated on an E-facing lobe topped
with blocky, spine-like protrusions. Rockfalls affected the E and NE flanks.
Pyroclastic flows traveled 2 km in the Tar River Valley. Heightened pyroclastic
activity on 7 March resulted in an ash plume that rose to an estimated 2.4 km.
On 11 March, a pyroclastic flow traveled down the NE flank into White's Ghaut.

During 9-26 March, lava-dome growth was concentrated on the NE side.
Intermittent pyroclastic flows traveled E down the Tar River valley and 
ash plumes. One plume on 12 March rose to 3 km altitude. Pyroclastic flows were
observed NW in Tyre's Ghaut and ashfall was reported from the Salem /Old Towne
areas. During 23 March-3 April, dome growth apparently stopped. 

MODIS thermal data indicated hot pixels at the dome and from pyroclastic flows
on 24 March. Another thermal anomaly from a pyroclastic flow Tar River was
detected on 29 March. No futher anomalies had been recorded by the HIGP Hotspot
system through May. However, the Washington VAAC reported that a SW-drifting,
diffuse plume and a hotspot were visible on satellite imagery on 2 April.

During 30 March-13 April, small, intermittent pyroclastic flows from the
E-facing shear lobe occurred in the Tar River valley (figure 24). Incandescent
rockfalls were seen at night during 5-9 April. On 17 April, a small pyroclastic
flow was observed to the NW in the upper part of Tyres Ghaut. In mid-April MVO
estimated that the lava-dome volume was about 208 million cubic meters.

Figure 24. Photograph taken 4 April 2007 of southern Montserrat and Soufriere
Hills from the NE, showing from left the Tar River Delta and the debris fans
spilling from Tuitts and Whites Ghauts. Courtesy MVO.

The sulfur dioxide (SO2) flux rate during 6-13 April was high, with an average
value of 3,114 metric tons per day (t/d), well above the long-term average for
the eruption. The previous week averaged 1,035 t/d, from a low of 71 to a high
of 3,818 t/d. The three days from 8 to 10 April showed markedly elevated
emissions: 3,550, 7,396 peaking at 7,471 t/d, whereas the remaining days'
emissions were extremely low, some below 100 t/d.

During 13-20 April, material originating from the lava dome's E-facing shear
lobe was shed down the Tar River Valley. A bluish haze containing sulfur 
was observed flowing down the N flanks on 18-20 April. Pyroclastic activity was
ongoing on the E and NE sides of the dome during 27 April-4 May. After 4 May 
overall structure of the dome changed very little. Low-level rockfall and
pyroclastic-flow activity continued into late May.

Geologic Summary. The complex, dominantly andesitic Soufriere Hills volcano
occupies the southern half of the island of Montserrat. The summit area 
primarily of a series of lava domes emplaced along an ESE-trending zone.
English's Crater, a 1-km-wide crater breached widely to the east, was formed
during an eruption about 4000 years ago in which the summit collapsed, 
a large submarine debris avalanche. Block-and-ash flow and surge deposits
associated with dome growth predominate in flank deposits at Soufriere Hills.
Non-eruptive seismic swarms occurred at 30-year intervals in the 20th century,
but with the exception of a 17th-century eruption that produced the Castle Peak
lava dome, no historical eruptions were recorded on Montserrat until 1995.
Long-term small-to-moderate ash eruptions beginning in that year were later
accompanied by lava-dome growth and pyroclastic flows that forced evacuation of
the southern half of the island and ultimately destroyed the capital city of
Plymouth, causing major social and economic disruption.

Reference: Wadge, G., Macfarlane, D.G., Robertson, D.A., Hale, A.J., Pinkerton,
H., Burrell, R.V., Norton, G.E., and James, M.R., 2005, AVTIS: a novel
millimetre-wave ground based instrument for volcano remote sensing: J.
Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 146, no. 4, p. 307-318.

Information Contacts: Montserrat Volcano Observatory (MVO), Fleming, 
West Indies (URL: http://www.mvo.ms/); Washington Volcanic Ash Advisory Center
(VAAC), Satellite Analysis Branch (SAB), NOAA/NESDIS E/SP23, NOAA Science 
Room 401, 5200 Auth Rd., Camp Springs, MD 20746 USA (URL: 
Hawai'i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology, MODIS Thermal Alert System,
School of Ocean and Earth Sciences and Technology (SOEST), University of
Hawai'i, 2525 Correa Road, Honolulu, HI, USA (URL: 

38.789°N, 15.213°E; summit elev. 924 m
All times are local (= UTC + 1 hour)

According to Sonia Calvari of Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia
(INGV-CT), a flank eruption started on Stromboli volcano on 27 February 2007 
continued to at least 15 March. Compared to the previous flank eruption during
2002-2003, lava effusion was about an order of magnitude greater. Initially, a
NE fissure opened on the NE flank of the NE-crater, and lava emitted from the
fissure formed three branches and rapidly reached the sea (figure 25).

Figure 25. Lava from Stromboli reaching the sea on 27 February 2007. Courtesy 
the INGV-CT 2007 Stromboli eruption web site.

Late on the eruption's first day, the three initial flows stopped and a new 
opened at the E Margin of the Sciara del Fuoco at about 400 m elevation. In a
few days, this vent emitted sufficient lava to build a lava bench several tens
of meters wide, which significantly modified the coastline. These lava 
stopped for a few hours on 9 March, after which another vent opened at about 
m elevation on the N flank of the NE-crater, almost in the same position as one
of the vents of the 2002-2003 eruption. The 550-m vent was active for less than
24 hours and, when it ceased emitting lava, the 400-m vent reopened, again
feeding lava to the sea.

On 15 March 2007, while the effusion from the 400-m vent continued, a major
explosion occurred at 2137 (2037 UTC). This event, similar to that on 5 April
2003 (BGVN 28:04), was recorded by all the INGV-CT monitoring web cams. As in
2003, the 2007 event occurred during a flank effusive eruption, when the summit
craters were obstructed by debris fallen from the crater rims. Still images and
videos can be downloaded from the INGV-CT webpage dedicated to the 2007
Stromboli eruption.

Satellite imagery. Satellite imagery revealed an ash plume fanning SSE from the
eruption site beginning at 1215 UTC on 27 February 2007. Another eruption was
observed on MET-8 split-window IR (infrared) imagery on the same day at 1830
UTC. Ash then blew SSE at 46-56 km/hour.

Geologic Summary. Spectacular incandescent nighttime explosions at Stromboli
volcano have long attracted visitors to the "Lighthouse of the
Mediterranean." Stromboli, the NE-most of the Aeolian Islands, has lent its
name to the frequent mild explosive activity that has characterized its
eruptions throughout much of historical time. The small, 924-m-high island of
Stromboli is the emergent summit of a volcano that grew in two main eruptive
cycles, the last of which formed the western portion of the island. The
Neostromboli eruptive period from about 13,000 to 5,000 years ago was followed
by formation of the modern Stromboli edifice. The active summit vents are
located at the head of the Sciara del Fuoco, a prominent horseshoe-shaped scarp
formed about 5,000 years ago as a result of the most recent of a series of 
failures that extend to below sea level. The modern volcano has been 
within this scarp, which funnels pyroclastic ejecta and lava flows to the NW.
Essentially continuous mild strombolian explosions, sometimes accompanied by
lava flows, have been recorded at Stromboli for more than a millennium.

Information Contacts: Sonia Calvari, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e
Vulcanologia Sezione di Catania, Piazza Roma 2, 95123 Catania, Italy (Email:
calvari@xxxxxxxxxx; URL: http://www.ct.ingv.it/); INGV-CT 2007 Stromboli 
website (URL: http://www.ct.ingv.it/stromboli2007/main.htm); U.S. Air
Force Weather Agency (AFWA)/XOGM, Offutt Air Force Base, NE 68113, USA (Email:


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