Temporary Lecturership
Vrije Univeriteit Amsterdam
From: Prof. Gareth Davies
The Department of Petrology in the Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences at
the Vrije Univeriteit Amsterdam has a vacancy for a temporary lecturer
to teach minerology/petrology at bachelor (first and second year) and
master levels. The position is January 1st 2007 available, initially for
two years, extendable up to a maximum of 5 years. The position is to
replace Wim van Westrenen during the tenure of his EURYI fellowship.
We are looking for a highly motivated individual who will take this
opportunity to develop their own research direction in conjunction with
members of the Petroloy department and through the utilisation of the
outstanding analytical and experimental facilities within the Faculty
(e.g., Neptune LA-MC-ICP-MS, TIMS, high-pressure experimentation (piston
cylinder / multi-anvil), XRF, EMP, melt inclusion stage etc.).
The Institute of Earth Sciences of the Faculty comprises a total of 42
academic staff, organised in six departments, each headed by a full
professor. There are 50 technical and administrative staff supporting
350 undergraduate and 50 graduate students. The Petrology group’s
research is characterised by integration of detailed field and
petrographic work with the application of state-of-the art experimental
and analytical techniques. For more information visit www.falw.vu/petrology.
Qualifications requested
A PhD degree, or equivalent, in Earth Science, Chemistry, or Physics is
Further details
The initial appointment will be fulltime and for a period of 2 years.
After satisfactory evaluation of the initial appointment it can be
extended up to 5 years. Visit http://www.eracareers.nl/ for a review of
working conditions in The Netherlands.
Gross monthly salary ranges from € 3.024 to € 4.140 (salary scale 11),
depending on experience. We also offer a pension scheme and flexible
employment conditions. Conditions are based on the Collective Employment
Agreement of the Dutch Universities. You can find information about our
excellent fringe employment benefits - including holiday allowances of 8
% per year - at www.vu.nl/vacatures (in Dutch or use the contact details
For further information about this post contact Prof. Gareth Davies at
gareth.davies@xxxxxxxxxxx Please send your application, including a
cover letter providing a motivation for the application, a curriculum
vitae, and the names and contact information for at least two references
before November 30 th 2006 by e-mail to falw-vacatures@xxxxxxxxxx, or by
post to dr. J.M.R.M. Neutelings, Managing Director FALW, Vrije
Universiteit, De Boelelaan 1085, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Advertised in Earthworks and on the VU website.
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