Fall AGU Session: The 2006 Eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska
Jessica Larsen <faust@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
We would like to encourage abstract submissions to the following special
session on Augustine volcano, with particular emphasis on the 2006
Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco CA, Dec. 11-15, 2006
Session V11: The 2006 Eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska
On January 11, 2006 Augustine Volcano in south-central Alaska ended an
almost 20-year period of repose with a series of 13 magmatic eruptions
over the next 20 days. This eruption was preceded by roughly eight
months of increasing unrest that included escalating earthquake
activity, deformation of the volcanic edifice, gas emission and small
phreatic explosions. The explosive phase of the eruption produced ash
clouds to >30,000 ft ASL that traversed Cook Inlet and south across the
Gulf of Alaska, interfering with commercial air traffic. This phase of
the eruption also generated pyroclastic flows and lahars on all flanks
of the volcano. This was followed by a protracted period of lava
extrusion from late January until mid-March. This magma formed a new
summit lava dome and two blocky lava flows that moved down the north and
northeast flanks of the volcano. Large block and ash flows were
frequently generated when portions of the growing lava dome and flows
failed. This eruption provides an opportunity to closely observe the
accumulation, migration and eruption of high silica andesite to dacitic
magma and related processes during both explosive and effusive behavior.
As a result of it’s proximity to communities in south-central Alaska
Augustine is a well-studied and -instrumented volcano. The volcano has
been monitored seismically since 1970, and was instrumented with
continuous GPS (CGPS) receivers by the EarthScope/Plate Boundary
Observatory in 2003. The long period of precursory unrest (May 2005 to
January 2006) allowed for the deployment of additional instrumentation
that included six broadband seismometers, five temporary CGPS receivers,
an atmospheric pressure transducer, two web-cameras and five Ocean
Bottom Seismometers (OBS).
For this AGU session we seek presentations on all aspects of Augustine
Volcano and especially the 2006 eruption. Submissions from researchers
in all disciplines focused on active volcanic processes are encouraged.
For further information please contact: Jessica Larsen,
faust@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, John Power, jpower@xxxxxxxx, or Katharine Bull,
Katharine_Bull@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx . See also www.avo.alaska.edu for more
information on Augustine volcano.
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