Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, March 2006

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Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, March 2006
From: Ed Venzke <venzke@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Global Volcanism Program <http://www.volcano.si.edu/>

Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network
Volume 31, Number 3, March 2006

Raoul Island (New Zealand) Eruption on 17 March 2006 preceded by 5 days of
earthquakes; 1 fatality
Montagu Island (S Sandwich Islands) January 2006 visit documenting steam and new
lava flows
Tinakula (Solomon Islands) Eruption; increased thermal anomalies during
February-April 2006
Lokon-Empung (Indonesia) Steaming and seismically active during January-October 2005
Mayon (Philippines) Eruptions resume in February 2006 after a 2-year hiatus
Miyake-jima (Japan) Ash emissions in February 2006; declining SO2 flux
Chikurachki (Kurile Islands) Following 2-year repose, several ash plumes in
March-April 2005
Veniaminof (Alaska) Modest ash emissions during September 2005-22 April 2006
Colima (Mexico) Continued ash emission, including some high level ash plumes,
since June 2005
Poas (Costa Rica) Small phreatic eruption on 24 March 2006, the first since 1994
Galeras (Colombia) Heightened seismicity through April 2006; increased lava dome
volume noted
Ubinas (Peru) Ash eruption beginning 25 March 2006; heightened seismicity since
November 2004
Erta Ale (Ethiopia) Molten lava lake observations as late as 3 January 2006
Ol Doinyo Lengai (Tanzania) Unusual activity at summit crater during late March
and early April 2006

Editors: Rick Wunderman, Catherine Galley, Edward Venzke, and Gari Mayberry
Volunteer Staff: Robert Andrews, Jerome Hudis, Veronica Bemis, William Henoch,
Jackie Gluck, and Stephen Bentley

Raoul Island
Kermadec Islands, New Zealand
29.27°S, 177.92°W; summit elev. 516 m
All times are local (= UTC + 12 hours)

An eruption took place on 17 March 2006 at Raoul Island, killing one person.
Brad Scott, New Zealand Institute of Geological and Nuclear 
Sciences (GNS), reported that on the evening of 12 March 2006 earthquakes began
near Raoul Island. More than 200 earthquakes were recorded in 
the first 24 hours, with many of the larger events felt on the island.
Earthquakes continued throughout the week, but the numbers gradually 

An eruption from the Green Lake crater, within the Raoul caldera (figure 1),
began at 0821 on 17 March. Other than the precursory seismicity, no 
water-level or temperature changes were observed, even only 24 hours before the
eruption. Based on data from the seismograph on the island, the 
eruption appears to have continued for up to 30 minutes, although the most
intense part of the eruption lasted for only 5 to 10 minutes. 
Following the eruption, the rate of earthquake activity doubled, but by 23 March
the number of earthquakes was reduced to 10-20 per day. No 
thermal anomalies were detected by the MODIS satellite system during March 2006.

Figure 1. Maps of Raoul Island taken from New Zealand governmental publications
issued considerably prior to the 2006 eruption. A) Sketch map of 
the entire island (from Lloyd and Nathan, 1981). B) A second sketch map showing
key areas of volcanism during the past 4,000 years (from Latter 
and others, 1992). C) A more detailed view of Raoul caldera and the cratered
interior of the island, with contour lines at 20 m intervals (from 
Lloyd and Nathan, 1981). The northern caldera contains three small lakes: Blue
Lake (1.17 km2, about 40% overgrown), Green Lake (160,000 m²), 
and Tui Lake (5,000 m², drinking water quality). The island's high point is
Moumoukai (516 m). Unfortunately, the current report mentions a few 
other features undisclosed on these maps. Courtesy of GNS.

The 2006 eruption blew over mature trees out to ~200 m and deposited dark gray
mud and large ballistic blocks. Many of the steep crater margins 
had post-eruption collapses marked by fresh landslides.

The New Zealand Department of Conservation evacuated five staff members from the
island, but one worker, taking water-temperature measurements 
at Green Lake at the time of the eruption, was killed. Devastation left by the
eruption thwarted efforts to find the missing worker (figure 2). 
A news story reported that the missing man left around 0730 on 17 March to walk
to Green Lake. An hour later the volcano erupted.

Figure 2. Photo reportedly taken by the rescue helicopter pilot John Funnell of
the area affected by the volcanic eruption on Raoul Island, 17 
March 2006. AP Photo; photo credit to John Funnell.

Volcano monitoring of the Raoul crater lakes started after the 1964 eruption, as
these lakes responded measurably before that event, consistent 
with a long-lived hydrothermal system. There are low-temperature (boiling-point)
fumaroles in the vicinity of Green Lake and minor seepages of 
hydrothermal brine from the system (boiling hot springs) along Oneraki Beach,
outside of the caldera. The gases have strong hydrothermal 
signatures (as opposed to proximal magmatic). As such, they do not suggest
single-phase vapor transport directly from a magmatic source to the 
surface, but rather are indicative of the presence of boiling hydrothermal brine
at depth. GNS has no quantitative data from Denham Bay 
(offshore to the W of the island, but scientists from the organization found
boiling-point (100° C) steaming ground on the steep crater walls, 
and gas and water seeps in the sea. Historical observations of volcanic
eruptions from this caldera (and Raoul caldera) point to the likely 
existence of a sizable active system residing there.

Still and video footage taken of the post-eruptive scene on 17 March 2006 showed
many new craters and reactivation of 1964 craters. The main 
steam columns were derived from Crater I, Marker Bay, and Crater XI. Fumarolic
activity appeared near the mouth of Crater Gully and the stream 
that drains from Crater V. The area NW of Bubbling Bay, where there had been a
fumarole, contained a crater about 20-30 m across.

In the main body of Green Lake there were two areas of strong upwelling. One
occurred near the end of the peninsula S of Crater XII (a 
promontory that had been explosively removed). Jagged rocks were visible in the
lake where it had been 2-4 m deep. There was also a new feature 
about 200-300 m N of Green Lake's Crater XII (figure 1B); the new feature
included a moat near the edge of the crater floor, which contained a 
vigorously active vent. Green Lake's surface did not appear elevated at the time
of the post-eruption 17 March observations.

Sulfur dioxide (SO2) was detected by satellite about 5 hours after the 17 March
eruption (figure 3). SO2 data was collected by the Aura Ozone 
Monitoring Instrument (OMI), which is affiliated with the University of
Maryland, the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 
the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI), and the Finnish
Meteorological Institute (FMI). The highest SO2 values stood over and 
adjacent to the island and reached as high as two Dobson Units (DU, figure 3).
Simon Carn noted that the total mass of SO2 in figure 3 was ~200 
tons. Subsequent observations did not detect further SO2 discharge.

Figure 3. Atmospheric sulfur dioxide (SO2) detected by the Aura/OMI satellite
about 5.65 hours after the Raoul Island eruption's onset on 17 
March 2006. (The eruption onset was at about 0821 local time and this SO2
observation was at about 1358 local time (0158 UTC).) Image courtesy 
of Simon Carn, the OMI SO2 group at the University of Maryland, and NASA/KNMI /FMI.

An aerial inspection on 21 March made from a Royal New Zealand Air Force Orion
aircraft allowed excellent views of both the Raoul and Denham Bay 
calderas. Visible steam discharge from the vents had declined significantly
owing to a 6-8 m rise in Green Lake's water level and the consequent 
drowning of most of the active vents. The lake level did not appear to have
reached overflow level. Landsliding and collapse also blocked Crater 
I. Vigorous upwelling and gas discharge was still obvious through Green Lake,
which appeared very warm.

There was no evidence of further eruptions since 17 March, nor was there any
evidence that activity had occurred from the 1964 craters adjacent 
to Crater Gully (i.e. craters III, IV, and VI-X). However, many new craters
formed at the mouth of Crater Gully where hot bare ground had been 
present. There was a possible NE-trend through the vents from Crater Gully to NE
of Crater XII. In 1964 the craters aligned along three parallel 
fractures that tended NW. Heightened activity was not confined to the lake.

In Denham Bay GNS scientists observed a weak plume of discolored water
approximately coincident with the vent area. There was evidence of 
hydrothermal seepage along most of the beach (milky discoloration indicating
mixing of hydrothermal brine and seawater). There were also 
discharges in the rocky bay halfway between Hutchison Bluff and the NW end of
Denham beach (figure 1A). If these are confirmed as hydrothermal 
seepages, they represent a significant rise in the surface of the hydrothermal
fluids in the system, consistent with that observed in the caldera.

On 23 March 2006, the GNS reported that scientists who flew over noted that the
hydrothermal system under the island showed signs of 
over-pressuring. GNS volcanologist Bruce Christenson stated, "From our aerial
observations, it is clear that the heat, gas, and water that are 
discharging into Green Lake are making this part of the volcano's hydrothermal
system unstable." Several new steam vents opened in and around 
Green Lake during the eruption and some old ones had reactivated. Many of these
were drowned as a result of lake-level rise. According to 
Christenson, "one explanation for the increased hydrothermal activity is that it
is being driven by the intrusion of magma at depth."

Steve Sherburn of GNS reported on 24 March on the GeoNet website (the New
Zealand GeoNet Project provides real-time monitoring and data 
collection for rapid response and research into earthquake, volcano, landslide,
and tsunami hazards) that over the last few days the level of 
earthquake activity at or close to Raoul Island had continued to decline to a
current level of only 5-10 earthquakes per day, most of which were 
probably too small to be felt on the island. There is no unequivocal seismic
evidence for magma movement (such as the strong volcanic tremor 
observed before the 1964 eruption). Careful seismic monitoring of Raoul Island
will continue.

Brad Scott reported on 3 April 2006 that activity continued to decline in the
Green Lake crater area. The most recently available photographs 
showed the water level continuing to rise slowly in Green Lake, but it had not
reached overflow level. Over the last few days the level of 
earthquake activity at or close to Raoul Island continued to decline and in
early April there were only 2-5 earthquakes per day being recorded.

References: Latter, J.H.; Lloyd, E.F.; Smith, I.E.M.; and Nathan, S., 1992,
Volcanic hazards in the Kermadec Islands, and at submarine volcanoes 
between Southern Tonga and New Zealand: Volcanic Hazards Information Series, no.
4 (CD 303), New Zealand Ministry of Civil Defense, 45 p. 
(Booklet) ISBN 0-477-07472-3
Lloyd, E.F., and Nathan, S., 1981, Geology and tephrochronology of Raoul Island,
Kermadec Group, New Zealand: New Zealand Geological Survey 
Bulletin, no. 95, 105 p. (includes map in back pocket).

Background. Anvil-shaped Raoul Island is the largest and northernmost of the
Kermadec Islands. During the past several thousand years volcanism 
has been dominated by dacitic explosive eruptions. Two Holocene calderas are
found at Raoul. The older caldera cuts the center of Raoul Island 
is about 2.5 x 3.5 km wide. Denham caldera, formed during a major dacitic
explosive eruption about 2,200 years ago, truncated the western side 
of the island and is 6.5 x 4 km wide. Its long axis is parallel to the tectonic
fabric of the Havre Trough that lies W of the volcanic arc. 
Historical eruptions at Raoul during the 19th and 20th centuries have sometimes
occurred simultaneously from both calderas, and have consisted 
of small-to-moderate phreatic eruptions, some of which formed ephemeral islands
in Denham caldera. A 240-m-high unnamed submarine cone, one of 
several located along a fissure on the lower NNE flank of Raoul volcano, has
also erupted during historical time, and satellitic vents at Raoul 
are concentrated along two parallel NNE-trending lineaments.

Information Contacts: Brad Scott, Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences
(GNS), Wairakei Research Centre, 114 Karetoto Road, Taupo, New 
Zealand (URL: http://www.gns.cri.nz/ and http://www.geonet.org.nz/, Email:

Montagu Island
South Sandwich Islands, Antarctica
58.42°S, 26.33°W; summit elev. 1,370 m

Recent volcanism on Montagu Island was discovered based on satellite information
(BGVN 30:11). Thanks to a visit from the South African 
icebreaker MV SA Agulhas, the first photographs of the island are now available,
taken from just offshore. The Agulhas is an Antarctic supply 
and oceanographic research vessel built in the late 1970s; it is affiliated with
the South African Department of Environmental Affairs and 
Tourism, Antarctica and Islands Division. She left Cape Town on 1 December 2005,
and her journey was the focus of several reports (e.g., Hunter, 
2005). The westerly position of pack ice during the course of this voyage
enabled the Agulhas to visit Penguin Bukta, an indentation (bay) in 
the coastal ice shelf (figure 4).

Figure 4. A map indicating the location of Montagu island with respect to
features in the region. The pack ice is mobile and the position shown 
refers to conditions on 10 January 2006 as mapped by satellite radar
(NASA/JAXA). Courtesy of Ian Hunter, South African Weather Service.

The Agulhas departed Penguin Bukta on 8 January to deploy drifting weather buoys
and to install an automatic weather station on South Thule 
island at the extreme S end of the South Sandwich Islands. Besides the usual
hazards of Antarctic travel and navigation, the South Sandwich 
Islands were the scene of some severe undersea earthquakes as the Agulhas
entered those waters. This was of concern because such earthquakes can 
cause significant bathymetric change. The US Geological Survey posted detailed
information on two large 2006 earthquakes to the E of the 
islands. The first, on 2 January, had M 7.3 and, fortunately, a moderately deep
focal depth of 46 km.

The ship reached offshore of the remote, uninhabited Montagu island in
mid-January 2006 (figures 5 and 6). These pictures were forwarded to the 
Smithsonian by Ian Hunter who received them from Frikkie Viljoen (the ice
navigator), and Dave Hall (the ship's Master) after the Agulhas 
returned from Antarctica on 19 February 2006.

Figure 5. Lava from Montagu Island eruption entering the sea. The photo was
taken on 13 January 2006 from the SA Agulhas while lying to the N of 
the Island. The geometry of the setting given here is based on the MODIS photo
taken on 9 September 2005 (BGVN 30:11) that clearly indicates the 
lava flow streaming N into the sea. Courtesy of Dave Hall and Frikkie Viljoen,
SA Agulhas, and Ian Hunter, South African Weather Service.

Figure 6. Photo taken on 13 January 2006 from the SA Agulhas from N of Montagu
Island showing the lava field formed by the recent eruption. 
Courtesy of Dave Hall and Frikkie Viljoen, SA Agulhas, and Ian Hunter, South
African Weather Service.

In an e-mail message to Hunter on the return leg of the voyage (on 16 January),
Hall noted the following. "By now you will have heard that we 
successfully deployed the new weather station at Thule Island and had a good
look at the eruption on Montagu. We got to within 1.5 miles [2.4 
km] of the lava flow, but it was strangely disappointing. Although it was during
the evening it was still full daylight so the lava flow was 
just the same colour as the surrounding rock, not dramatic at all! The most
visible feature was the steam plume as the hot lava entered the sea. 
The top of the island was covered in cloud but that did part long enough to get
a quick sighting of the summit, emitting the smoke and ash cloud."

John Smellie of the British Antarctic Survey reported hearing from a Falklands
contact that an RAF flight sent at Christmas 2005 had taken 
photos and reported the eruption was "over." In addition, there could also be
first-hand news from a yacht that was to be in the area during 
January 2006.

Background. The largest of the South Sandwich Islands, Montagu consists of one
or more stratovolcanoes with parasitic cones and/or domes. The 
summit of the 10 x 12 km wide, polygonal-shaped island rises about 3000 m from
the sea floor between Bristol and Saunders Islands. Around 90% of 
the island is ice-covered; glaciers extend to the sea over much of the island,
forming vertical ice cliffs. The name Mount Belinda has been 
applied both to the high point at the southern end of a 6-km-wide ice-filled
summit caldera and to the young central cone. Mount Oceanite, an 
isolated 900-m-high peak, lies at the SE tip of the island and was the source of
lava flows exposed at Mathias Point and Allen Point. There was 
no record of Holocene or historical eruptive activity at Montagu until MODIS
satellite data, beginning in late 2001, revealed thermal anomalies 
consistent with lava lake activity that has been persistent since then. Apparent
plumes and single anomalous pixels were observed intermittently 
on AVHRR images during the period March 1995 to February 1998, possibly
indicating earlier unconfirmed and more sporadic volcanic activity.

Reference. Hunter, Ian, (12 January) 2006, International Support for the SA
Agulhas's mission in Antarctica, in Ports & Ships, Shipping 
Newsâ??reporting from the harbours of South Africa & Southern Africa (URL:

Information Contacts: Ian T. Hunter, South African Weather Service, Private Bag
X097, Pretoria 0001.(URL: http://www.weathersa.co.za/; Email: 
ian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx), Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism,
Antarctica and Islands Division, Private Bag X447, Pretoria 0001, South 
Africa; John Smellie, British Antarctic Survey, Natural Environment Research
Council, High Cross, Madingly Road, Cambridge CB3 0ET, United 
Kingdom (URL: http://www.anarctica.ac.uk/, Email: jtsm@xxxxxxxxx).

Solomon Islands, SW Pacific
10.38°S, 165.80°E; summit elev. 851 m
All times are local (= UTC + 11 hours)

According to Simon Carn, volcanic activity at Tinakula appears to have begun on
12 February 2006, with a small explosion followed by degassing. 
He noted some significant SO2 emissions on 14 February, as well as small plumes
from Ambrym and Aoba. As of 16 February, there was still a small 
SO2 signal from Tinakula, but it was no bigger than that from Ambrym or Aoba.
Andrew Tupper noted from visible MTSAT (Multi-functional Transport 
Satellite) images and an Aqua MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging
Spectroradiometer) screen shot that a plume on 14 February was moving NNE at 
~10 km/hour and appeared to be not far above summit level; the plume did not
register on the IR imagery. MTSAT is a dual-mission satellite for 
the Japan Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport and the Japan
Meteorological Agency performing an air traffic control and navigation, 
as well as a meteorological, functions.

On 27 February, Thomas Toba of the Solomon Islands government wrote to Herman
Patia of the Rabaul Volcano Observatory, confirming Tinakula 
activity. Toba contacted authorities from the Temotu Provincial Headquarters who
confirmed that there were several small explosions from this 
volcano around early to middle February 2006.

Satellite thermal-sensor data (using the MODVOLC alert-detection algorithm)
revealed a period of thermal anomalies on the uninhabited island of 
Tinakula during cloud-free intervals in early to mid-February 2006 (table 1).
The anomalies were particularly numerous on 11 February. The 
information was extracted from the MODIS Thermal Alerts website maintained by
the Hawai'i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology (HIGP) (see 
also BGVN 29:06 and 28:01). The satellites used were Aqua and Terra MODIS.
Confirmation of the volcanic source of the anomalies was not broadly 
distributed until late March 2006.

Table 1. MODVOLC thermal anomalies at Tinakula for mid-February through
mid-April 2006. Since the start of monitoring by MODIS satellite sensors 
on 8 May 2001, no thermal anomalies had been measured at Tinakula before 11
February 2006. Courtesy of University of Hawai'i Institute of 
Geophysics and Planetology MODIS Hotspot Alert website.

     Date      Time         Satellite            Number of
     (2006)    (UTC)    (A=Aqua, T=Terra)    anomalies observed

     11 Feb    1125             T                    6
     11 Feb    1425             A                   10
     11 Feb    2350             T                    3
     12 Feb    0240             A                    4
     13 Feb    2340             T                    3
     15 Feb    1500             A                    2
     18 Feb    1430             A                    2
     03 Mar    2325             T                    1
     06 Mar    1430             A                    1
     08 Mar    1120             T                    1
     08 Mar    1420             A                    2
     13 Mar    1135             T                    1
     15 Mar    1425             A                    1
     20 Mar    1145             T                    1
     09 Apr    1420             A                    1
     14 Apr    1135             T                    1
     16 Apr    1125             T                    2
     16 Apr    1425             A                    1
     18 Apr    1410             A                    3
     19 Apr    1455             A                    1
     21 Apr    1445             A                    2

Background. The small 3.5-km-wide island of Tinakula is the exposed summit of a
massive stratovolcano that rises 3-4 km from the sea floor at 
the NW end of the Santa Cruz islands. Tinakula resembles Stromboli volcano in
containing a breached summit crater that extends from the 
851-m-high summit to below sea level. Landslides enlarged this scarp in 1965,
creating an embayment on the NW coast. The satellitic cone of 
Mendana is located on the SE side. The dominantly andesitic Tinakula volcano has
frequently been observed in eruption since the era of Spanish 
exploration began in 1595. In about 1840, an explosive eruption apparently
produced pyroclastic flows that swept all sides of the island, 
killing its inhabitants. Frequent historical eruptions have originated from a
cone constructed within the large breached crater. These have left 
the upper flanks of the volcano and the steep apron of lava flows and
volcaniclastic debris within the breach unvegetated.

Information Contacts: Hawai'i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology (HIGP),
School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, University of 
Hawai'i at Manoa, 1680 East-West Road, POST 602, Honolulu, HI 96822 (URL:
http://modis.higp.hawaii.edu); Simon Carn, University of Maryland 
Baltimore County (UMBC), Joint Center for Earth Systems Technology (JCET), Total
Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) Volcanic Emissions Group, 
1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, MD 21250 (Email: scarm@xxxxxxxx); Andrew Tupper,
Darwin Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre, Bureau of Meteorology, 
Australia (URL: http://www.bom.gov.au/info/vaac; Email: A.Tupper@xxxxxxxxxx);
Thomas Toba, Ministry of Energy, Water, and Minerals Resources, 
Honiara, Solomon Islands (Email: t_toba@xxxxxxxxxxxx); Herman Patia, Rabaul
Volcano Observatory, P.O. Box 386, Rabaul, Papua New Guinea (Email: 

Sulawesi, Indonesia
1.358°N, 124.792°E; summit elev. 1,580 m

The twin volcanoes of Lokon and Empung exhibited low levels of activity during
2005. Table 2 is a summary of reported gas emissions and number 
of volcanic earthquakes during 2005.

Table 2. Summary of activity at Lokon-Empung during 2005, indicating the height
and composition of plumes observed and the numbers of 
earthquakes recorded. Data courtesy of CVGHM.

     Date (2005)              Plume                   Type A         Type B
                      Height   Color/composition    earthquakes    earthquakes

     18 Jan-24 Jan      --            --                 9             75
     24 Jan-30 Jan     35 m       white gas              3             88
     02 May             --            --                 3             44
     09 May            50 m       white gas              3            139
     26 Sep-02 Oct     15 m       white gas              6            117
     03 Oct-09 Oct     25 m       white gas              5            126
     10 Oct-16 Oct     25 m       white gas              6            177

Background. The twin volcanoes Lokon and Empung, rising about 800 m above the
plain of Tondano, are among the most active volcanoes of Sulawesi. 
Lokon, the higher of the two peaks (whose summits are only 2.2 km apart), has a
flat, craterless top. The morphologically younger Empung volcano 
has a 400-m-wide, 150-m-deep crater that erupted last in the 18th century, but
all subsequent eruptions have originated from Tompaluan, a 150 x 
250 m wide double crater situated in the saddle between the two peaks.
Historical eruptions have primarily produced small-to-moderate ash plumes 
that have occasionally damaged croplands and houses, but lava-dome growth and
pyroclastic flows have also occurred.

Information Contacts: Dali Ahmad, Hetty Triastuty, Nia Haerani and Suswati,
Center of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM), 
Jalan Diponegoro 57, Bandung 40122, Indonesia (Email: dali@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; URL:

Luzon, Philippines
13.257°N, 123.685°E; summit elev. 2,462 m
All times are local (= UTC + 8 hours)

Since the previous report in December 2004 (BGVN 29:12) Mayon had remained quiet
until 21 February 2006. On that day the Philippine Institute of 
Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS) reported that a minor explosion at 0941
produced an ash plume that rose ~500 m above the volcano's crater 
and drifted SW. Ash was deposited on the upper slopes of the volcano. The ash
emission was accompanied by a small explosion-type earthquake, 
recorded only by seismographs around the volcano.

Prior to the explosion PHIVOLCS had seen an increase in seismicity at the
volcano. Between 1545 on 20 February and 0520 on 21 February, there 
were 147 low-frequency earthquakes recorded, a number considerably above the
five or fewer events per day normally detected. Seismicity also 
indicated some minor rockfalls, which probably resulted from lava blocks
detaching from the summit. Steaming was observed. No incandescence was 
visible at the crater due to clouds obscuring the volcano.

PHIVOLCS reported that about nine earthquakes related to explosive activity took
place at Mayon around 23 February. Cloudy conditions prevented 
visual observations, but the seismic events detected probably signified minor
ash explosions. This was supported by reports from local residents 
who heard rumbling. The seismic network also recorded two low-frequency
earthquakes associated with shallow magma movement. The SO2 flux 
averaged 1,740 metric tons per day (t/d), similar to values obtained during the
last measurements on 28 November 2005. The flux was well above 
the usual 500 t/d measured at the volcano. Mayon remained at Alert Level 2, with
a 6-km-radius Permanent Danger Zone in effect. At this point 
the possibility of more violent eruptions triggered warnings to tourists and the
public in general to remain outside of the danger zone.

Background. Beautifully symmetrical Mayon volcano, which rises to 2462 m above
the Albay Gulf, is the Philippines' most active volcano. The 
structurally simple volcano has steep upper slopes averaging 35-40 degrees that
are capped by a small summit crater. The historical eruptions of 
this basaltic-andesitic volcano date back to 1616 and range from strombolian to
basaltic plinian, with cyclical activity beginning with basaltic 
eruptions, followed by longer-term andesitic lava flows. Eruptions occur
predominately from the central conduit and have also produced lava 
flows that travel far down the flanks. Pyroclastic flows and mudflows have
commonly swept down many of the approximately 40 ravines that radiate 
from the summit and have often devastated populated lowland areas. Mayon's most
violent eruption, in 1814, killed more than 1200 people and 
devastated several towns.

Information Contact: Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology
(PHIVOLCS), Department of Science and Technology, PHIVOLCS Building, 
C.P. Garcia Avenue, Univ. of the Philippines Campus, Diliman, Quezon City,
Philippines (URL: http://www.phivolcs.dost.gov.ph/).

Izu Islands, Japan
34.079°N, 139.529°E; summit elev. 815 m
All times are local (= UTC + 9 hours)

According to a news report, there was a minor eruption at Miyake-jima on 17
February 2006 that consisted of small ash emissions. Residents of 
the island were warned that there could be gas emissions and mudslides. The
Geological Survey of Japan (AIST) website reported that the SO2 flux 
at Miyake-jima averaged about 2,000-5,000 tons per day in January 2006 (figure
7). The previous activity took place in November-December 2004, 
ending on 9 December 2004 when minor eruptions were reported after a two-year
lull. As of mid-April 2006 no further activity had been reported.

Figure 7. Sulfur dioxide (SO2) flux monitoring of Miyake-jima by COSPEC V was
conducted from 26 August 2000, peaking in early 2000 at values 
well over 100,000 metric tons per day and dropping off slowly after that. Daily
monitoring was performed by the Japanese Meteorological Agency 
and Geological Survey of Japan.

Background. The circular, 8-km-wide island of Miyake-jima forms a low-angle
stratovolcano that rises about 1,100 m from the sea floor in the 
northern Izu Islands about 200 km SSW of Tokyo. The basaltic volcano is
truncated by two summit calderas, the youngest of which, 3.5 km wide, 
was formed during a major eruption about 2,500 years ago. A central cone, Oyama,
rises 120 m from the floor of a nested 1.5-km-wide caldera at 
the eastern end of the larger caldera. Parasitic craters and vents, including
maars near the coast and radially oriented fissure vents, dot the 
flanks of the volcano. Frequent historical eruptions have occurred since 1085 AD
at vents ranging from the summit to below sea level, causing 
much damage on this small populated island. After a three-century-long hiatus
ending in 1469, activity has been dominated by flank fissure 
eruptions sometimes accompanied by minor summit eruptions. A 1.6-km-wide summit
caldera was slowly formed by subsidence during an eruption in 
2000; by October of that year the crater floor had dropped to only 230 m above
sea level.

Information Contacts: Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), Volcanological
Division, 1-3-4 Ote-machi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan (URL: 
http://www.kishou.go.jp/english/); A. Tomiya, Geological Survey of Japan (AIST),
1-1 Higashi, 1-Chome Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-856, Japan (URL: 
http://staff.aist.go.jp/a.tomiya/miyakeE.html; Email: a.tomiya@xxxxxxxxxx);
Kazahaya Kohei, Geological Survey of Japan (URL: 
http://staff.aist.go.jp/kazahaya-k/miyakegas/COSPEC.html); Earthquake Research
Institute (ERI), University of Tokyo, Yayoi 1-1-1, Bunkyo-ku, 
Tokyo, 113-0032, Japan.

Kurile Islands, Russia
50.325°N, 155.458°E; summit elev. 1,816 m
All times are local (= UTC +11 hours)

Chikurachki last erupted during April to June 2003 (BGVN 28:07) and subsequently
was apparently dormant for nearly two years. On 1 March 2005, 
observers in Severo-Kurilsk (~70 km NE of Chikurachki) saw a gas-and-steam plume
rise ~400 m above the volcano. On 12 March 2005, MODIS 
satellite imagery showed an ash plume extending NNW from the volcano and led
KVERT to raise the concern color code from Green to Yellow. On 23 
March, satellite imagery showed a weak ash plume extending ~70 km E. The height
of the plume was unknown, and on 25 March the hazard status was 
raised again from Yellow to Orange. Chikurachki is not monitored with seismic
instruments but KVERT has access to satellite data and occasional 
visual observations of the volcano. Ash from Chikurachki fell on the southern
part of Paramushir Island on 29 March. Ash deposits were visible 
on satellite imagery on 25 and 29 March; on the 29th they extended 19 km SE.
Chikurachki remained at concern color code Orange.

During April 2005, weak fumarolic activity occurred at Chikurachki. Ash deposits
covered the WNW slope of the volcano. On 7 April, an 
ash-and-gas plume rose to ~500 m above Chikurachki's crater and extended ~10 km
S. The concern color code remained Orange through 15 April 2005 
and was reduced to Yellow when satellite imagery during the week of 20-26 April
did not show any thermal anomalies or ash plumes. Since that 
time there has been no further indication of activity.

In 2005 Gurenkoa and others published a study of glass inclusions and groundmass
glasses from Chikurachki explosions in an effort to better 
understand the relatively rare, highly explosive eruptions of basaltic
composition. Such eruptions may be important in terms of atmospheric 
impact because of the generally much higher solubilities of S in basaltic melts
compared with silicic melts. Concentrations of H2O, major, trace 
and volatile (S, Cl) elements by EPMA and SIMS from glass inclusions and
groundmass glasses of the 1986, 1853, and prehistoric explosive 
eruptions of basaltic magmas were studied.

Background. Chikurachki, the highest volcano on Paramushir Island in the
northern Kuriles, is actually a relatively small cone constructed on a 
high Pleistocene volcanic edifice. Oxidized andesitic scoria deposits covering
the upper part of the young cone give it a distinctive red color. 
Lava flows from 1816-m-high Chikurachki reached the sea and form capes on the NW
coast; several young lava flows also emerge from beneath the 
scoria blanket on the eastern flank. The Tatarinov group of six volcanic centers
is located immediately to the south of Chikurachki. In contrast 
to the frequently active Chikurachki, the Tatarinov volcanoes are extensively
modified by erosion and have a more complex structure. 
Tephrochronology gives evidence of only one eruption in historical time from
Tatarinov, although its southern cone contains a sulfur-encrusted 
crater with fumaroles that were active along the margin of a crater lake until 1959.

Reference: Gurenko, A.A., Belousov, A.B., Trumbull, R.B., and Sobolev, A.V.,
2005, Explosive basaltic volcanism of the Chikurachki Volcano 
(Kurile arc, Russia): Insights on pre-eruptive magmatic conditions and volatile
budget revealed from phenocryst-hosted melt inclusions and 
groundmass glasses: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 147, p.
203-232. (URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/)

Information Contacts: Olga Girina, Kamchatka Volcanic Eruptions Response Team
(KVERT), a cooperative program of the Institute of Volcanic 
Geology and Geochemistry, Far East Division, Russian Academy of Sciences, Piip
Ave. 9, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskii 683006, Russia (Email: 
girina@xxxxxxxxxx), the Kamchatka Experimental and Methodical Seismological
Department (KEMSD), GS RAS (Russia), and the Alaska Volcano 
Observatory (USA); Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO), a cooperative program of
the U.S. Geological Survey, 4200 University Drive, Anchorage, AK 
99508-4667, USA (URL: http://www.avo.alaska.edu/; Email: tlmurray@xxxxxxxx), the
Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska, P.O. Box 757320, 
Fairbanks, AK 99775-7320, USA (Email: eisch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx), and the Alaska
Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys, 794 University 
Ave., Suite 200, Fairbanks, AK 99709, USA (Email: cnye@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx).

Alaska Peninsula, USA
56.17°N, 159.38°W; summit elev. 2,507 m
All times are local (= UTC - 9 hours)

On 7 September 2005, the Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO) noted several minor
bursts of ash from the volcano during the afternoon. Ash bursts 
continued to occur through at least 9 September, with ash rising less than 3 km
altitude, and with the ash confined to the caldera. Over the 
following 2 weeks, minor ash emission continued at a rate of 1-5 events per day
based on interpretations of seismic data. AVO reported that it 
was likely that diffuse ash plumes rose to heights less than ~3 km and were
confined to the summit caldera. Cloudy weather during 16-23 
September prohibited web-camera and satellite observations of Veniaminof, but
seismic data indicated diminishing activity. On 28 September 
seismicity had remained at background levels for over a week, and there was no
evidence to suggest that minor ash explosions were continuing.

On 4 November 2005, a low-level minor ash emission occurred from the
intracaldera cone beginning at 0929. Ash rose a few hundred meters above 
the cone, drifted E, and dissipated rapidly. Minor ashfall was probably confined
to the summit caldera. During the previous 2 weeks, occasional 
steaming from the intracaldera cone was observed. Very weak seismic tremor and a
few small discrete seismic events were recorded at the station 
closest to the active cone. However, AVO reported that there were no indications
from seismic data that a significantly larger eruption was 

On the morning of 3 March 2006 ash again rose a few hundred meters above the
intracaldera cone, drifted E, and dissipated rapidly. Ashfall was 
expected to be minor and confined to the summit caldera. Seismicity was again
low and did not indicate that a significantly larger eruption was 
imminent. Over the week of 5-10 March, seismicity was low but slightly above

On the morning of 10 March, AVO received a report from a pilot of low-level ash
emission from the intracaldera cone. Clear web-camera views on 9 
March showed small diffuse plumes of ash extending a short distance from the
intracaldera cone. The Anchorage Volcanic Ash Advisory Center 
(VAAC) reported a steam/ash plume noted on web-cam and satellite on 13 March
2006 at 0500Z (12 March 2006 at 2000 hours local), moving NNW at 
9.2 km/hr and falling to the land surface. Web-cam images on 22 March showed a
very diffuse steam-and-ash plume that was confined to the summit 
caldera, and on 24 March showed a steam-and-ash plume drifting from the summit
cone at a height of less than 2.3 km. This level of activity was 
similar to that on 23 March, but higher than activity on 21 and 22 March, when a
very diffuse steam-and-ash plume was confined to the summit 

The flow of seismic data from Veniaminof stopped on the evening of 21 March
2006, and the problem was expected to continue until AVO staff could 
visit the site to repair the problem. Absent seismic data, the volcano could
potentially still be monitored in other ways such as using 
web-camera and satellite images. Imagery was obscured by cloudy weather after 21
March. On 26 March 2006, a pilot reported a small ash plume 
rising above the volcano. Low-altitude ash emissions from Veniaminof were
visible during 31 March to 7 April. On 6 April, a pilot reported an 
ash plume at a height of 3 km. AVO stated in its weekly report of 14 April 2006
that the seismicity at Veniaminof remained low but above 
background. Internet camera and satellite views had been obscured by cloudy
weather, and AVO lacked new information about ash clouds or activity.

Background. Massive Veniaminof volcano, one of the highest and largest volcanoes
on the Alaska Peninsula, is truncated by a steep-walled, 8 x 11 
km, glacier-filled caldera that formed around 3,700 years ago. The caldera rim
is up to 520 m high on the N, is deeply notched on the W by Cone 
Glacier, and is covered by an ice sheet on the S. Post-caldera vents are located
along a NW-SE zone bisecting the caldera that extends 55 km 
from near the Bering Sea coast, across the caldera, and down the Pacific flank.
Historical eruptions probably all originated from the 
westernmost and most prominent of two intra-caldera cones, which reaches an
elevation of 2,156 m and rises about 300 m above the surrounding 
icefield. The other cone is larger, and has a summit crater or caldera that may
reach 2.5 km in diameter, but is more subdued and barely rises 
above the glacier surface.

Information Contacts: Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO), a cooperative program of
the U.S. Geological Survey, 4200 University Drive, Anchorage, 
AK 99508-4667, Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska, P.O. Box 757320,
Fairbanks, AK 99775-7320, and Alaska Division of Geological & 
Geophysical Surveys, 794 University Ave., Suite 200, Fairbanks, AK 99709 (URL:
http://www.avo.alaska.edu); Charles R. Holliday, Air Force 
Weather Agency (AFWA), Offutt Air Force Base, NE 68113 (Email:

19.514°N, 103.62°W; summit elev. 3,850 m
All times are local (= UTC -6 hours)

Eruptive activity has continued at Colima from July 2005 through February 2006.
Explosions that generated ash plumes were common during this period.

The Colima Volcano Observatory reported that ash emission continued at Colima
during 29 June 2005 to 5 July 2005 and several plumes rose to 9-10 
km altitude. On 30 June, lahars traveled SW down La Lumbre Ravine and SSE down
Montegrande Ravine to a maximum length of ~10 km. The lahars did 
not reach populated areas. Due to the presence of new ash on the flanks of the
volcano, seasonal heavy rains, and the subsequent threat of 
lahars forming, Universidad de Colima advised avoiding the ravines of La Lumbre,
San Antonio, Monte Grande (in Colima state), and La Arena (in 
Jalisco state) throughout this interval.

The Washington VAAC reported that the Colima video camera and satellite imagery
confirmed an explosive eruption on 5 July at 1821 (figure 8). 
The Mexico City Meteorological Watch Office (MWO) reported that the resultant
ash plume reached an altitude of ~9.1 km and drifted NW. 
Pyroclastic flows accompanying the eruption traveled down the E flank.

Figure 8. A photo of the explosive eruption on Colima on 5 July 2005 taken from
the E. Courtesy of CVO.

Several explosions continued during 6-19 July, and small landslides traveled
down the volcano's flanks during 8-9 July and 15-18 July. On 21 and 
23 July, small ash emissions and lahars occurred. On the 21st during 1750-1830 a
lahar traveled SSE down the Monte Grande ravine. Emissions rose 
to a maximum altitude of 9.1 km on 27 July. During 29 July to 1 August,
steam-and-ash emissions occurred at Colima. According to the Washington 
VAAC, the highest-rising emission reached 6.1 km altitude on 30 July.

On 4 August the Washington VAAC reported that the Mexico City MWO observed a
steam plume rising to 7.2 km altitude in imagery seen on the Colima 
video camera. During15-31 August, small explosions produced low-level ash
plumes. The largest events, on 21 and 22 August, produced plumes that 
drifted W. On 31 August a 45-minute seismic signal associated with a lahar was
recorded at the Monte Grande station. The lahar caused no damage.

Throughout the month of September, several small explosions occurred at Colima.
On 16 September at 1045 an explosion sent an ash plume to ~9.8 
km altitude. The local civil defense agency stated in a news report that ash
fell on towns NW of the volcano. Prior to the explosion, 
microseismicity was recorded for several days. Universidad de Colima reported
that microseismicity often precedes significant explosions. On 27 
September at 0507 an explosion produced a plume to a altitude of ~7.6 km
altitude. The plume drifted WSW, depositing small amounts of ash in the 
cities of Colima, Villa de Alvarez, and Comala. On 28 September another
explosion sent an ash plume to an altitude of ~6.1 km altitude and 
drifted NNW.

Small explosions continued to occur from October through the end of February
2006 (the end of this report), and produced visible ash plumes. 
Several small explosions during 16-21 November 2005 produced steam-and-ash
clouds to low levels above the volcano. Explosions on 12 December 
2005 resulted in small amounts of ash deposited in areas SW of the volcano.

Background. The Colima volcanic complex is the most prominent volcanic center of
the western Mexican Volcanic Belt. It consists of two 
southward-younging volcanoes, Nevado de Colima (the 4320 m high point of the
complex) on the north and the 3850-m-high historically active 
Volcan de Colima at the south. A group of cinder cones of late-Pleistocene age
is located on the floor of the Colima graben west and east of the 
Colima complex. Volcan de Colima (also known as Volcan Fuego) is a youthful
stratovolcano constructed within a 5-km-wide caldera, breached to 
the south, that has been the source of large debris avalanches. Major slope
failures have occurred repeatedly from both the Nevado and Colima 
cones, and have produced a thick apron of debris-avalanche deposits on three
sides of the complex. Frequent historical eruptions date back to 
the 16th century. Occasional major explosive eruptions (most recently in 1913)
have destroyed the summit and left a deep, steep-sided crater 
that was slowly refilled and then overtopped by lava dome growth.

Information Contacts: Observatorio Vulcanologico de la Universidad de Colima,
Colima, Col., 28045, Mexico (URL: http://www.ucol.mx/volcan/; 
Email: ovc@xxxxxxxxxxxx); Washington Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC),
Satellite Analysis Branch (SAB), NOAA/NESDIS E/SP23, NOAA Science 
Center Room 401, 5200 Auth Rd, Camp Springs, MD 20746, USA (URL:

Costa Rica
10.20°N, 84.233°W; summit elev. 2,708 m
All times are local (= UTC -6 hours)

Poas was last reported on in BGVN 28:09, covering the period from September 2001
to December 2002. The focus of activity at Poas during that 
time was the main crater and its fumaroles, and its low-pH, variably colored lake.

A field team from Observatorio Vulcanologico y Sismologico de Costa Rica,
Universidad Nacional (OVSICORI-UNA) visited Poas on 25 January 2006 
and found that the level of the volcano's hot acidic crater lake had risen in
comparison to the previous month. Sustained rainfall during the 
previous months caused the water level to rise by ~4 m. The area of the lake
increased by ~20%. Flooding occurred in relatively flat areas to 
the N, E, and SE. The shoreline extended about 150 m toward the SE. Scattered
fumaroles and hot spots at the N base of the lava dome were 
flooded. Increased steaming was visible from the National Park. The average lake
temperature remained at 22°C, with hot spots near the rim 
reaching up to 80°C. OVSICORI-UNA staff noted that in the past an increase in
lake level during a rainy period has been followed by a decrease 
during the drier months of February to April.

On 24 March 2006 around noon, the first eruptions since 1994 began at Poas. The
small, phreatic eruptions originated from the bottom of the 
volcano's Caliente Lake and dispersed mud, gas, and acid rain toward the S and
SW parts of the crater. Witnesses described a sudden emission of 
water and sediments S of the lake. Roaring was heard in a nearby tourist area
and weak earthquakes were felt. The strongest eruption occurred on 
the night of 24 March, when ejected volcanic material reached 200 m high and
acid rain showered park headquarters, located 800 m S of the 
crater. During 25 March at least 8 eruptions took place. Due to the likelihood
of more explosions the local National Emergencies Agency 
temporarily closed the park.

OVSICORI-UNA staff visited the E side of the volcano on 25 March and confirmed
that water, blocks, and sediments from the bottom of the lake had 
been ejected. Several dozens of impact craters were seen with diameters between
15 and 60 cm, extending E as far as 700 m (figure 9). During 
22-27 March, harmonic tremor was recorded. On the 27th, there was a reduction in
seismicity and it returned to normal levels. No deformation was 
measured at the volcano. A news article reported that the area around the
volcano was closed to visitors.

Figure 9. Photo of the E side of Poas, annotated with observations made by
OVSICORI-UNA staff. Impact craters ranged in size from a few cm to 70 
cm; blocks ranged from a few cm to 50 cm and were scattered randomly over the
area investigated. Blocks of fine-grained lake sediments were also 
observed and collected. The material collected was interpreted as pre-existent
solid material from the bottom of the lake that has been heavily 
altered by the action of hot acidic fluids during the last 12 years. Photo
courtesy of Eliecer Duarte Gonzalez, OVSICORI-UNA.

Following the eruptions that began on 24 March, seismicity at Poas decreased by
27 March and harmonic tremor that was recorded during the 
heightened activity ceased.

On 1 April 2006, OVSICORI-UNA staff visited Caliente Lake and its surroundings.
During this visit the widening of the lake perimeter was 
confirmed as well as the emplacement of lake sediments and pre-existent blocks
from both the bottom of the lake and its walls. Fracturing of the 
dome's N wall was also confirmed. The lake temperature was 54ºC, with a pH of
0.63. The water was light gray due to the great quantity of 
suspended sediments. The park surrounding the volcano was reopened on 1 April.

Background. The broad, well-vegetated edifice of Poas, one of the most active
volcanoes of Costa Rica, contains three craters along a N-S line. 
The frequently visited multi-hued summit crater lakes of the basaltic-to-dacitic
volcano, which is one of Costa Rica's most prominent natural 
landmarks, are easily accessible by vehicle from the nearby capital city of San
Jose. A N-S-trending fissure cutting the 2,708-m-high complex 
stratovolcano extends to the lower northern flank, where it has produced the
Congo stratovolcano and several lake-filled maars. The southernmost 
of the two summit crater lakes, Botos, is cold and clear and last erupted about
7,500 years ago. The more prominent geothermally heated northern 
lake is one of the world's most acidic natural lakes, with a pH of near zero. It
has been the site of frequent phreatic and phreatomagmatic 
eruptions since the first historical eruption was reported in 1828. Poas
eruptions often include geyser-like ejection of crater-lake water.

Information Contacts: Eliecer Duarte Gonzalez, Observatorio Vulcanologico y
Sismologico de Costa Rica, Universidad Nacional (OVSICORI-UNA), 
Apartado 86-3000, Heredia, Costa Rica. (URL: http://www.ovsicori.una.ac.cr/);
Rafael Barquero, Red Sismologica Nacional, Seccion de Sismologia, 
Vulcanologia y Exploracion Geofisica, Escuela Centroamericana de Geologia,
Universidad de Costa Rica, Aptdo. 560-2300, Curridabat, San Jose, 
Costa Rica.(Email: RbarqueroP@xxxxxxxxx).

1.22°N, 77.37°W; summit elev. 4,276 m
All times are local (= UTC -5 hours)

Galeras was last reported on in BGVN 31:01. During the first weeks of November
2005 seismometers recorded tornillo earthquakes (long-period 
events with seismic traces that look like screws in profile and are currently
thought to be related to pressurized fluid flow at shallow depth). 
Minor deformation was also recorded at Galeras. The earthquakes were similar to
those that occurred before eruptions in 1992-93. On 24 November 
at 0246 seismic signals indicated the beginning of an eruption. Ash fell in the
towns of Fontibon, San Cayetano, Postobon, and in north Pasto. 
Activity decreased by the next day, so the Alert Level was reduced. Thousands of
people were evacuated during the week prior to the eruption. 
Gas emissions continued through December 2005 and January and February 2006.
During 23 January to 6 February, the lava dome in the main crater 
continued to grow; strong degassing occurred in several sectors of the active
cone and around the lava dome. Galeras remained at Alert Level 3 
("changes in the behavior of volcanic activity have been noted") through
February 2006.

During the last week of February, seismic stations detected an average of 280
small earthquakes per day. On 26 February a shallow M 4.8 
volcano-tectonic earthquake below the volcano was recorded at 1009, followed by
35 smaller earthquakes. SO2 flux of about 600 metric tons per 
day was measured during February. Steam and gas rose to ~700 m above the volcano.

During 27 February to 6 March an increase in the volume of the lava dome located
in the main crater was observed. During March, seismicity at 
Galeras decreased in comparison to the previous several weeks and deformation
was measured at the volcano. Plumes of mainly steam, gas, and 
small amounts of ash were emitted from the volcano and rose to a maximum height
of 1.2 km above the volcano.

Due to an increase in tremor at Galeras beginning on the morning of 28 March
2006, INGEOMINAS raised the Alert Level from 3 to 2 (likely 
eruption in days or weeks). On 28 March, energetic signals and tremor began and
seismic instruments detected very shallow low-energy hybrid 
signals, similar to ones recorded during 1991-1993 when dome emplacement
occurred on the main crater's floor.

The increase in seismic energy ended on 29 March. The number of earthquakes
beneath the volcano decreased during 28 March to 3 April (an average 
of 66 earthquakes was recorded daily), in comparison to the previous week (an
average of 89 earthquakes was recorded daily). Steam columns rose 
up to ~500 m above the volcano and the outer layer of the lava dome at the
volcano's summit cooled in comparison to previous weeks.

During 5-24 April, decreases were observed in seismicity, deformation, gas
emissions, and temperatures. According to INGEOMINAS, most of the 
explosive eruptions at Galeras in the past 17 years occurred when parameters
were at similarly low levels. In addition, the current lava dome 
has a significantly greater volume than the dome that was destroyed during an
eruption in 1992. The volume of magma in the interior of the 
volcanic system is greater than during 1989-1993. Galeras remained at Alert Level 2.

Background. Galeras, a stratovolcano with a large breached caldera located
immediately west of the city of Pasto, is one of Colombia's most 
frequently active volcanoes. The dominantly andesitic Galeras volcanic complex
has been active for more than 1 million years, and two major 
caldera collapse eruptions took place during the late Pleistocene. Long-term
extensive hydrothermal alteration has affected the volcano. This 
has contributed to large-scale edifice collapse that has occurred on at least
three occasions, producing debris avalanches that swept to the 
west and left a large horseshoe-shaped caldera inside which the modern cone has
been constructed. Major explosive eruptions since the mid 
Holocene have produced widespread tephra deposits and pyroclastic flows that
swept all but the southern flanks. A central cone slightly lower 
than the caldera rim has been the site of numerous small-to-moderate historical
eruptions since the time of the Spanish conquistadors.

Information Contacts: Diego Gomez Martinez, Observatorio Vulcanologico y
Sismologico de Pasto (OVSP), INGEOMINAS, Carrera 31, 1807 Parque 
Infantil, PO Box 1795, Pasto, Colombia (Email: dgomez@ ingeomin.gov.co; URL:
http://www.ingeomin.gov.co/pasto/; Email: ovp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx); 
Washington Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC), Satellite Analysis Branch (SAB),
NOAA/NESDIS E/SP23, NOAA Science Center Room 401, 5200 Auth 
Rd., Camp Springs, MD 20746 USA (URL: http://www.ssd.noaa.gov/); El Pais (URL:

16.355°S, 70.903°W; summit elev. 5,672 m
All times are local (= UTC - 6 hours)

Ubinas began erupting ash on 25 March 2006. Since mid-2005 a small increase in
fumarolic activity had been seen during visits to the crater by 
personnel from the Instituto Geofisico del Peru (IGP), UNSA local university,
and the Instituto Geologico, Minero y Metalurgico (INGEMMET); it 
was also reported by local authorities. Increased fumarolic emissions described
by INGEMMET were reported on 18 January 2006 by Diario Digital 
Sur Noticias. Fumaroles started to make strong jet noises, and seismic activity
increased, in February 2006. The eruption that began on 25 
March, described below, has continued through at least late April.

On 25 March farmers from Querapi village, 4 km from the crater, noted ash
deposits on crops. A few millimeters of ash was deposited and quickly 
removed by rain. The volcano had been mostly cloud-covered during the previous
few weeks, but on 27 March residents of Querapi noted a column of 
ash at 1430. On 30 and 31 March teams from IGP, UNSA, and INGEMMET visited the
volcano (figure 10). Although there had been constant snow over 
the previous days, the summit was completely gray from ashfall. The ash
thickness on rocks 2 km NW of the crater was 3 mm, just inside the 
summit crater there was about 1 cm, and at the inner pit crater edge there was 2
cm. Thick ash surrounded a new 30-m-wide vent in the crater 
base. This crater was emitting constant ash and gas with larger pulses
approximately every 15 minutes. Near the edge of the pit crater were 
large numbers of flat circular mud discs up to 15 cm in diameter, many with
central solid cores. These grew smaller and less frequent with 
distance. It is thought these are either huge accretionary lapilli, generated in
storm clouds above Ubinas, or products of wet eruptions from 
the new vent. The crater area is dangerous and frequently smothered in ash
clouds, so observations remain sketchy.

Figure 10. Photo of Ubinas on 31 March 2006 showing an eruption plume rising
from the summit crater. Photo by the Peruvian Civil Defense taken 
from Moquegua city, provided courtesy of the Associated Press.

Ash emissions through 10 April covered local villages and damaged crops. Clear
crop damage was visible around the village of Querapi, with 
potato and alfalfa leaves and flowers blemished in spots. This is the critical
growing time for the crop, and thus any damage is serious for the 
local farmers. Cattle have been seen suffering from diarrhea.

Short periods of seismic recordings have been made at a site 2,500 m NW of the
crater rim. On 20 November 2004 only 16 local events were 
recorded over 12 hours. In February 2005 there where 96 events over the same
time period. Over 12 hours on 27 March 2006 there were 115 events. 
During this last interval, low-amplitude tremor events lasting 3 minutes on
average were recorded, as well as long-period (LP) events. Over the 
12 hours of observation the following events were recorded: 62 LP, 18 LP with
precursors, 10 volcano-tectonic (VT), five VT with precursors, and 
20 tremor events.

Background. A small, 1.2-km-wide caldera that cuts the top of Ubinas, Peru's
most active volcano, gives it a truncated appearance. Ubinas is the 
northernmost of three young volcanoes located along a regional structural
lineament about 50 km behind the main volcanic front of Peru. The 
upper slopes of the stratovolcano, composed primarily of Pleistocene andesitic
lava flows, steepen to nearly 45 degrees. The steep-walled, 
150-m-deep summit caldera contains an ash cone with a 500-m-wide funnel-shaped
vent that is 200 m deep. Debris-avalanche deposits from the 
collapse of the SE flank of Ubinas extend 10 km from the volcano. Widespread
plinian pumice-fall deposits from Ubinas include some of Holocene 
age. Holocene lava flows are visible on the volcano's flanks, but historical
activity, documented since the 16th century, has consisted of 
intermittent minor explosive eruptions.

Information Contacts: Orlando Macedo, Observatorio de Cayma-Arequipa, Instituto
Geofisico del Peru at Arequipa city (IGP-Arequipa), Urb. La 
Marina B-19, Cayma, Arequipa, Peru (Email: omacedo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx); Jersy
Marino, Instituto Geologico, Minero y Metalurgico (INGEMMET), Peru 
(Email: jmarino@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx); Benjamin van Wyk, Laboratoire Magmas et
Volcans (LMV), OPGC, France (Email: b.vanwyk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx); 
Jean-Philippe Metaxian, Laboratoire de Geophysique Interne et
Tectonophysique-Univ de Savoie, France (Email: 
Jean-Philippe.Metaxian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx); Peruvian Civil Defense (URL:
http://www.indeci.gob.pe/); Diario Digital Sur Noticias, Tacna, Peru (URL: 
http://www.surnoticias.com/); Associated Press (URL: http://www.ap.org/).

Erta Ale
13.60°N, 40.67°E; summit elev. 613 m
All times are local (= UTC +3 hours)

Viviane Grandjean wrote of her observations at Erta Ale during 24 December
2005-3 January 2006 in Bulletin No. 57 of the Societe de Volcanologie 
Geneve. On 26 December she saw the lava lake through clouds of gas; its surface
was calm, with incandescent lava visible through the broken 
chilled surface. The S pit crater had an estimated diameter of 170 m and
vertical walls, and the lava lake was about 80 m in diameter. It seemed 
to shrink during the next days, one part appearing hardened and forming almost a
second terrace. The plates of cooled surface lava were seen 
moving and converging amidst degassing lava. Lava fountains were periodically
visible and generally outlined the borders of the lava lake under 
the rim.

On 27 December, the walls of the crater were estimated at about 50 m high, with
a crater diameter of about 300 m. Members of the group descended 
into the crater to inspect a series of active hornitos near the N vents. At one
end of the line a vent lined with sulfur opened. In the interior 
cavity of a smaller vent temperatures of about 800°C were measured. Degassing
occurred generally in the area. Lava fountaining continued.

The lava lake appeared lower and calmer to observers on 28 December, with a
potential second terrace still forming. Some group members descended 
into the crater again and observed rockfall and continued lava fountaining.

Background. Erta Ale is an isolated basaltic shield volcano that is the most
active volcano in Ethiopia. The broad, 50-km-wide volcano rises 
more than 600 m from below sea level in the barren Danakil depression. Erta Ale
is the namesake and most prominent feature of the Erta Ale 
Range. The 613-m-high volcano contains a 0.7 x 1.6 km, elliptical summit crater
housing steep-sided pit craters. Another larger 1.8 x 3.1 km 
wide depression elongated parallel to the trend of the Erta Ale range is located
to the SE of the summit and is bounded by curvilinear fault 
scarps on the SE side. Fresh-looking basaltic lava flows from these fissures
have poured into the caldera and locally overflowed its rim. The 
summit caldera is renowned for one, or sometimes two long-term lava lakes that
have been active since at least 1967, or possibly since 1906. 
Recent fissure eruptions have occurred on the northern flank of Erta Ale.

Information Contacts: Viviane Grandjean, c/o Societe Volcanologique Europeenne
(SVE)-Societe Volcanologique de Geneve (SVG), Geneva, C.P.1, 1211 
Geneva 17, Switzerland (URL: http://www.sveurop.org/).

Ol Doinyo Lengai
2.764°S, 35.914°E; summit elev. 2,960 m
All times are local (= UTC + 3 hours)

Typical activity continued at Ol Doinyo Lengai from December 2005 through
mid-March 2006. Unusual activity, including a large plume and 
significant lava overflows from the summit crater, occurred during late March
and early April. Much of the following information was posted on 
websites maintained by Fred Belton or Chris Weber, or was contained in email
from local sources or visitors relayed by Belton or Celia Nyamweru. 
None of the reports regarding the unusual March-April activity originated from
sources close enough to describe the exact nature of the eruption.

Activity during 20 December 2005-13 March 2006. The local Masai guide William
reported an eruption from hornito T49B during a visit on 20 
December 2005. When David Bygott climbed the volcano on 22 December the crater
was inactive. A recent narrow flow of pahoehoe lava from the NW 
flank of T49B had flowed across the NW crater rim overflow, and was still warm
and making cracking noises. A wide pahoehoe-textured lava flow 
from T56B had mostly turned white and appeared to be several days to a week old.

On 4 January 2006 Bernhard Donth observed lava escaping from T49B; spatter and
little flows went in all directions. One bigger lava flow had 
reached as far as the NW overflow. A report from Christian Mann of a climb on 10
January only noted degassing from T47. A photo taken that day 
from the summit showed a white and brown crater with no indication of recent
activity. However, Belton noted that during the previous weeks lava 
had apparently filled up the large open vent of T56B and had flowed from there
and possibly other locations onto the NE part of the crater floor.

Chris DeVries and a group of other students from McGill University visited
during 25-26 February. Many hornitos were intermittently degassing. 
T58B was spattering a bit, and magma was heard sloshing around. A small
~10-m-long flow had erupted from this vent earlier in the day; it was 
still very black and hot. T57B had a large opening to its NW, but it did not
appear that any recent flows had come from this opening. The base 
of this cone later ruptured, and the lava inside drained out quickly and
violently; the flow proceeded to the E overflow.

Christoph Weber arrived with a film team at the crater on 2 February 2006. The
tallest hornito (T49B) reached approximately 2,890 m elevation 
(measured with GPS), ~60 m above the crater floor at the NW overflow (figure
11). No recent eruption had occurred at T49B, but strong noisy 
degassing took place sometimes. Just E of T49B the hornito T56B had convecting
lava deep inside and some days-old lava flows stretched from 
three different vents at T56B to the E overflow. After the major collapse of
T56B in 2004, this hornito (at approximately 2,875 m elevation on 2 
February) has nearly grown up again to its former shape and height. Also from
T58C and the collapsed T58B hornito some days-old lava flows were 
found on the eastern slopes passing the old and weathered T37, T37B, and T45 cones.

Figure 11. View of Ol Doinyo Lengai on 6 February 2006, looking NW at the
central hornito cluster. Fresh lava flows are black. A person can be 
seen near the recent lava flow in front of T57B. Courtesy of C. Weber.

The caldera-shaped collapsed T58B had its flat floor at ~2,865 m elevation with
four active vents inside. Lava convection was close to the 
surface of T58B and inside the tall T58C. At 1300 on 2 February a sudden
increase of activity took place with two lava fountains at T58B lasting 
only some seconds. At the same time lava spilled from all T58B vents, a T58C
flank vent, and a T56B vent. Lava spatter with lava flows inside 
T58B and up to ~150 m towards the E occurred over the following 3 days. On 6 and
7 February, higher activity occurred with lava outflow at T58C. 
During an observation flight on 13 February, Weber noticed new lava flows from
T58B and T56B. Crater rim overflow measurements on 2 February 
2006 were unchanged since August 2005 (BGVN 30:10).

Photographs taken by Michael Dalton-Smith from a plane on 13 March 2006 showed
many small flows extending in all directions from the central 
cluster. The flow over the NW rim seemed to be confined to a channel and did not
spread out until it was further down the mountain.

Unusual activity starting in late March. David Peterson saw a fairly obvious
plume at the top of the mountain (figure 12) on 28 March. A day or 
two after that he heard reports of lava pouring down the volcano's sides with
some residents moving out of Engare Sero as a result. Unconfirmed 
news reports in The Guardian on 1 April described a scene of "rumbling" noises
with lava and ash discharges on 30 March that prompted hundreds 
to as many as 3,000 local residents to flee the area. Peterson also relayed that
his colleague Habibu reported on 1 April that the lava flows 
had abated. Another friend, Achmed, noted that a river of lava extending from
the crater to the base of the volcano was about the "width of a 
four lane highway" (12 m). An Agence France Presse news report, with quotes from
Emmanuel Chausi, a conservation officer with the nearby 
Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority (NCAA), claimed that "huge plumes of
detritus" were ejected during the nights of both 2 and 3 April, but 
no lava was reported.

Figure 12. A photograph, undated, but from the time period of the eruption,
shows a white plume from Ol Doinyo Lengai. This is probably what 
started the rumor of a major eruption. Fred Belton saw a similar cloud on 15
July 2004 when lava vaporized a big area of plants on the E rim. 
Fred Belton received this photograph, taken from Basecamp Tanzania, on 9 April 2006.

Photos received from Dean Polley, taken 1 April, provide additional information
about the eruption (figure 13). Based on these aerial photos, 
Belton's interpretation is that lava on 30 March must have erupted strongly from
at or near the central cluster. A deep channel visible down the 
flank indicates a flow lasting some hours through a channel deepened by thermal
erosion. A crater photo from Matt Jones also taken on 1 April 
(figure 14) confirmed that there had been recent strong activity from the T56B
and T58C hornitos. C. Weber relayed that visitors who climbed the 
volcano later on (with guide Othman Swalehe ) reported a lava channel 5 m wide
and 2.5 m deep, starting from the T58C hornito, following the 
flow field to the SW and then continuing outside the crater at the W overflow
where there was a channel 8 m wide and 3 m deep. The collapsed 
hornito area at T56B and T58B measured about 30 m N-S and 15 m E-W with an
active lava lake inside. The tall hornitos T58C (partly collapsed to 
the SE), T49B, and T57B were mostly not affected by the collapse, and the W part
of T56B remained standing.

Figure 13. Aerial photograph of Ol Doinyo Lengai looking approximately ESE
showing the summit crater and lava overflows, 1 April 2006. Courtesy 
of Dean Polley.

Figure 14. Photograph of the Ol Doinyo Lengai crater on 1 April 2006, looking NW
at the central hornito cluster. The T58C hornito is completely 
split, with the south half removed. A significant portion of T56B is also
missing. See figure 11 for a comparison with crater morphology on 6 
February 2006 and identification of hornitos. Photo by Matt Jones, provided
courtesy of F. Belton.

Michael Dalton-Smith flew over on 4 April and saw more recent black flows
partially covering the gray flows from 30 March. When Dalton-Smith 
drove from Seronera to the crater on 4 April, he had a great cloud-free view.
Using binoculars it appeared that there was a huge fountain out of 
one of the hornitos, and all hornitos had black plumes rising from them.

Background. The symmetrical Ol Doinyo Lengai stratovolcano is the only volcano
known to have erupted carbonatite tephras and lavas in historical 
time. The prominent volcano, known to the Maasai as "The Mountain of God," rises
abruptly above the broad plain south of Lake Natron in the 
Gregory Rift Valley. The cone-building stage of the volcano ended about 15,000
years ago and was followed by periodic ejection of 
natrocarbonatitic and nephelinite tephra during the Holocene. Historical
eruptions have consisted of smaller tephra eruptions and emission of 
numerous natrocarbonatitic lava flows on the floor of the summit crater and
occasionally down the upper flanks. The depth and morphology of the 
northern crater have changed dramatically during the course of historical
eruptions, ranging from steep craters walls about 200 m deep in the 
mid-20th century to shallow platforms mostly filling the crater. Long-term lava
effusion in the summit crater beginning in 1983 had by the turn 
of the century mostly filled the northern crater; by late 1998 lava had begun
overflowing the crater rim.

Information Contacts: Frederick Belton, Developmental Studies Department, PO Box
16, Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, TN 37132, 
USA (URL: http://www.oldoinyolengai.org, Email: oldoinyolengai@xxxxxxxxxxx);
Christoph Weber, Volcano Expeditions International, Muehlweg 11, 
74199 Untergruppenbach, Germany (URL: http://www.v-e-i.de/, Email:
mail@xxxxxxxx); Bernhard Donth, Waldwiese 5, 66123 Saarbruecken, Germany 
(Email: b.donth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx); Celia Nyamweru, Department of Anthropology,
St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY 13617, USA (Email: 
cnyamweru@xxxxxxxxxx); Guardian News, Arusha, Tanzania (URL:
http://www.ippmedia.com/); Agence France Presse (URL: http://www.afp.com/).

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