******************************************************************* UNOCHA - Situation Report No. 1 on the Galeras Volcano in Colombia ******************************************************************* From: Micha Meier <meierm@xxxxxx> Please find under this link UNOCHA's Situation Report No. 1 on the Galeras Volcano in Colombia. http://www.reliefweb.int/rw/RWB.NSF/db900SID/ACIO-6NMHNU?OpenDocument&rc=2&cc=col&emid=FL-2006-000042-COL Best regards, Michael Meier ______________________________________________ Michael Meier Coordination and Response Division (CRD) Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) - Geneva Tel: +41 22 917 11 59 Fax: +41 22 917 00 23 e-mail: meierm@xxxxxx ============================================================== To unsubscribe from the volcano list, send the message: signoff volcano to: listserv@xxxxxxx, or write to: volcano-request@xxxxxxxx To contribute to the volcano list, send your message to: volcano@xxxxxxxx Please do not send attachments. ==============================================================