Nisyros monography

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Nisyros monography
From: Claudia Principe <claudia_principe@xxxxxxxx>

Dear colleagues
              I am glad to inform you that there are still copies available of
the monography ?The Geology, Geochemistry and Evolution of Nisyros Volcano
(Greece). Implications for the Volcanic Hazards?, volume 44 of the Mémoires de
Géologie (Lausanne), edited by Johannes C. Hunziker and Luigi Marini. 
              The Nisyros monography presents the results of multidisciplinary
geological investigations which were carried out in a several-year-long period
by François Bussy, Jens Fiebig, Pierre Gex, Jean Hernandez, Johannes C.
Hunziker, Luigi Marini, Claudia Principe, Loÿc Vanderkluysen, Marino Vetuschi
Zuccolini and Alain C. M. Volentik.
  The major result of volcanological investigations is a new geological map in
the 1:12,500 scale, which represents the pivotal subject of this monography. In
contrast to previous maps, this new geological map is based on the use of
Unconformity Bounded Stratigraphic Units (UBSU). This approach greatly improves
the understanding of the geological history of the island and highlights changes
in the eruptive styles as well as the localisation of the volcanic centres
through time. These topics are exhaustively discussed in chapters 2 and 3.
  Further results of the volcanological investigations concerning tectonic and
volcano-tectonic and petrology and rock geochemistry are presented in chapters 4
and 5, respectively, whereas the reconstructed eruptive history of Nisyros is
dealt with in chapter 6. All together chapters 2 to 6 constitute the first part
of the monography, which is devoted to the geological history of Nisyros
              The second part of the monography has an applied component, namely
the mitigation of the volcanic hazard. It presents the results of a geophysical
surveys (chapter 7) and of several geochemical studies (chapters 8, 9, and 10).
              Finally, the implications for mitigating the volcanic hazard at
Nisyros drawn from all the geological, geophysical, and geochemical data
presented and reviewed in this monography are discussed in Chapter 11. 
  Copies of the Nisyros monography can be ordered from the Institut de Géologie
et Paléontologie, Université de Lausanne, BFSH-2, CH-1015, Switzerland. Details
are given at the website
  Best regards
  Claudia Principe 

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