Dear all, Due to this is my first mail in this maillist, so let me introduce myself. My name is Ferm?n Gal?n, and I'm working at CTTC in applications related with VLANs. I'm experiencing some problems using the VLAN support in Linux kernel 2.4.25 (a bit old nowadays). The problem appears after using vconfig to create and remove the same VLANs several times (for example, 'vconfig add eth0 111', then 'vconfig rem eth0.111', then 'vconfig add eth0 111', etc.). In this situation, the netlink kernel interface (AFAIK, a API/"protocol" that applications can use to get information about the interfaces known by the kernel) behaves weird: it returns information about "ghost" interfaces (interfaces that actually don't exist). I've checked this behaviour with applications that uses netlink (netlink.h). However, if the machine is rebooted and the VLANs created after the boot (but not deleted and created again) the problem dissapears and the netlink interface seems to work fine. I would like to know if there are known issues in that kernel version (2.4.25), with VLAN, netlink or the combited use of both. Or maybe is a problem of 'vconfig' command (I don't know what is exactly my vconfig version; I've tried 'vconfig --version' but the program hasn't told me it :)? Any information/link/reference/etc is very welcome! I would like also to know your opition about upgrating the kernel to a newer version (for example, the last stable one provided by, Do you think it could solve this problems? Have been significative improvements in VLAN support since 2.4.25? What about backward compability? Thank you very much in advance! Best regards, -------------------- Ferm?n Gal?n M?rquez CTTC - Centre Tecnol?gic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya Parc Mediterrani de la Tecnologia, Av. del Canal Ol?mpic s/n, 08860 Castelldefels, Spain Room 1.02 Tel : +34 93 645 29 12 Fax : +34 93 645 29 01 Email address: fermin.galan@xxxxxxx