On 06/25/2013 12:14 AM, Leonardo Augusto Guimarães Garcia wrote:
Comments below.
def _init_widget(self):
@@ -594,6 +596,22 @@ class SpiceViewer(Viewer):
self.display.set_property("scaling", scaling)
+ def get_usb_widget(self):
+ # The @format positional parameters are the following:
+ # 1 '%s' manufacturer
+ # 2 '%s' product
+ # 3 '%s' descriptor (a [vendor_id:product_id] string)
+ # 4 '%d' bus
+ # 5 '%d' address
+ usb_device_description_fmt = _("%s %s %s at %d-%d")
This is the default string. We can pass None instead of redefining it
Yeah, I tried it before, the python binding API doesn't accept
None for this argument.
widget = SpiceClientGtk.UsbDeviceWidget.new(self.session, None)
Error like: TypeError: Argument 1 does not allow None as a value
+ spice_usbdev_widget, spice_usb_device,
+ errstr):
+ ignore_widget = spice_usbdev_widget
+ ignore_device = spice_usb_device
+ self.err.show_err(_("USB redirection error"),
+ text2=str(errstr),
+ async=False)
+ def control_vm_usb_redirection(self, src):
+ ignore = src
+ spice_usbdev_dialog = self.err
I don't think we need this variable here as you are referencing
self.err directly below. You should either use self.err or
spice_usbdev_dialog in bellow references.
the variable just help to make code more readable no other
+ spice_usbdev_widget = self.console.viewer.get_usb_widget()
+ if not spice_usbdev_widget:
+ self.err.show_err(_("Error initialize spice USB device
Error initializing spice USB device widget
+ return
+ spice_usbdev_widget.connect("connect-failed",
+ self.spice_usbdev_rediret_error)
+ spice_usbdev_widget.show()
I think this is not necessary. When you call show on the info dialog,
all the widgets within it will be shown.
Actually, we need this, dialog.show_all() will take this
effect, but in error.py we use dialog.show() or nothing if sync is true.
Thanks for this review.
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