Mon, Jan 03, 2022 at 09:47:11AM +0200, Marko Mäkelä wrote:
Sat, Jan 01, 2022 at 06:41:19PM +0200, Marko Mäkelä wrote:
sudo make -C vdr install
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/vc/lib:/opt/vc/lib/plugins vdr -Prpihddevice
It failed due to an unresolved symbol:
vdr: /opt/vc/lib/ undefined symbol: glPointSizePointerOES
With the preinstalled raspberrypi-userland of Raspberry OS Legacy, that
problem does not exist. I submitted a fix:
I wasted quite a bit of time because the README file of that repository
points to git://
which has not been updated since 1.0.4. Other compilation issues that I
faced had been fixed in the 1.0.5 release.
For Debian Bookworm, I compiled and installed the userland library like
sudo apt install build-essential cmake
git clone
(cd userland; ./buildme)
With this in place, I was able to compile and install vdr and the two
plugins that I intend to use.
git clone
(cd vdr/PLUGINS/src; git clone
curl --output -|
tar xzf - -C vdr/PLUGINS/src
ln -s remote-0.7.0 vdr/PLUGINS/src/remote
make -C vdr -j$(nproc)
sudo make -C vdr install
Currently, VDR refuses to start up like this:
* failed to open vchiq instance
I did not have that problem on Raspberry OS Legacy last week. I believe
that I will have to adjust some boot parameters to allow more memory to
be allocated to the VideoCore GPU. The booting setup appears to be a bit
different between Debian and Raspberry OS.
I understand that for users in Germany, rpihddevice may be of limited
use due to the lack of H.265 support:
Luckily, Finland uses H.264 for DVB-T2.
It would be great if raspberrypi-userland and rpihddevice could be
packaged in Debian.
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