I have the following problem:
when pressing "menu" with my Raspberry pi Lirc, VDR crashes:
Mar 31 13:51:09 vdrfe vdr: [2456] rpihddevice: [OpenVG] cannot allocate
pixmap of 2804px x 781px, clipped to 2048px x 781px!
Mar 31 13:51:09 vdrfe vdr: [2469] rpihddevice: [EGL] failed to create
pixel buffer surface: bad alloc!
Mar 31 13:51:09 vdrfe vdr: [2456] rpihddevice: [OpenVG] failed to create
pixmap! (allocation failed)
- vdr 2.2.0
- raspberry pi current git
- skinnopacity 1.1.3 + the second version of skinnopacity remotetimers patch
- remotetimers v 1.0.1
I have set gpu_mem to 256M
With rpihddevice from git Mar 8th, no crashes, but I could not use
accelerated OSD (the subtitles did not work).
I pulled the repository again about a week ago, and got accelerated osd
working. Yesterday the problem I described started, and I re-pulled the
git, because it seemed there was a fix. Not working.
When not using accelerated OSD, it works fine, but rendering subtitles
takes so long that there is hardly time to read them.
Any suggestions? Should I insert more debug info? (what and how?)
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