Am 19.12.2012 11:37, schrieb Klaus Schmidinger:
If you program that many timers, you obviously want them to be recorded.
So you should let VDR make the most use of its available resources.
Otherwise just don't set that many timers ;-)
...only true, thats all single never rebroadcasted timers.
"stop one of the running recordings" - yea right! Which one?
Typical dialog:
He: "I wonder why that damned VDR recorded only half of the game last
Honey, did you mess with it?"
She: "Well, I wanted to watch my soap opera and that thing asked me which
recording it should interrupt. The choices were 'My other soap
and 'Some game'. Since I didn't care about the 'game', I chose
that one."
He: "!@@&%?#^@@@!!&%!!!"
You just can't win them all... ;-)
Yes, you can... ;) Because secound soapopera is rescheduled later that
night, you could have planed your timers mor socialcompatible and
therefore you have made more out of your vdr-resources...
Regards, Ingo
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