Re: Wakeup methods

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Kartsa schrieb:
> Rainer Zocholl kirjoitti:
>> kari@xxxxxxxxxxxx(Kartsa)  10.02.08 10:37
>>> What different wakeupmethods are there? I've built a few vdr boxes and
>>> I've been forced to use different motherboards and they do not all
>>> work the same. I've used nvram-wakeup on some and acpi on others when
>>> nvram-wakeup has not worked. Now I have Biostar 945GZ 775 SE with
>>> which I'm having trouble in starting on timers.
>> What problems? Be spezific.
> At the time writing I was not really asking help, just qurious what 
> methods people use. This is why I did not put any detailed info. Maybe I 
> should not have mentioned about problems I at that time.
> Now I see that I should have added more info because I'm not yet happy 
> with my settings. I would have used acpi and it was my first attempt but 
> the board did not wake up.
> from
> -------------------
> file=/var/lib/vdr/acpi-wakeup
> rm -f $file
> if [ ${1:-0} -gt 0 -a -e /proc/acpi/alarm ] ; then
>     date -d "1970-01-01 UTC $1 sec -$delay min" +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" > $file
> fi
> exec sudo /sbin/shutdown -h now
> --------------------
> and from halt.local (this is what is instructed in vdr README.package)
> --------------------
> #!/bin/bash
> wakeupfile=/var/lib/vdr/acpi-wakeup
> trap "rm -f $wakeupfile" EXIT
> if [ -s $wakeupfile -a -w /proc/acpi/alarm ] ; then
>     echo -n "Setting ACPI wakeup for next VDR timer: " ; cat $wakeupfile
>     cat $wakeupfile > /proc/acpi/alarm
> fi
> -------------------
> But it does not wake up. And this is not a very old mb. So I assume I am 
> doing something wrong or not doing something I should.
> I got it to boot up using nvram-wakeup with reboot option (after guess 
> helper). But as said nvram should be obsolete and replaced by acpi.
> On another mb (4CoreDual-Sata23) I used
> -------------------
> newtime=$(($1 - delay*60 ))   # delay minutes earlier
> echo $newtime > /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/wakealarm
> -------------------
> which did the trick.
> On biostar there were no /sys/class/rtc
> So I tried from (as 
> someone mentioned in this thread)
> --------------
> #!/bin/bash
> # Startet dem Rechner nach 3 min ueber acpi neu. 
> min=`date "+%M"`
> nextmin=`expr $min + 3`
> nextboot=`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:"$nextmin:00`
> echo $nextboot > /proc/acpi/alarm
> echo "Aktuelle Zeit:         "`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"`
> echo "Starte Rechner neu um: "`cat /proc/acpi/alarm`
> echo "Fahre Rechner nun runter." 
> busybox poweroff
> #/usr/bin/
> #poweroff 
> ---------------
> I  can read germany but I do not understand it :). But understood that I 
> could use that script to test acpi. Well this did not work. I did check 
> that the time was actually written in /proc/acpi/alarm. Still not waking up.
> So where do I go here? Do I use nvram-wakeup which IMHO is not good 
> because of the reboot.
> \\Kartsa
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> vdr@xxxxxxxxxxx
yum MUST disable RTC-Wakeup in the BIOS of your motherboard. In my case I MUST write the wakeuptime 

if [ ! -z $1 ]; then
   newtime=$(($1 - 60 ))   # 1 minutes earlier
   logger "VDR-Timer: $1"
   logger "BIOS-Timer: $newtime"
   echo $(/bin/unix2iso8601 -u $newtime) >/proc/acpi/alarm
   echo $(/bin/unix2iso8601 -u $newtime) >/proc/acpi/alarm
   logger "ACPI-Read: $(cat /proc/acpi/alarm)"
   logger "VDR-Timer: keine Zeitübergabe"

                     .  / ^  _ \  .
                     |\| (o)(o) |/|
   #                                           #
   #     Detlef.Heine@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx       #
   #                                           #
                     .oooO   (   )
                     (   )    ) /
                      \ (    (_/

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