Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
On 02/01/08 19:17, Magnus Andersson wrote:
I have problems with channels that uses high bitrate on Thor 1W. A few
channels uses between 10-11 Mbit/s mpeg2 and if I use tv-out from FF
card vdr 1.5.14 the picture glitches and the remote response becomes
really slow. It can take 10 seconds or more to change channel. There are
no problems if I use xineliboutput and vdr 1.5.14 or channels with low
bitrate. VDR 1.4.7 is ok with both xinliboutput plugin and tv-out from
FF card so my question is how to log this? I start vdr with option -l 3
but there is nothing in the log.
Please post the channel definitions of some of these channels.
vdr mailing list
SVT2 ¬stNytt;Telenor:12303:vC34M0O0S0:S1.0W:27799:512:640=sve;641=sve:576:B00:3009:70:16:0
24 ¬stNytt;Telenor:12303:vC34M0O0S0:S1.0W:27799:523:684=sve:576:B00:3020:70:16:0
The problem is not always permanent but here a good way to reproduce the
problem. Restart vdr on BBC World (FTA) channel on Thor 1W and configure
vdr to start at last channel.
BBC World;Telenor:11325:hC78M0O0S0:S1.0W:24500:513:644=eng:577:1:1001:70:25:0
When BBC world has started tune one of the high bitrate channels and you
will see the problem.
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