On Sun, Jan 28, 2007 at 07:08:26PM +0100, Reinhard Nissl wrote: Hello :-) > I do not see how the ports could interfere with each other. Your switch > provides 4 independent 1-of-3 switches and each of your 3 LNBs provides > 4 independent 1-of-4 switches. Well, under kaffeine it's so, but with VDR not... > I've had a look at the source code today. kaffeine "uses" a VDR > diseqc.conf like this one: > > S19.2E 11700 V 9750 t v W15 [E0 10 38 F0] W15 A W15 t > S19.2E 99999 V 10600 t v W15 [E0 10 38 F1] W15 A W15 T > S19.2E 11700 H 9750 t V W15 [E0 10 38 F2] W15 A W15 t > S19.2E 99999 H 10600 t V W15 [E0 10 38 F3] W15 A W15 T > > S13.0E 11700 V 9750 t v W15 [E0 10 38 F4] W15 B W15 t > S13.0E 99999 V 10600 t v W15 [E0 10 38 F5] W15 B W15 T > S13.0E 11700 H 9750 t V W15 [E0 10 38 F6] W15 B W15 t > S13.0E 99999 H 10600 t V W15 [E0 10 38 F7] W15 B W15 T > > S28.2E 11700 V 9750 t v W15 [E0 10 38 F8] W15 A W15 t > S28.2E 99999 V 10600 t v W15 [E0 10 38 F9] W15 A W15 T > S28.2E 11700 H 9750 t V W15 [E0 10 38 FA] W15 A W15 t > S28.2E 99999 H 10600 t V W15 [E0 10 38 FB] W15 A W15 T It's one of my try, but it don't work sowell here. So I guess it's not totally what kaffeine does. I don't understand the difference betweem a diseqc and a multiswitch. I think I will go off VDR and look how to use mastetimer similar tool under it, it's way too hard to setup diseqc under vdr. Thank for all your help, unfortunately, I give up... > I also had a closer look into the specification and into the > implementation guide. There is only one mandatory command for DiSEqC > 1.0: the above used 0x38. Well, good to know :-) -- Gr?goire FAVRE http://gregoire.favre.googlepages.com http://www.gnupg.org