Hi, the Videgor plugins are missing on the plugin list on http://www.cadsoft.de/vdr/plugins.htm. The website is http://www.videgor.net >From the description: Videgor is a peer-to-peer hard disc video recorder. With its help it is possible to record missed broadcasts from the past. Videgor is based on a extension of Klaus Schmidinger's Video Disk Recorders (VDR). VDR is a program that converts a Linux PC into a video disc recorder with time shifting capabilities. Videgor extends the VDR to a distributed video recorder (D-VDR) by including three plugins ((D-VDR-EPG, D-VDR-SCHEDULE, D-VDR-VIDEOTRANS) and by automatically connecting the participating devices to a peer-to-peer network (IGOR). With this peer-to-peer system the Videgor recorders can share recordings. Videgor was developed at the University of Karlsruhe as part of a DFG research project for peer-to-peer overlay networks. The idea for this projects is derived from the desire not only to do research on the improvement of overlay networks but how to apply these research results in practice. Renne