Dear Stefan, Thanks for your response. > > I'm using VDR 1.4.0-2, softdevice cvs 2006-5-30, nVidia 6200TC video card, > > nVidia binary driver 8762, Xorg 6.8.1, TV-out (NTSC) @ 800x600x24bpp, GCC > > 4.1.1 . > > Newer nvidia cards do not support Overlay mode: > Wow, I'm blown away by this. I had no idea nVidia would do something this dumb. The newer cards support XvMC, does this option help my situation out any: 'Option "XvmcUsesTextures" "boolean" Forces XvMC to use the 3D engine for XvMCPutSurface requests rather than the video overlay.' ? I guess it might if softdevice supports XvMC. I noticed tearing during DVD playback using xine and mplayer, I guess it is also because there is no video overlay support in my card. > > For OSD, if I use "psuedo", in full-screen mode, the entire OSD "blinks" > > when there is video and the OSD is not usable. If I use "software" for > > OSD setting, then OSD looks OK but when overlayed over video, OSD colors > > are all wrong. > > Wrong OSD color only ? > Or both video and OSD ? The OSD color was messed up only when there was video (I was using the "dvd" plug-in for VDR). Without any video, the OSD colors look fine (either psuedo or software). > Use softdevice setup OSD and try to change the HUE value to max (100). > If you can read german, have a look at this: > No, I can't read German but I'll try this through a translation website. > > I've seen similar behavior on a TNT2 using the opensource "nv" driver, and > > other bizarre problems using ATI cards (both opensource and ATI > > proprietary drive), so I think something in softdevice OSD code is > > incorrect. > > Radeons (rv280:9200 and rv350:9550) work fine even with pseudo mode > using Xorg 7.0 here. The limitation in pseudo mode is, that it is not a real > alphablend mode. I found with ATI, if the screen resolution was less than 800x600, than the OSD very messed up. That isn't a huge problem actually, but I just moved to a PCI-Express system and all my ATI cards are AGP :( . Also, ATI does not seem to support XvMC. What is the status of XvMC support in softdevice? Best regards, CR.