Le mercredi 10 mai 2006 ? 18:36 +0200, Travel Factory S.r.l. a ?crit : > It's an Harmony 885, paid 199.00 euro, bought in Brussels, has color lcd on it, rechargeable battory with a recharge slot (so you know where to store it).... I also have an Ipaq 2210 to use as intelligent remote but I wanted a remote not something else to use as a remote. I also looked at pronto but they usually lacks the "colour" buttons or you have to dig into different menu pages.... > > For more infos > http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm/products/detailsharmony/GB/EN,CRID=2084,CONTENTID=9933 Yep you can get a PSP for that much... The advantage is that you can read the TV schedule with vdradmin on the remote and program recordings etc without bringing up the OSD. Say she (your lovely other) is watching something and doesn't like you bringing up the OSD in the middle of her favorite show? Cheers Tony