I'm using Xine-network 0.7.6. I don't believe there is an updated version since then. I have made the appropriate changes to the Makefile for the api version stuff. It compiled fine. When I run it and try to connect to it, it keeps clearing and not getting a good stream it seems: vdr-xine: incoming requests on 8 vdr-xine: successful request on 8 (client: 13) vdr-xine: polling for connection on 9... vdr-xine: incoming requests on 9 vdr-xine: successful request on 9 (client: 14) vdr-xine: Client connected! SetVolumeDevice: 250 SetAudioChannelDevice: 0 SetPlayMode: 1 SetPlayMode: 0 SetAudioChannelDevice: 0 SetPlayMode: 1 [vVMMSetDigitalAudioDevice: 0 SetAudioChannelDevice: 0 Clear(0)! [vVClear(1)! [vVClear(2)! [vVClear(3)! [vVClear(4)! [vVClear(5)! Any suggestions or is there an updated xine-network out there? Thx