Hi list, since i've updated to vdr-1.3.37 i hava a problem starting plugins with a command line option in runvdr like this: ... VDRUSR=root DVBDIR="/usr/local/src/DVB/driver" VDRPRG="/usr/local/src/VDR/vdr" VDRCMD="$VDRPRG -u $VDRUSR -w 60 -t /dev/tty8 -L /usr/local/src/VDR/PLUGINS/lib -c /usr/local/vdr/etc $* \ -s /usr/local/bin/vdrshutdown \ -P 'osdteletext -r' \ -P 'osdimage --directory /video/screenshots' " ... while (true) do $VDRCMD ... vdr doesn't start with this runvdr. Plugins without single quotation '' e.g. -P osdteletext work here. Changing the start command in the while-loop from $VDRCMD into the old su $VDRUSR -c "$VDRCMD" like ... while (true) do su $VDRUSR -c "$VDRCMD" ... and all plugins work as before including the command line options in single quota. - Has someone tested a plugin with command line options with the new runvdr from 1.3.37+ ??? - Or is this a rights problem ? Regards, Christoph