Hello everyone, the maintenance-patch is now available for vdr-1.3.38 / 1.3.39, for details see below. For those of you interested, you can download the patch from: http://joachim-wilke.de/vdr-patches.htm Joachim. > I have created a "maintenance-patch", which does daily > housekeeping-tasks at a predefined time. This tasks are: > > - automatic calling of noad for new recordings > > - cut all recordings, marked as ready before > Till now, pressing '2' in a recording starts the cutting immediately. > Now, you have the possibility to press '3' and mark this recording as > "ready for cutting". Cutting is then done during the next maintainance > run. Pressing '3' again removes the ready mark. You can see the > current status of a recording in the Recordings overview. Recordings > marked for cutting are indicated with a "+"-sign. > > In the Settings-Menu you can setup the different features in the new > "Maintainance"-submenu. >