Hello, I forwarded a message from Frank Herrmann (xpix) >>> Dear Friends, Just in time for the end of the yearly we can release finally the new XXV Stable version. There was still some fixed and a few cosmetic changes in the code. Otherwise runs XXV very stably, here on my system in the 24/7 system over one month without problems. As always can you this version under the following URL download: http://www.xpix.de/downloads/xxv/?M= As small Gimmick I tinkered a new Skin, which has first times no more Frames and in the end only over the Stylesheets completely be changed can. If it you interests: http://xpix.dieserver.de/content/vdr/xxv/b_286_artikel.shtml http://www.xpix.de/downloads/xxv/xxv-xstyle-0.1.tgz >>> And here my additional comments : Howto and documentation ------------------------ German : http://www.vdr-wiki.de/wiki/index.php/Xxv English : http://www.linuxtv.org/vdrwiki/index.php/Xxv (Sorry the english wiki need a little spell checking :) Changelog (german) http://bandt.dyndns.org/repos/XXV/doc/CHANGELOG.txt Changelog (automated translate to english) http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&u=http://bandt.dyndns.org/repos/XXV/doc/CHANGELOG.txt ++++++++ And mine additional packages xxv Skins and vdr2jpeg are here also updated... The xxv Skins package was brought on the current conditions. http://www.deltab.de/vdr/xxv.html and respectively, vdr2jpeg is a simple c++ program to grab jpeg images from VDR-Recordings. It's based on vdrsync.pl and ffmain, and was design as little study to enhance xxv. The tool vdr2jpeg-0.0.8a was adapted to use ffmpeg-0.4.9-pre1/cvs. thus ffmpeg-0.4.8 is not any longer supported, the API is too differently around both to be supported. http://www.deltab.de/vdr/vdr2jpeg.html Happy new year, Andreas