Hello, the new release of http://sourceforge.net/projects/videotrans/ includes a lots of fixes (Fixed a number of bugs and added new features for creating DVD menus. DVD menus now have many more options. Also, the program is now compatible with some versions of ImageMagick and mplayer that act in different ways than other versions of those programs.) AND is now able to import from VDR "info.vdr" for the creation of its .info files !!! For example, most of the time, I create my DVD in a dir full of mpeg2 files (and it's txt files which are just the info.vdr renamed) and run this script : #!/bin/bash S=4470 A=/data/wav/Beethoven-Sonata_No_1_in_F_Minor_Op_2_No_1.wav if [ -z "$1" ]; then DEST=/mnt/cooker/tmp/DVD else DEST=$1 fi if (( "`du -m -s -L -c *.mpg|tail -n 1|cut -f1`" <= "$S" )); then echo "Size OK" else echo "Too big" exit fi if [ -e $DEST ]; then echo $DEST already exists OPTIONS="remove keep change exit" select opt in $OPTIONS; do if [ "$opt" = "remove" ]; then rm -fr $DEST break elif [ "$opt" = "keep" ]; then break elif [ "$opt" = "change" ]; then new="$DEST" while [ -e $new ]; do echo $new exists echo Give new name read new done DEST=$new break elif [ "$opt" = "exit" ]; then exit else echo bad option fi done fi movie-make-title-simple -m pal -o title -n animated -a $A TXT=`ls *.txt 2> /dev/null |wc -w` if [ ! $TXT -eq 0 ]; then for d in *.txt;do #mv -i $d `basename $d .txt`.info movie-rip-epg.data -t auto -l french < $d > `basename $d .txt`.info done fi for f in *.info;do vi $f;done nice -n 10 movie-title -s 90 -t title -o title.vob *.mpg sed -e "s/<audio\/>/ <audio format=\"mp2\" lang=\"fr\"\/>/g" title.vob-dvdauthor.xml > title.vob-dvdauthor-fr.xml vi title.vob-dvdauthor-fr.xml nice -n 10 dvdauthor -o $DEST -x title.vob-dvdauthor-fr.xml du -m -s -c -L $DEST echo "Do we move the info files ?" OPTIONS="move copy exit" select opt in $OPTIONS; do if [ "$opt" = "move" ]; then mv -i *.info $DEST break elif [ "$opt" = "copy" ]; then cp -a -i *.info $DEST break elif [ "$opt" = "exit" ]; then exit else echo bad option fi done OPTIONS="play exit" select opt in $OPTIONS; do if [ "$opt" = "play" ]; then xine dvd://"$DEST" break elif [ "$opt" = "exit" ]; then exit else echo bad option fi done -- Gr?goire FAVRE