Hello Christian. Thanks for this workaround. Now it works. This is my function: bool cTuner::startTimeShift(int originalNetworkId,int transportStreamId,int serviceId){ cChannel *channel = GetChannelBy_ONID_TID_SID(originalNetworkId,transportStreamId,serviceId); dsyslog("start Instant Timer on Channel %s",channel->Name()); char *buffer; char *buffer2; int starthh,startmm,stophh,stopmm; time_t now = time(NULL); struct tm *tm_t=localtime(&now); sscanf(*TimeString(now),"%2d:%2d",&starthh,&startmm); sscanf(*TimeString(now+Setup.InstantRecordTime*60),"%2d:%2d",&stophh,&stopmm); asprintf(&buffer2,"@ Instant Recording for Channel %s",channel->Name()); asprintf(&buffer,"1:%d:%d:%d%d:%d%d:%d:%d:%s",channel->Number(),tm_t->tm_mday,starthh,startmm,stophh,stopmm,Setup.DefaultPriority,Setup.DefaultLifetime,buffer2); cTimer *timer=new cTimer(false,false); if (!timer->Parse(buffer)){ dsyslog("error at parse timer"); } free(buffer); free(buffer2); if(timer){ cTimer *t=Timers.GetTimer(timer); if(t) { delete timer; timer=t; } } return cRecordControls::Start(timer,false); } > Hi Patrick, > > I use the following code, that nordlicht@vdrportal send me: > > time_t now = time(NULL); // thanks to nordlich@vdrportal for the > following code, that > char *buffer=NULL; // allows setting the channel for a > timer without event > int starthh,startmm,stophh,stopmm; > //for getting the day of month > struct tm *tm_t=localtime(&now); > //we have to get away the ':' from the time string > sscanf(TIMESTRING(now),"%2d:%2d",&starthh,&startmm); > > sscanf(TIMESTRING(now+Setup.InstantRecordTime*60),"%2d:%2d",&stophh,&stopmm); > > > //active:channel:day_of_month:starttime:endtime:priority:durability:title: > > > asprintf(&buffer,"1:%d:%d:%d%d:%d%d:%d:%d:%s:",item->channel->Number(),tm_t->tm_mday,starthh,startmm,stophh,stopmm,Setup.DefaultPriority,Setup.DefaultLifetime,item->channel->Name()); > > timer=new cTimer(false,false); > if(timer->Parse(buffer)) > free(buffer); > > it abuses the parse function for that purpose. Of course, an extended > constructur would be much better. > > BR, > > Christian.