softdevice cvs vdr 1.3.34 kernel 2.6.14-rc3 using kernel ALSA drivers I have got softdevice working with sound via SPDIF for PCM, but cant get AC3 to pass through to the decoder, mplayer and ac3dec both pass AC3 no problem, but with softdevice I get error: ac3play: Unable to update the IEC958 control: No such file or directory -P"softdevice -vo dfb: -ao alsa:pcm=default#ac3=hw:0,0#" -P"softdevice -vo dfb: -ao alsa:pcm=default#ac3=hw:0,1#" -P"softdevice -vo dfb: -ao alsa:pcm=default#ac3=plug:iec958#" it doesnt matter which of the above commandlines I use, same error all the time. ALSA lib is 1.0.10-rc3, Driver is 1.0.10-rc1. Any ideas?