Hello I want my cfilter to listen only to one specific Source-A ( Source, TID, ONID, PID). For example, I have two dvb-deveices one should always listen to Source-A. The other can switch to all other channels. How can I tune and lock to Source-A? Source-A is a Data Source(mybe VideoText,mhp,Newsticker,EPG or something else). bool cPluginMyTest::Start(void) { // Start any background activities the plugin shall perform. cChannel* dataChannel = new cChannel(); dataChannel->SetId(1,1,1); Channels.SwitchTo(dataChannel);//don't work //cDevice::Lock(); //how to lock to dataChannel? cMyFilter myfilter = new cMyFilter(...); cDevice::AttachFilter(myfilter); return true; } I know if I use MainMenuAction(...) I can handel keyEvents. I don't want to use this kind! Patrick