tony a ?crit : > Then again you could put your budget card in a hush (or if you live in > France in one of my Epia-M machines) and you can watch TV, record > several others on the same transponder _AND_ have spamassassin filter > your incoming mail without a dropped frame... Spamassassin without HW > acceleration on the Epia will use all CPU cycles and cause dropped > frames - I have tried. So yes, a budget card can be a production system, > in the right MB. One doesn't really need SpamAssassin or an online game running on the TV tuner in the living-room. VDR is really a set-to-box software, ie. a one-box = one-task solution. SpamAssassin should run on the Internet gateway, and the games are best played on a monitor + keyboard + joystick than on a remote-only computer. So yes, a budget card can be a production system right now, even without hardware acceleration, with the right software setup... -- NH