Klaus, I too am waiting for such a solution, I also mailed Technotrend asking if there was anything on the horizon similar to your dream. I have had no response! In the US there are already HDTV decoder cards, in Europe we definitely need a card capable of decoding MPEG4 and DVB-S2 and outputting it all via HDMI. At the moment I am experimenting with HDTV on my Pioneer PDP435XDE. I can receive all the test broadcasts via Astra(s) and Hotbird. I use vdr-xine on an Athlon 3000+ (2.3Ghz), 512Mb RAM, Skystar2 and a Nvidia MX440 using X11 at 720p. The picture is perfect and perfectly smooth. Unfortunately I cannot receive the DVB-S2 MPEG4 broadcast of the SKY UK HD demo at 28.2 degrees East. However, I still revert back to my trusty Technotrend FF DVB-S with CA for normal TV viewing - it is still much better than doing things via X11, which just doesn't seem right!! it would be such a neat solution to replace this with your "dream card" so that I may once again receive everything without swapping over to view the beauty of HDTV (great for demos to family and friends though!) Regards, Morfsta