> > Have you tested all versions between 1.3.24 and 1.3.30? > It would help if we knew which version change exactly causes this. > > Oh, and please try without any patches or plugins (as far as possible). o.k., I will make some tests with 1.3.29 and earlier I just made a short test with vdr 1.3.30, to confirm the problem: yes, again it took only a few minutes to freeze. This time I had started the EPG scan manually befor. With other vdr versions, I usually get a black picture at this moment, but it is possible to switch back to the channel. With vdr 1.3.30, the picture freezes in a funny way: The frozen picture contains of two halfs with the same content. Sorry, I can`t describe it better in english. (Das Bild besteht aus zwei Halften, von denen beide den gleichen Bildinhalt haben) I pressed "2" and the ZDF picture appears back. After about a minute, the picture freezes and the log shows the "can`t set filter"-error. It seems that the problem only appears during an EPG scan. Then I set "EPG scan timeout" to 0 ,and now there are no freezes! It seems that the other problem I posted (live picture freezes when recording starts) does not appear als long as there is no EPG scan running. My machine has a Fuji DVB-C with CI-modul (but no alphacrypt inside) and a Lorenzen DVB-T card. I use the old DVB HEAD driver for 2.4