Hi there, I debugged a bit my "EPG Scan not working" problem, and maybe I found a bug: in eitscan.c around line 160 theres something like if (Device->ProvidesTransponder(Channel)) I found out that this method always returns 0 here, therefore preventing the EPG Scan to start. ProvidesTRransponder() is defined in dvbdevice.c line 776, and it reads: bool cDvbDevice::ProvidesTransponder(const cChannel *Channel) const { return ProvidesSource(Channel->Source()) && ((Channel->Source() & cSource::st_Mask) != cSource::stSat || Diseqcs.Get(Channel->Source(), Channel->Frequency(),Channel->Polarization())); } ProvidesSource() returns 1 here, but the second expression is always zero, both sides of the || the first one I do understand: I'm on Sat only. The second one is clear to me, too: I'm not using diseq at all. So this returns 0, too. But I have no idea how this sould be fixed. Any ideas? thanks a lot, Michael (who wants a working EPG scan for threee years now :-) -- Michael Reinelt <reinelt@xxxxxxxx> http://home.pages.at/reinelt GPG-Key 0xDF13BA50 ICQ #288386781