Sascha Volkenandt wrote: > Am Sonntag, 20. M?rz 2005 19:40 schrieb Roberto Sebastiano: > >>Bloomberg French TV;DEFAULT >>PROVIDER:11642:h:S13.0E:27500:1160:1120,1122:0:1:1:318:0:0 MTV Portugal;MTV >>Networks:11241:v:S13.0E:27500:160:80:32:1:1:318:0:0 >> >>The odd is that if you delete ONE of the two lines above (doesn't matter >>which), vdr starts. >> > > > I guess the problem is that both channels have the same channel ID since > Source, SID, NID and TID are identical. Once again the solution would be to > complain to the broadcaster... > > Greetings, > Sascha VDR 1.3.24 will automatically delete channels with non-unique channel IDs and will only keep the first one it encounters in channels.conf. Klaus