Hi, I'm pleased to announce maintenance release 0.7.2: http://home.vr-web.de/~rnissl/vdr-xine-0.7.2.tgz 2005-02-27: Version 0.7.2 - Fixed cXineDevice::StillPicture() to support three times larger still image data than before. This was necessary to properly support mp3 plugin's cover image feature (thanks to burki at vdr-portal for reporting this issue). - Removed cXineStatus as vdr-xine now uses a different method of detecting LiveTV. This one works better in combination with mp3 plugin (thanks to Klaus Schmidinger for suggesting the new solution). - Updated xine-lib patch for current CVS (thanks to Gr?goire Favre for reporting this issue). For this release I suggest the following xine sources: http://home.vr-web.de/~rnissl/xine-lib-cvs-20050227131000.tar.bz2 http://home.vr-web.de/~rnissl/xine-ui-cvs-20050227131000.tar.bz2 Enjoy. Bye. -- Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Reinhard Nissl mailto:rnissl@xxxxxx