Vladimir Shved wrote: >>>>hm, but with same environment, vdr-1.3.17 (with nearly all plugins >>>>enabled) >>>>everything works?! Is this error introduced with > 1.3.17 ? >>>> >>>>>The easiest workaround is to disable the EPG scan in the EPG setup >>>>>menu. Search the mailing list for details. > > > I did disable EPG scan but I still get the problem and I think because of my > hardware setup. Same here, reloading the drivers and restarting VDR also did not help - a VDSB nearly every minute. Only after a restart of the complete system, it seemed to work as expected. Later, I turned EPG scan on again, and I had no further problems. I have set a lot of timers today for testing the VDSB behaviour. Let?s see what my logs will say this evening... Looking out of the windows: Did I have a bad but error free signal yesterday evening at 1:00 am because it was snowing? With kind regards Joerg