To All Concerned, Attached is today's North Kaibab RD Prescribed Fire update. Thank you! r/s D. Hercher
Pile burn activity resumes on North Kaibab Ranger District
Fredonia, Ariz., Apr. 12, 2019 — For Immediate Release.
Pile burning on the North Kaibab Ranger District of the Kaibab National Forest commenced this week with plans to continue the fuels reduction efforts as long as conditions are within prescription to do so. If left untreated, these piles could contribute to
a high-severity, high-intensity wildfire once warmer, dryer weather arrives. “We burn when we can. Despite having the snow, not every day is a burn day,” said David Veater, Acting North Zone Fuels Assistant
Fire Management Officer. “Our goal is to take advantage of the few days we are within prescription to maximize our fuels reduction efforts.”
A prescription is a set of conditions that factor in the safety of our firefighters, the public, weather, and the probability
of meeting our objectives, which is to maximize consumption of the ground fuels. Like a prescribed fire or timber management project, pile burning is one of many tools that forest and fire managers use to help improve forest health. This year, from January
through April, fire managers burned approximately 620 acres of piles in the vicinity of Jacob Lake.
During these pile burns, no road or trail closures are expected. However, in the interest of safety, visitors are reminded
that during and for several hours following ignitions, smoke may be present on roadways for several days. Drivers should use caution, drive slowly, turn on headlights, and avoid stopping in areas where firefighters, fire-related traffic, and smoke may all
be present. General Information: Implementation of any
prescribed fire, including a pile burn, is dependent on weather and fuel conditions including winds, temperature, humidity, the moisture of vegetation, and ventilation conditions for dispersal of smoke. As with all prescribed burns, weather conditions will
determine the day’s most suitable for ignitions that have the least amount of negative effects on air quality and the best possible ventilation. The public can view approved prescribed fires for any given day on the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality’s website
at To learn more about smoke and public health, visit Notifications of upcoming prescribed
fire projects are provided regularly throughout the year. Additional information can also be obtained through the following sources:
Fire Information Recorded Hotline: 928-635-8311
Kaibab website “Recent News”:
Kaibab Facebook:
1650-1_d3_PileBurnAnnouncement_Apr 12_2019.pdf
Description: 1650-1_d3_PileBurnAnnouncement_Apr 12_2019.pdf