CLINTS WELL, Ariz., April 28, 2018, For Immediate Release — The Tinder Fire, located approximately
9 miles directly east of Clints Well, has grown to about 500 acres in and around East Clear Creek just east of C.C. Cragin Reservoir atop the Mogollon Rim. A Type I Incident Management Team has been ordered and is expected to arrive this afternoon for in-briefing. The exact date and time the
team will assume command of Tinder Fire management and operations will be determined then. Motorists in the area along state Route 87 should be cautious and aware of smoke impacts, as well as first responders and firefighter
traffic. Size: Estimated at 500 acres. Containment: None. Location: Approximately 9 miles east of Clints Well;
34°33'26.8"N 111°09'41.4"W. Date Reported: April 27, 2018 at 11:43 a.m. by Coconino National Forest Moqui Lookout. Cause: Human; Under investigation. Current Resources: Three Type I crews; three dozers, 12 engines (comprised of Type III
and VI), two water tenders, two air attack aircraft, two Type I helicopters, and two Type III helicopters. Additional fixed wing aircraft such as air tankers will be ordered as needed. Approximately 200 firefighting personnel are working this fire currently. Ordered Resources:
Type I Incident Management Team Closures:
Forest roads in the area of the fire are closed to public use at this time. An extended closure order and map will be provided soon. Smoke Impacts: Smoke is expected to impact surrounding areas such as state Route 87 north
of the fire, and communities near Moqui Ranch and Starlight Pines area. Evacuations:
A pre-evacuation notice has been issued for Moqui Ranch, Moqui Ranchettes and Starlight Pines Ranchettes. Evacuations are handled by Coconino County, and more information about being prepared to evacuate
can be found online at
Structures Threatened:
Approximately 500 homes northeast of the Tinder Fire. At risk are also the East Clear Creek watershed, various protected species, forest road infrastructure and a riparian zone. Injuries:
None reported. Resources for Information: Coconino National Forest Public Affairs keeps the public informed
via news releases, Tweets, Facebook posts, our public website and Inciweb.
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Inciweb: On this page, you can search for incidents by state or by the name of the incident (ex.
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