U.S. Forest Service
News Release
Media Contact: Bob Blasi
Crews respond to a new lightning caused wildfire on the Williams Ranger District Williams, Ariz., Aug 10, 2017—For Immediate Release. Fire crews on the Williams Ranger District of the Kaibab National Forest are responding to a new lightning caused fire start called the “Government Fire”. The Government Fire was
discovered August 4, and has grown to approximately 6 acres in size. It is located on the southwest slope Government Hill just south of Spring Valley and north of Parks near the Sanderson Pass area.
The Government Fire is burning in a mixed conifer and ponderosa pine fuel type. Recent moisture from monsoonal rains has dampened the environment considerably, however the fire is expanding moderately burning through available dead and
down fuels near the top of the peak. Officials will continue to monitor this incident as wet weather is forecasted over the next few days. Fire behavior is expected to be minimal as precipitation moves into the vicinity. Officials recognize the concerns people have about wildfires that occur relatively close to private property within residential communities. However when fuel moistures are elevated and fire intensity is low, opportunities to allow fire
to consume hazardous fuel loads can be beneficial in reducing the risks associated with living in forested areas. The end result will ultimately lower a future threat of a potentially devastating wildfire which can threaten homes and be very difficult to control. Smoke may be visible from the surrounding communities of Parks, Spring Valley, Pittman Valley, and from the Interstate 40 corridor. Smoke impacts are predicted to be light in the neighboring communities and will be monitored closely.
Additional fire information for the Kaibab National Forest can be obtained from InciWeb:
inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/5483/ Kaibab National Forest Fire Information Phone Line (928) 635-8311; Text Message – text ‘follow kaibabnf’ to 40404.
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Description: 1650_Government_Wildfire_08-10-17-Final.pdf