SOUTHWESTERN-NEWS-RELEASE: Kaibab National Forest Information

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Title: Southwest Area Incident Management Team 5 Logo - Description: Image of the Southwest Area Incident Management Team 5 Logo

G:\SWAIMT2017\2017SWAIMT\Logos\SWAIMT5_LogoText.jpgSouthwest Area

Incident Management Team

Team 5 – Jeff Andrews – Incident Commander

Media & Public Information Contact:

Email:  BoundaryFireInfo@xxxxxxxxx

Phone: (928) 288-2577

Firing Operations Anticipated with a Forecast of Calmer Winds

Williams, Ariz., June 12, 2017—For Immediate Release. Predicted calmer winds on Tuesday may allow fire personnel to reassess operational tactics. In order to mitigate negative impacts on resources in the Kendrick Mountain Wilderness, fire managers plan to use aerial ignitions to introduce fire on the peaks. Flames burning uphill preheat fuels, creating a hotter burn which can harm the natural ecosystem. In contrast, flames backing down a slope burn at a much lower severity. Firefighters will introduce a lower-intensity backing fire. As the fire slowly backs down the mountain, smoke production can be minimized, nutrients in the soil will be replenished, and the hazardous dead and down fuel load on the forest floor will be consumed.

For more information, details, and the specific objectives for the Boundary Fire, please visit Quick updates will also be provided via Twitter at @KaibabNF and @CoconinoNF. Please follow us if you would like to be updated as information is received.

A public meeting will be at Tuba City Chapter House at 4:00pm MST June 12, 2017. Incident management team members will be on hand to answer questions pertaining to the Boundary Fire.

Name: Boundary Fire

Reported: June 1

Cause: Lightning

Location: About 17 miles northwest of Flagstaff burning in the Kendrick Mountain Wilderness and ponderosa pine forest north and east of the Wilderness on the  Coconino and Kaibab National Forests

Size: 5,390 acres

Containment: 5%

Fuels: The wildfire is burning in heavy dead and down trees and forest debris left from the Pumpkin Fire of 2000 and ponderosa pine outside of the Pumpkin Fire scar.

Resources: Approximately 390 personnel on the fire

Expected Actions: Fire suppression activities for today include holding the fire along control features, the continuation of line construction ahead of the fire, and protecting private property and other values at risk.

Closures: Closure Order Number 04-17-13-F (map) affecting the Boundary Fire Planning Area is still in effect. US Highway 180 will remain closed until further notice and will be re-evaluated Sunday, June 18. For information about highway closures please visit or visit ADOT’s Travel Information Site at

Trails: The following trails in the closure area are closed: Pumpkin Trail; Kendrick Mountain Trail; Bull Basin Trail and the 4th Connector Trail.

Smoke Impacts: Smoke will be visible from Flagstaff, Baderville, Parks, Williams, Interstate 40, and the Grand Canyon. Smoke is predicted to impact the communities of Cameron and Tuba City during the day, and Spring Valley, Pumpkin Center, Parks and Baderville during the evening hours. An air quality report is available on the Boundary Inciweb page under maps.

BoundaryFireQRAdditional information sources, including maps, will be provided as soon as they are available.


QR Code for connection to Boundary Fire Inciweb page



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Description: 1650_SWAIMT_Boundary Fire Daily Update 6_12_2017.pdf

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