Tongass National Forest youth fishing events
KETCHIKAN, Alaska, May 18, 2017– The Tongass National Forest, partners and local volunteers are sponsoring youth fishing events throughout Southeast
Alaska through the summer. No experience is needed to participate in these events. It is a great way for children to learn how to fish or practice their fishing skills. Event planners will provide a wealth of experience and knowledge to help the beginning
angler get started. Children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian and all persons should bring proper footwear and clothing.
Juneau Ranger District Family Fishing Day
Location: Twin Lakes Park, Juneau
Time/Date: June 3, 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Activities: fishing and fish printing
Key Partners: Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Rotary Club
For more information contact Barbara Adams at 907-789-6252
Hoonah Ranger District Annual Kids Fishing Derby
Location: Hoonah, AK at the Icy Strait Point Cookhouse/Beach
Time/Date: June 3, 11:00 2:00 p.m.
Activities: Fishing derby and free family lunch provided by Hoonah Trading Company
Prizes/Special Guests: Prizes awarded at 2:30 p.m. by age categories
Key Partners: City of Hoonah Parks and Recreation
For more information contact Robin Hasselquist at 907-945-1211
Ketchikan/Misty Fiords Ranger District Kids Fishing Derby
Location: City Park, Ketchikan
Time/Date: June 18, 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Activities: fishing, lure making, fish printing
Key Partners: Southern Southeast Regional Aquaculture Association and Alaska Department of Fish and Game
For more information contact the KMRD at 907-225-2148
Sitka Ranger District Kids Fishing Day
Location: Swan Lake, Sitka
Time/Date: June 10, fishing starts at 9 a.m.
Activities: Fishing, boating, recreation
Prizes/Special Guests: Many prizes donated from local businesses and Sammy the Salmon will make an appearance
Key Partners: Sitka Rotary Club and Alaska Department of Fish and Game
For more information contact Joe Serio at 907-747-4283
Prince of Wales Island Ranger Districts, Craig/Thorne Bay, 25th Annual Kids Fishing Day "Jim Beard Memorial" Event
Location: Gravelly Creek Picnic Ground, USFS Thorne Bay Ranger District
Time/Date: June 17, 9:00 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Activities: Featuring many fun and educational outdoor summer fishing and safety related activities, booths, and demonstrations. Free BBQ and Cotton Candy at noon.
Prizes/Special Guests: Check you registration bags for the golden fish tickets with fishing related prizes provided from our wonderful island "spawners"!
Key Partners: Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Prince of Wales Tribal Enterprise Consortium, Prince of Wales Watershed Association, Prince of Wales Health Network, Strictly Local Gallery.
For more information contact the Brandy Prefontaine at 907-828-3217 or Ariel Cummings at 907-826-1602
Yakutat Ranger District Family Fishing Day
Location: Yakutat small boat harbor
Time/Date: July 15, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Activities: Fishing (rods provided), barbeque, casting contest, fish prints, and face painting
Key Partners: City and Borough of Yakutat, Student Conservation Association, National Park Service, and Alaska Department of Fish and Game
For more information contact Nate Catterson at 907-784-3999

Youth fishing events offer a variety of activities, many include fish printing.
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