Prescribed burns planned next week
Flagstaff, Ariz., April 21, 2017, For Immediate Release —
Fire managers are planning several prescribed burn projects next week across Coconino National Forest that will produce visible smoke near Flagstaff and possibly the Stoneman Lake area from Monday through Thursday.
These prescribed burns are conducted in order to help protect communities from severe wildfires by reducing forest
fuel accumulation in strategic areas around northern Arizona communities, and also reintroduce fire into the Ponderosa pine ecosystem to help restore ecological integrity.
All of the listed projects may not be pursued, as all prescribed burns are
dependent upon weather and wind conditions, which can differ drastically across the forest. Prescribed burns
area also subject to approval from the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, so all or some of them could be cancelled if conditions are not suitable.
A1 Mountain Project (between Bellemont and Flagstaff)
Planned ignition will be Monday (April 24). Ignitions typically begin between 9-10 a.m. and duration is expected to be one day.
Where: Approximately one mile west of Flagstaff, north of I-40.
Size: 500 acres.
None expected
Smoke Impacts:
Smoke is predicted to move toward the east/northeast and may be seen by motorist on I-40, Highway 180 and on the west side of Flagstaff. Smoke
may settle in the areas of Bellemont, Baderville, Flagstaff and Doney Park during the cooler evening hours and the following morning hours. It is predicted to disperse by the following afternoon.
Kachina Project (near Highway 89A)
Planned ignition will be Tuesday or Wednesday (April 25 or 26).
Where: Five miles southwest of Flagstaff, near Kachina Village off of Highway 89A.
300 acres.
Closures/Restrictions: May be brief periods of slowing and stopping on Highway 89A.
Smoke Impacts: Smoke may be seen and could impact areas in the
north/northeast during the day and will be visible to the Forest Highland Golf Club, Flagstaff Pulliam Airport,
Mountainaire, Harold Ranch, Doney Park, Flagstaff residents and motorists on SR 89A, I-17 and I-40.
Cooling temperatures in the evenings may cause smoke to settle and drain down nearby canyons, potentially impacting the Oak Creek Canyon,
Continental and Walnut Canyon. Smoke will likely appear thicker the morning after the burn as it settles over night, but should dissipate by early the next afternoon.
Woody Ridge Project (near Fort Tuthill)
Planned ignition will be Wednesday or Thursday (April 26 or 27) and the duration is expected to be one day.
Where: South of Flagstaff, immediately south of Fort Tuthill off of Highway 89A. Approximately two miles southwest of Flagstaff and one mile west of Flagstaff Pulliam Airport.
500 acres.
Closures/Restrictions: May be brief periods of slowing and stopping on Highway 89A.
Smoke Impacts: Smoke may be seen and could impact to the north/northeast
during the day and will be visible from I-17 and the I-40 exchange. Smoke may impact Flagstaff Pulliam Airport,
Mountainaire, Harold Ranch, Flagstaff, Doney Park, Flagstaff residents and motorists on SR 89A, I-17 and I-40. Cooling temperatures in the evenings
may cause smoke to settle and drain down nearby canyons, potentially impacting Oak Creek Canyon,
Continental and Walnut Canyon. Smoke will likely appear thicker the morning after the burn as it settles over night, but should dissipate by early the next afternoon.
Upper Beaver Creek Project (Buck Mountain areas)
Planned ignition are Monday through Thursday (April 24 to 27). Ignitions typically begin between 9-10 a.m. and duration of this project will
be approximately four days.
Where: Approximately 19 miles directly east of Montezuma’s Castle National Monument and ranging north and south approximately three miles west of Buck Mountain Lookout.
Size: 3,500 acres in total,
broken into manageable blocks each day.
Smoke Impacts:
Smoke is predicted to move toward the east/northeast and may impact Mormon Lake communities to the north, and the Discovery Channel Telescope
to the east. Smoke may be seen from Lake Mary Road and I-17. Cooling temperatures in the evenings may cause smoke to settle and drain down nearby canyons, West Clear Creek, the Verde Valley and potentially impacting the Village of Oak Creek.
Nothing planned for next week.
Notifications of upcoming prescribed burns
are provided
regularly by news releases throughout the season and also by the following online resources:
Sign up to receive news releases from Coconino NF:
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For information on possible road closures or road restrictions associated with prescribed burns, please visit
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George F. Jozens
Deputy Public Affairs Officer
Forest Service
Coconino National Forest, Supervisors Office
p: 928-527-3412
1924 S. Thompson St
Flagstaff, AZ 86001
Caring for the land and serving people