U.S. Forest Service
News Release
Media Contact: Brady Smith
Pile burns planned for tomorrow east of Mountainaire Flagstaff, Ariz., Jan. 26, 2016, For Immediate Release —
Fire managers plan to burn slash piles tomorrow located approximately three miles east of the Mountainaire community.
Smoke is expected to rise and drift to the south, possibly lingering in low lying areas overnight,
including Lake Mary Meadows. Good ventilation is expected for the afternoon, which should carry the smoke up and over communities. Smoke will be most visible to those in Mountainaire, Flagstaff, surrounding communities and motorists along Interstate 17 traveling
near the area.
All prescribed burns are dependent upon weather conditions, personnel availability and forest conditions and can be cancelled and rescheduled for a later time.
Notifications of upcoming prescribed burns are provided regularly throughout the season. The public can find this information online through several resources:
Coconino website:
www.coconinonationalforest.us, (Under News and Events)